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Ben Halpern for CodeNewbie

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Continuous Learning & Curiosity: Fuels of Top-notch Coders?

This week, we're diving into the essential qualities that define exceptional coders. Share your practical tips, inspiring stories, and invaluable insights to help our newbies cultivate these qualities and unlock their full coding potential. Together, let's empower the next generation of coding superstars. Today's quality is:

Continuous Learning and Curiosity

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the coding field? Any resources or learning strategies you find helpful?

Share a time when your curiosity led you to explore a new technology or programming language. How did it impact your coding journey?

Top comments (9)

edwardgunawan profile image
Edward Huang

Hi, 👋 it's Edward here. I have worked as a software engineer for multiple years in both a big tech and high-growth startup. I wrote about actionable advice and knowledge for software engineers to level up.

I believe that when exploring new technology and programming languages, it's essential to have a clear purpose. Without a purpose, learning about the latest trends and technologies can be a waste of time. As a software engineer, time is our most valuable asset, and we need to use it wisely. Therefore, it's crucial to understand how the new technology can help solve business problems instead of just satisfying our curiosity. The best engineers I've worked with are skilled in leveraging the frameworks and programming languages they know to solve business problems. Additionally, I've noticed that they have a solid understanding of the programming languages and technologies used in the team, whether it's a new language like Rust or an older language like C++.

Instead of being tempted by new and shiny programming languages or web frameworks, it is more beneficial to focus on deepening your knowledge of the programming languages or frameworks that YOUR team is currently using. This approach has several advantages in terms of your learning journey:

  • Getting motivated to apply what you learn is most effective when you align your goals with those of your team.
  • Now that you have learned these tools, you can immediately apply them in your workplace to make direct impact.
  • You instantly become the subject matter expert in that field - which gives you an edge of influence in the team.

I delved into learning new technology to see if it would benefit my team. During my time at Disney Streaming Service, I studied functional programming and the Scala programming language. To ensure proper design and writing techniques, I read numerous articles and books. My extensive knowledge of Scala earned me the trust of my team and led to a significant project that optimized the payment processing system for Disney+.

To sum up, it's best to focus on learning technology and programming languages when they're necessary to solve business problems, rather than just for the sake of learning. It's important to prioritize learning that will have the greatest impact on your team. Learning without considering your team's goals is less effective.

krlz profile image

Totally agree, thanks for sharing, I also got a chance to work with Scala and the journey started mostly in the same terms, the company I ve been working needed to implement this technology for the sake of the streaming services, this was a great experience

edwardgunawan profile image
Edward Huang

Hi krlz! Thanks for sharing your experience.

angelotheman profile image
Angel Oduro-Temeng Twumasi

I would love to connect with you. Kindly share your socials. Or better still, here is mine.


edwardgunawan profile image
Edward Huang

Hi Angel! I'd love to connect with you. You can find me at path to senior and my email address will be included in the welcome letter. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! 😀

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa • Edited

Hi 👋🏼, I am a Software Freestyle Engineer, I'm writing "The Art Of Messy Code" and this is the preface:

In the labyrinthine realm of software development, there exists an unconventional artistry, an uncharted territory where the boundaries of order and chaos coalesce, giving birth to a unique approach known as "The Art of Messy Code." Within these pages, we embark on a revelatory journey that defies traditional norms, one that resonates with the fervor of a playwright, the imagination of an artist, and the audacity of a freestyle software engineer.

This book is a celebration of the mavericks of programming, the intrepid souls who eschew the conventional paths to discover their own, embracing the messiness and unpredictability of the creative process. Through the eyes of our enigmatic guide, a master of character-driven coding, we are about to glimpse an entirely different dimension of software development.

In Chapter 1: "Don't Think: The Best Solution For Software Development" we are implored to abandon the preconceived notions of order and linear thinking that have long dominated the software engineering landscape. Instead, we are invited to venture into the enigmatic world of spontaneous creation, where the code emerges organically, like a compelling narrative flowing from the quill of a playwright. Here, it is not the rigid adherence to protocols or the dogmatic pursuit of perfection that takes precedence, but the pursuit of unbridled innovation through the unhindered mind.

With each turn of the page, we will be introduced to a new perspective—a fresco of unorthodox ideas, ingenious workarounds, and unapologetically messy solutions that challenge the status quo. As we delve deeper, we will come to realize that amidst the chaos lies a remarkable form of order, an abstract symphony of intricately woven characters that breathe life into the code.

But beware, for this journey is not for the faint of heart. It requires a willingness to embrace the unexpected, to let go of inhibitions, and to embrace the artistry in every keystroke. Our playwright, artist, and freestyle software engineer beckon us to unshackle our creativity and explore the unexplored recesses of our coding prowess.

So, my dear reader, if you dare to traverse this extraordinary path and immerse yourself in the captivating fusion of creativity and code, then turn the page and allow "The Art of Messy Code" to ignite the fire within you. Embrace the chaos, for it is within that cauldron of artistic fervor that we shall uncover the true essence of software development.

May this book inspire you to unleash your inner artist and pioneer a new era of character-driven coding. Welcome to a realm where messiness is not just accepted but celebrated—a world where the unconventional becomes the rule, and brilliance thrives amidst the seeming disorder.

Let the journey begin.

Yours sincerely,

Imam Ali Mustofa

I'll be sharing it on from Chapter 0 onwards.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Sounds interesting! Looking forward to seeing Chapter 0. 🙌

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Wooh yeah... I will share in from Chapter 0 for each part, then continue to Chapter 1! 🚀

starkraving profile image
Mike Ritchie

Self-taught here. I started on full-stack development before there was such a thing as “back of front” for the front end, so that’s a weakness of mine now for sure. I don’t usually follow “shiny and new” for where my learning takes me next; I identify areas where my knowledge has gaps and try to fill them. I just purchased a course for WebPack 5 in fact — i love being a life-long learner!