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Cover image for Coding Community: How Essential Are Collaboration & Communication?
Ben Halpern for CodeNewbie

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Coding Community: How Essential Are Collaboration & Communication?

This week, we're diving into the essential qualities that define exceptional coders. Share your practical tips, inspiring stories, and invaluable insights to help our newbies cultivate these qualities and unlock their full coding potential. Together, let's empower the next generation of coding superstars. Today's quality is:

Collaboration and Communication

What approaches do you take to foster effective collaboration and communication within a coding team or project?

Share an experience where your collaborative and communication skills played a significant role in achieving success or overcoming a coding obstacle.

Follow the CodeNewbie Org and #codenewbie for more discussions and online camaraderie!

Top comments (3)

jdmedlock profile image
Jim Medlock • Edited

IMHO it's not just important, but critical. Being part of a team not only reinforces and improves technical skills. It also let's you build the "soft" skills that are often more important to success than technical skill.

Teamwork is like steroids for learning. But, it requires that you be both open and frank in the feedback you provide to teammates. Just as important is the fact that you have to be open to suggestions and criticism. Looking at every bit of feedback you get as a learning moment is a great way to improve.

rachelfazio profile image
Rachel Fazio

Extremely important!!! Team work makes the dream work baby

trevsh profile image

Amen homie!