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Dhaval Dave
Dhaval Dave

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NodeJS vs Python: Choose the Best Tech for Backend Development

In this piece of article, I will be bold, straight, and profess which of these technologies is winning the game: NodeJS or Python. Let’s get into it and start with a brief explanation.

Overview of NodeJS and Python

Before I declare which of these technologies is better, let me also mention both Python and NodeJS are great and two of the most popular backend-developing technologies in the developers’ world. And most of the time, the software depends on the developer as well, not just the technology. So, while you hire back-end developers, keep your intuitions open, and reading the reviews is a must.

Now, let’s begin.

Understand NodeJS

First of all, NodeJS is not what you think it is – it is not a programming language. Then what is it? It is an open-source server field for JavaScript. The latest version is NodeJS 18, which is said to be used till April 2025. So, you know it is going for a long run. And here’s the best part; NodeJS is grounded on the Google V8 engine.

It has a built-in interpreter, optimizer, and compiler. Designed by Google, the NodeJS engine is formed under C++ language to be utilized in the Chrome browser. It is known for its sonic speed performance, which is vital for developers.

Understand Python

Unlike NodeJS, Python is a programming language. The latest version is Python 3.11.0. However, Python 3.7 is way more popular with you can develop python apps. Now, where does it run? Is it the same as NodeJS? Yes, it is also developed by Google and runs on the Google App engine.

So, this is the grim picture; both are by Google, offer high-speed performance, and are preferred by developers. But what we want to find out is which one is better and what the difference is between NodeJS and Python.

Let’s debate!

NodeJS vs Python: Who is the Showstopper?

To call for the differences between NodeJS and Python, there is plenty to add. Say, for example, the release date – Python was introduced back in 1991, whereas NodeJS came recently in the market around 2009. Let’s see the other difference.

Speed and Performance

I already told you; both are great in terms of speed and performance. But the question is, which is better?

Starting with NodeJS

It is remarkable. The Google V8 engine makes all the difference. Plus, NodeJS performs code outside Google Chrome. So, considering it is resourceful, efficient, and performs seamlessly. Also, it enables the use of functions like TCP sockets.

Now let’s look at the scenario of Python.

Speed and Performance of Python

To compare, Python is relatively slower as it uses a uni-flow of coding, and requests are met slowly. Python is, therefore, not the ideal option for projects that emphasize speed and efficiency or require a large number of intricate computations. As a result, Python-based web apps are slower than NodeJS-based ones.


To create a well-formed structure in software, the syntax is formed. In layman’s terms, the programming language rules are formed. So, what are Python and NodeJS’s rules?

Syntax of NodeJS

The majority of the time, the syntax is a question of taste. So, if I say NodeJS syntax is better or Python syntax is better, my skeptical readers might send me hate letters (just kidding). However, to say in detail, NodeJS syntax and JavaScript in browsers are fairly similar. Therefore, you won’t run into any problems with NodeJS if you are already comfortable with JavaScript.

Syntax of Python

The syntax of Python is frequently seen to be its best asset. Software developers write less amount of code when during Python development than they would if they were using NodeJS. Python’s syntax is devoid of delimiters and is relatively straightforward.


Do you know the software, Canva? And create a design using a template makes the process a lot easier to create the graphic. Similarly, libraries are like templates in programming languages. It is the collection of prewritten code.

NodeJS Library

The NPM, also known as Node Package Manager, is responsible for overseeing libraries and programs in NodeJS. One of the largest collections of software libraries is there. NPM is quick, well-documented, and easy to operate.

Python Library

Pip is responsible for overseeing Python’s libraries. Pip is fast, reliable, and easy to operate, making it fluent for developers to learn how to use it. To evaluate honestly, both NodeJS and Python have reliable, managed, and well-documented libraries.

Suitability of Apps

Every back-end technology has its own potential. Here we will look at which is best suited for apps; Python or NodeJS.

NodeJS Suitability

Nodejs Development solutions are ideal for applications with many parallel requests, intensive client-side processing, or frequent data shifting from a user to a server because of their efficient architecture. In terms of suitability, it is actually quite tough to choose one. It completely depends on the type of app and on which the developer is more comfortable.

Python Suitability

Both simple and huge projects can be developed using Python. It can be used for LMS, face and recognition software, sensor fusion, artificial neural, and data science apps that analyze and visualize data. Python may be used to create games and tools for 3D visuals as well.

Error Handling

Error handling extends clean code to the developers. What is the use of that? It helps to debug. Debugging removes errors and produces a better UI. Which of our debated back-end technology performs better at error handling? Let’s see.

NodeJS Error Handling

Clean code is like a window dressing. So, to make it happen, NodeJS multithreading potentially helps in speedy and efficient performance. However, since it is a process that involves multiple requests at a time, runtime errors are expected.

Python Error Handling

Here the scene is different. Python troubleshoots compact code. Its uni-flow coding and request system makes debugging way easier for the developers. Hence, in my opinion, Python is a clear winner in error handling.


I promised you I would give you a winner in this article, and here I am with my answer – both being extremely helpful and efficient back-end technology, NodeJS is relatively ahead in the competition. But you should always keep in mind that each app or web app project has its own set of requirements. So, choose the one that aligns with your software needs. Good luck with your next big project.

Top comments (9)

mfurmaniuk profile image

These comparing two things that are only slightly similar articles don't do much for me, as always you select the best tool for the job you want to do. Would be nice to see where the intersect is for what they are used for and go from there rather than a few attributes that don't match up overall.

gdledsan profile image
Edmundo Sanchez

It is not only wrong to say Python is developed by google, it is an insult to the open source community that contributes to python.
Also, is very wrong to say python runs on Google App engine.

ldrscke profile image
Christian Ledermann

Yes, I stopped reading after that sentence. Also Node.js has nothing to do with Google apart from the V8 interpreter. The article seems to be poorly researched.

gdledsan profile image
Edmundo Sanchez

I read it all, (trying to be respectful here), you did't miss anything.

I also thought that the article can not be trusted after I read that.

bcostaaa01 profile image

Where are the code examples to compare syntax between the two?

Syntax in NodeJS and JavaScript is not only similar, but it is the same, aside from some keywords that were introduced specifically in Node. NodeJS was built with and for JavaScript, so it is natural that the syntax is like that. The core syntax and language features are there.

Combining ExpressJS with NodeJS makes a great combination, in my opinion. As a JavaScript developer, using NodeJS is a go-go for me, hence Python wouldn’t make sense to use for an already existing/to be built project in let’s say React or VueJS. But of course Python has powerful capabilities in backend development that can be explored in order to bring great results, nevertheless.

Also, libraries aren’t only pre-written JavaScript code, but also and most importantly extensions of the language and the options you can explore with them. You put it as if they are and do the same thing but with less code, which can be misleading in many ways…

liftoffstudios profile image
Liftoff Studios

Better yet, Use Actix (Rust) 😆
You get type safety compiled executables and blazingly fast code!
Performance boost 101

egelados profile image
Kostas Psarras

Numbers seem to tell a different story performancewise :)

egelados profile image
Kostas Psarras
gdledsan profile image
Edmundo Sanchez

Yes, but sometimes the answer is go