Hi there!
The reason why you're here is probably because you wanna know what I did to achieve a SEO score of 100 on lighthouse.
Link to my portfolio website is at the bottom.
I will lay out all my tips and tricks over here, which I implemented to achieve this! Let's get this thing started! 🤘
Tip #1
Don't use plugins
Most of the search engines don't index browser plugins relying content (Java/ Flash). Plugin-based content doesn't show up in search results, so it's better to avoid it!
Plus, plugins aren't supported by most of the mobile devices, which creates a not-so-good experience for a mobile user.
Here's an article which will help you to convert a Flash video to HTML5 video
Tip #2
Use lang
Using lang
attribute tells the search engine what version of a page they should list in search results for a given language or region. You should always include the lang attribute inside the tag, to declare the language of the webpage.
<html lang="en">
Tip #3
Use alt
attribute for images
While having an alt attribute for every image might not seem to be an important thing to do, but let me tell you, IT IS.
If due to some reason, an image doesn't loads, the alt text will tell the user what the image was about.
Make sure that it is short and descriptive.
<img src="image.png" alt="logo">
If the image is used just for decoration and does not provide any useful content, then give it an empty alt="" attribute and it will be removed from the accessibility tree.
<img src="image.png" alt="">
Tip #4
Don't block it from indexing
Search engines can only show those pages in their search results which haven't been explicitly blocked for indexing. Some HTTP headers and meta tags can be used to tell the crawlers that this page shouldn't be indexed.
Make sure that your code doesn't contain any of the following code lines:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex"/>
X-Robots-Tag: noindex
<meta name="AdsBot-Google" content="noindex"/>
Tip #5
Write descriptive text for your links
Link text is a word or phrase in a hyperlink which can be clicked. When link text clearly conveys a hyperlink's target, both users and search engines can understand the content and its realtion to the linked page.
<p> To view my projects <a href="projects.html"> click here! </a> </p>
<p> View <a href="projects.html"> my projects </a> </p>
Tip #6
Include description in your <meta>
this is the most important thing to do for SEO. The name and content attribute tells the summary of the content of a page that is included in the search results. A well-written, unique meta description makes your page appear more relevant and can increase your search traffic.
<meta name="keyword" content="cmcodes, portfolio, react, react native, javascript, developer">
<meta name="description" content="Here's the portfolio of cmcodes (react & react-native javascript developer).">
<meta name="author" content="cmcodes">
Tip #7
Include the <title>
This is the first thing which a user reads when he searches for a specific term. Make sure that it is relevant and eye-catchy!
<title>cmcodes - React Developer</title>
Tip #8
Include viewport
in <meta>
Many search engines rank pages on the basis of mobile-responsiveness. Without a viewport meta tag, mobile devices render the webpage with the width of a desktop and then scale the pages down, which makes them difficult to read.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=yes">
Thank you for reading so far! 😄
Hope you learned something new from this! 😃
Here's the link to my portfolio website 👉 cmcodes
Here's the link to my portfolio source code 👇
😊 Here's my portfolio where you can see all my projects, blogs, and achievements.
Check it out and do let me know your views! Eager to hear your opinion. 😁
Feel free to share your portfolio link in the comments below. I would be very happy to have a look at them. 😊
Happy Coding! 👨💻
Top comments (32)
Some good tips, but who in their right mind would still use Java or Flash? that's stuff from back when the dinosaurs went extinct ...
Yeah! I thought it would do no harm to mention it here, someone might need it. Last week a client contacted me to optimize his website, and you know what, he didn't got it updated from 2004! 😄
@cmcodes , I think there has been a mistake. The link is not showing up
Oh! I missed to mention the link! Now, it has been fixed. Please take a look and let me know! 😊
Hey Dev, this information is helpful, can you please check my blog, I'm new in this and has started one month back. My site is sadigovtjobs.in/
Please provide me suggestions to improve my site seo, so it can rank on first page.. Thank you
I just checked it! It looks quite infomational. I have shared whatever I knew. If you want to learn more on this, then you can check out more articles online.
Ok, thank you once again
Hi Dev, The information is helpful and still relevant in 2020. I have used many tips mentioned in your post to successfully rank my Clients website. My site is sabtech.in. Requesting you to review the same from your busy schedule and provide me valuable feedback.
Thank you in Advance
Looks good! A li'l bit slow.
Thanks Sir For your valuable input.
Hi, your content is very informative! Can you please check my new blog rakhigiftideas.in Please let me know if it's good enough to rank higher on google. Please give your feedback about it. My average seo score is 85.
Thanks! 😊 Your website looks good, just a li'l bit slow to load. I have written a blog on this that will help you 👉 My website now loads in less than 1 sec! Here's how I did it! ⚡
Sir very informative tactics...but When i am going to put adsense code my litehouse scores become low. I have built it on above considerations Check my site usps-track.us
any tactics for that ...
Adsense ads load asynchronously. It shouldn't affect the speed by any considerable margin.
Sorry cant see your portfoli?!
Oh! I missed to mention the link! Now, it has been fixed. Please take a look and let me know! 😊
Nice and descriptive stuff.
Check out my blog thecoreengineers.com about Civil Engineering and day-to-day stuff.
I did check it out! Good work! Keep it up!
I have webpage score about 94~98 but not even close to top 100 in google rank
Good for you! :)
Let's take this to DM.
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