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Life In Software Development – FAQ

This post is the third entry addressing frequently asked questions that I get and focuses on life in software development. If you haven’t read the first FAQ or the second FAQ, I might suggest starting there!

What are your thoughts about software development as a career in general?

Software development is a dynamic and continually evolving field that presents endless opportunities for both personal and professional growth. In today’s digital age, where technology intertwines with almost every aspect of our lives, software engineers play an essential role in shaping the future. This career is not just about coding; it’s about problem-solving, innovating, and bringing ideas to life. Furthermore, software development offers excellent compensation, flexibility, and opportunities to work in diverse industries. While it can be challenging, the rewards, both tangible and intangible, make it a fulfilling choice for many.

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What makes someone stand out as a great software developer?

While technical prowess is essential, what truly distinguishes a great software developer is a combination of soft and technical skills. A great developer is not only proficient in coding but is also an effective communicator, empathetic team player, and proactive problem solver. They continually seek feedback to improve and possess a genuine curiosity that drives them to explore, learn, and innovate. Adaptability in the face of change, coupled with a deep understanding of user needs and business context, allows them to deliver impactful solutions that go beyond mere functionality.

Master a single language or tech stack? Or should you diversify?

While mastering a single language or tech stack can make you an expert in that domain, the rapidly changing nature of technology means that diversification is beneficial. By diversifying, you become adaptable, which can be invaluable in a world where tech stacks and industry needs can shift.

That said, it’s essential to strike a balance. Start by achieving depth in one area to gain a solid foundation, and then branch out to diversify your skill set. This combination of depth and breadth will equip you to handle specialized tasks and adapt to various scenarios and roles.

To provide a more concrete example of how to juggle this, consider building a web application. Web applications usually consist of a web server (back end), a web client (front end), and often a database as well (part of the back end). Before you can create a full-on web application, you likely have to get familiar with the language of your choice for building the front end or the back end.

Sometimes people use different languages for the user interface compared to the web server — It’s actually very common! But we also have database query languages (such as SQL) that we’ll need to learn about. If you try to do ALL of these at once, it might feel overwhelming… But if you focus on one part first, you may have more success! You’ll need to see for yourself.

Should you program outside of work to learn? Or is there enough on-the-job learning?

Programming outside of work can be beneficial, especially for those early in their careers or for those trying to learn a new skill or tech stack. Personal projects, contributing to open source, or even just practicing coding challenges can solidify your learning and spark creativity.

However, it’s crucial to ensure work-life balance. On-the-job learning is immensely valuable and often tailored to real-world applications and challenges. The key is to strike a balance based on your goals and career stage. Remember, continuous learning is the hallmark of a successful developer, but that learning can take various forms.

Something that you will want to factor in is your current goals. As a new software developer, you may find that with a limited resume, you need more ways to stand out against the competition. In this case, it may be extra beneficial to focus on side projects to build up experience and have a portfolio to showcase. As you become more senior in your software development role, you’ll have more career experience to draw upon.

And while not universally true, you may find while you are younger that you have more time to dedicate to extra curricular learning. As your career progresses, you may find that time feels more limited. Life in software development is fun and demanding, but don’t let it consume you!

Do software developers burn out?

Yes, software developers, like professionals in many fields, can experience burnout. The nature of the job, which often involves tight deadlines, high expectations, and the cognitive demand of problem-solving, can be intense. Additionally, the blur between work and personal life, especially with remote work, can exacerbate feelings of exhaustion and stress.

It’s essential for developers to recognize the signs of burnout and for companies to foster a supportive environment. Regular breaks, time management, setting boundaries, and seeking support when needed can help mitigate burnout and ensure a sustainable and rewarding career in software development.

Summarizing Life In Software Development

Life in software development is fun and complex. That’s why we love it! This of course means that it can be challenging to navigate, and trying to understand the best way to strike a balance with your time invested can be difficult.

I hope that by reading through this article you gained some additional insights about life in software development! Like many things, there aren’t universal truths here we can use like a cookie-cutter… but with you can apply the different perspectives to your situation to see if they fit.

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Top comments (2)

exocody profile image

Excellent post!
The issue of burnout is becoming increasingly relevant!
The daily pressure we face to meet deadlines, the high expectations, and the cognitive demands of problem-solving aligns with the reasons behind the development and upcoming launch of Exocoding. I hope we will bring more time quality to all of us.

devleader profile image
Dev Leader

Thanks for the comment!

Burnout is definitely a real thing... It unfortunately creeps up on people sometimes :( In some cases, it's quite obvious and the symptoms are all there. But in other cases, you may not realize you're in a bad spot until you recognize that you've trimmed out important parts of your life that you value.