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Sveltekit Vite with Tailwind 2

svelte@next with postcss and tailwind


5.update to SvelteKit Vite, all work. This post outdate and will not maintain anymore, check the repo
4.add demo
3.make run build export static build/ directory
2.fix run build error
1.fix huge error


Pump the brakes! A little disclaimer...

svelte@next is not ready for use yet. It definitely can't
run your apps, and it might not run at all.

We haven't yet started accepting community contributions,
and we don't need people to start raising issues yet.

Given these warnings, please feel free to experiment, but
you're on your own for now. We'll have something to show
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Sapper v1 will never be released, instead Svelte is being developed further. For more information, please check out the jessenkinner post at : Sapper is dead, what is next in Svelte?

However, that didn't stop me from trying it wholeheartedly.

By the way, I just got to know pnpm and was very happy to know and use it. So I'm going to use pnpm instead of npm or yarn, although they both have the same use.

Create Svelte project

for now, you can run this command in your terminal, assuming you have pnpm installed :

pnpm init svelte@next svelte-next
cd svelte-next
pnpm i
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Where svelte-next is the name of your project directory. You can choose if you want to use typescript or not.

Before going any further, we can ensure that the current version is "ok" to develop by running the command below and accessing localhost:3000 in the browser.

pnpm run dev
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If you got error like this

    at Object.loadUrl (C:\Users\hp\www\sveltest\node_modules\.pnpm\snowpack@3.0.0-rc.2\node_modules\snowpack\src\commands\dev.ts:607:13)
    at C:\Users\hp\www\sveltest\node_modules\.pnpm\@sveltejs\kit@1.0.0-next.15\node_modules\@sveltejs\kit\src\api\dev\index.js:167:14
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it seems like there problem in the snowpack configuration, so edit plugins line to like this

    plugins: [
                compilerOptions: {
                    hydratable: true
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stop and rerun the dev server

Setting up the preprocess

If you are not using typescript, then you need to add the preprocess manualy by run this command

pnpm i -D svelte-preprocess
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Then apply the preprocess to svelte add PostCSS to it

// svelte.config.js
const sveltePreprocess = require('svelte-preprocess');
module.exports = {
    // Consult
    // for more information about preprocessors
    preprocess: [
            defaults: {
                script: 'typescript',
                style: 'postcss',
            postcss: true
    kit: {
        // By default, `npm run build` will create a standard Node app.
        // You can create optimized builds for different platforms by
        // specifying a different adapter
        adapter: '@sveltejs/adapter-node',

        // hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
        target: '#svelte'
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The default object property that defines the default languages of your components. so the configuration above makes TypeScript the default language, removing the need of adding lang="ts" to script tags and lang="postcss" to style tags.

Add PostCSS and Tailwind

pnpm add -D @snowpack/plugin-postcss postcss postcss-cli postcss-load-config postcss-preset-env
pnpm add -D tailwindcss autoprefixer cssnano
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Because svelte@next still in development, maybe you wont to bring it to production, you may just skip autoprefixer or cssnano if you don't need them.

I just use postcss-preset-env for nesting, you can use other plugin like postcss-nesting or else.

Setting up PostCSS

Edit the Snowpack Configuration file

// snowpack.config.js
// Consult to learn about these options
module.exports = {
    extends: '@sveltejs/snowpack-config',
    plugins: [
                cmd: "postcss",
                input: [".css", ".pcss"],
                output: [".css"],
                compilerOptions: {
                    hydratable: true
    mount: {
        'src/components': '/_components'
    alias: {
        $components: './src/components'

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Create PostCSS configuration file in the project's root folder. Shomething like this.

// postcss.config.js
const mode = process.env.NODE_ENV;
const dev = mode === "development";

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        require('postcss-preset-env')({stage: 1}),

        !dev && require("cssnano")({
            preset: "default",
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Setting up Tailwind

Run this command

npx tailwind init
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Edit Tailwind configuration

// taiwind.config.js
const { tailwindExtractor } = require("tailwindcss/lib/lib/purgeUnusedStyles");

module.exports = {
    purge: {
        content: [
        options: {
            defaultExtractor: (content) => [
                ...[...content.matchAll(/(?:class:)*([\w\d-/:%.]+)/gm)].map(([_match, group, ..._rest]) => group),
            keyframes: true,
    darkMode: 'class',
    theme: {
        extend: {},
    variants: {
        extend: {},
    plugins: [],
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the tailwindExtractor is for future purpose, so you can use class: directive

Tailwind ready to use

Create src\routes\global.pcss

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

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then use it on src\routes\$layout.svelte

    import './global.pcss';

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on the src\routes\index.svelte

    import Counter from '$components/Counter.svelte';

    <h1 class="uppercase text-5xl font-extrabold my-16">Hello world!</h1>

    <p>Visit the <a href=""></a> to learn how to build Svelte apps.</p>

  main {
    @apply px-8 py-16 mx-auto max-w-5xl text-center;

  * + * {
    @apply mb-0 mt-4;

  p {
    @apply text-xl;
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The boileplate

Sveltekit with Tailwind

If you want to try ready to use boiler plate I made with dark mode toggle theme, you can check my reposistory here


  • to generate static site you can deploy in netlify, just run build command, i already update the repo
  • Live Demo

Still learning to write post in English. Please be advised.

comment if you find another error


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Top comments (36)

eugenioclrc profile image

I think this its only working with the initial kit version, with the latest version its not working :(
I try different things and always is the same error;
at Object.loadUrl (....../svelte-next/node_modules/.pnpm/snowpack@3.0.0-rc.2/node_modules/snowpack/src/commands/dev.ts:607:13)
at ....../svelte-next/node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs/kit@1.0.0-next.14/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/api/dev/index.js:165:14

acidlake profile image
Jeremias Nunez

it was not working for my at first also, but i manage to get it working on my way, here are my config.

first create a project like you normal do pnpm init svelte@next project-name
then edit your files as the one that im using, after that run pnpm i, and wait for the install to finish after that, pnpm run dev and done.


eugenioclrc profile image

with this change the preload function hook its not working

eugenioclrc profile image

well that did work! buuut, know the i18n is broken :*(

Error: [svelte-i18n] Cannot format a message without first setting the initial locale.

Thread Thread
acidlake profile image
Jeremias Nunez

that's some error regarding svelte-i18n follow this instructions to make it work

dansvel profile image

thanks, i already update the post for this error,,

esgabo profile image
Gabriel Espinel

Hi, Dan. This is very helpful.

Have you experienced an issued with the "hover:underline" in the index.svelte file?. I'm getting an error

Build Error: @snowpack/plugin-svelte
Semicolon or block is expected (31:32)
29: }
30: a {
31: @apply text-indigo-600 hover:underline;
32: }

It seems it's not able to process the CSS correctly. Once I remove that, it works.

dansvel profile image

hm,, it's hard because you don't use the code style,,

i think it would be the

a {
  @apply text-indigo-600 hover: underline; /* use space after colon will make error in preprocess */
  @apply text-indigo-600 hover:underline;
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div {
  @apply md: px-4; /* not works */
  @apply md:px-4; /* work fine */
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esgabo profile image
Gabriel Espinel

I think I found the issue.
The file svelte.config does not have the ´postcss: true´ in the repo

However, it does instruct that property in this current page. Once I applied that config, it worked fine. Thanks.

You may want to apply that fix in the repo as well.

Thread Thread
dansvel profile image

aw man,, thanks,, i already update the file,,

i still in experiment to make the repo as simple as possible,,

esgabo profile image
Gabriel Espinel

Thanks. I'm sorry about the format. I didn't make any change to your code, I simply clone the repo and it didn´t worked for me as is. The code doesn´t have any space.

mzaini30 profile image

I try Svelte Kit today and get this error:

Error: No element indexed by 0
    at ArraySet$2.ArraySet_at [as at] (D:\zen\latihan-svelte-kit\node_modules\.pnpm\vite@2.0.5\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e0f09032.js:24278:9)
    at BasicSourceMapConsumer.<anonymous> (D:\zen\latihan-svelte-kit\node_modules\.pnpm\vite@2.0.5\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e0f09032.js:25193:67)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at BasicSourceMapConsumer.SourceMapConsumer_eachMapping [as eachMapping] (D:\zen\latihan-svelte-kit\node_modules\.pnpm\vite@2.0.5\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e0f09032.js:25192:14)
    at merge (D:\zen\latihan-svelte-kit\node_modules\.pnpm\vite@2.0.5\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e0f09032.js:26656:18)
    at ssrTransform (D:\zen\latihan-svelte-kit\node_modules\.pnpm\vite@2.0.5\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e0f09032.js:61382:15)
    at transformRequest (D:\zen\latihan-svelte-kit\node_modules\.pnpm\vite@2.0.5\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e0f09032.js:61650:48)
    at async instantiateModule (D:\zen\latihan-svelte-kit\node_modules\.pnpm\vite@2.0.5\node_modules\vite\dist\node\chunks\dep-e0f09032.js:67994:10)
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dansvel profile image

currently you cannot use any postcss or typescript. But you could init a project with no typescript and and only css and you should also get the dev server running. This is the tracking issue as far as I know:

mzaini30 profile image


quantuminformation profile image

tried to run dev

(node:92442) ExperimentalWarning: The ESM module loader is experimental.

Listening on localhost:3000
Error: No element indexed by 0
at ArraySet$2.ArraySet_at as at
at BasicSourceMapConsumer. (/U

I'll stop now)

dansvel profile image

for now, the latest version of svelte kit is using esm, and vite as builder and everything is broken,,

if you want to try sveltekit work,, you need specify the version,, maybe nex.29 or next.34 in your package.json file,,

for more information, check

the maintaner of sveltekit said, better to work with sapper, coz migrating will easy,,

quantuminformation profile image


dansvel profile image

oh,, sorry,,

i think i know why it doesn't export index.html is because in svelte.config.js the adapter is node,

try to install @sveltejs/adapter-static and change the svelte.config.js adapter to static

dansvel profile image
dan • Edited

@avorona , I think I've found the problem, I think it's because svelte compiles all files into .js ,, soglobal.pcss becomes global.js ,, or index.pcss or other name

what we can do to run the run build without problems,

  • rename the file global.pcss toGlobalStyle.svelte
  • edit the contents of GlobalStyle.svelte to be something like this
<style global>
/* preprocessing css goes here */
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  • and in the $layout.svelte
  // import './global.pcss'
  import GlobalStyle from './GlobalStyle.svelte'

  // other code

<GlobalStyle/> <!-- call the component  -->
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do the run build,, and,, BOOM!!! no error

please CMIIW

eugenioclrc profile image

Why not inside the $layout.svelte?

mhatvan profile image
Markus Hatvan

As far as I know from the Svelte Discord channel, running it is broken right now for Typescript, for JavaScript it should work.

For Typescript, a workaround is to add

"resolutions": {
  "snowpack": "2.17.0"
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to the package.json

dansvel profile image
dan • Edited

I still haven't found a way ,,


This project aims to replicate Sapper's functionality in its entirety, minus building for deployment (which can be handled by 'adapters' that do various opinionated things with the output of snowpack build).

babichjacob profile image
Jacob Babich

Hi dan, it may help to clarify that "$layout.svelte on root" means src/routes/$layout.svelte and to fix the typo in "Create src\routes.pcss" to src/routes/global.pcss

dansvel profile image

very thanks,

i write it in late night, like 2.30 am,,

eugenioclrc profile image

I think now the preload funcition tis not working;

export async function preload({ host, path, params, query }, session) {

dansvel profile image

i think it's sveltekit problem different from sapper,, need to wait for documentation for more

eugenioclrc profile image

preload function has been renamed to load;

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