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Cover image for Adaptability & Flexibility: Key Coding Qualities?
Ben Halpern for CodeNewbie

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Adaptability & Flexibility: Key Coding Qualities?

This week, we're diving into the essential qualities that define exceptional coders. Share your practical tips, inspiring stories, and invaluable insights to help our newbies cultivate these qualities and unlock their full coding potential. Together, let's empower the next generation of coding superstars. Today's quality is:

Adaptability and Flexibility

How do you handle situations when requirements or project scope changes unexpectedly? Any tips for staying adaptable and flexible in coding projects?

Share an example of a time when you had to quickly adapt to changes in a coding project. How did you manage it, and what did you learn from the experience?

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Top comments (3)

ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown

Early in my career I thought of projects like beloved pets. Defended them with zeal and took criticism and changes as personal attacks. This is an error.

It's important to understand that the needs that are the reason for a project to exist are not permanent, are not often well understood, and that the solution you've devised or built can easily be replaced by something better, cheaper or just plane no longer needed, that its scope can be altered and what you thought was super important can be removed at any time.

The value you have is not locked in what you make, its in the making of those things.

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

AH on this, I had a professor who used to say, "Don't be afraid to kill your babies" -- in regards to not being too precious about ideas and trying different things out. The wording is definitely extreme but I think the lesson here is quality!

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa • Edited

It seems that this document The Art Of Messy Code can give the image how to dance in the chaos situation.

The Art Of Messy Code