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Break the Code 2 x DEV Chat

This is a dedicated thread to discuss your experience with Break the Code 2 with others on DEV. Keep the conversation friendly and focused around the game! We also request that you avoid spoiling surprises and clues for others.

Have a question about Break the Code 2? Representatives from Break the Code 2 will be monitoring this thread and jumping in if you need assistance.

Have fun! 👩‍💻

Top comments (233)

fisheiyy profile image
Fisheiyy • Edited

starting a thread for G2

edit: spoilers but if you just want the answers (

uncrafteble profile image
UNcrafteble • Edited

thread for seti@work

i found that this Ftqdq mdq 12 Bqzfayuza etmbqe uz ftq eomz sol is solved by using a ceasar cipher an means There are 12 Pentomino shapes in the scan.
also the name Delalian is used, wich is a game about pentomino shapes, in the table with letters there is already a piece in place, so i think the table has to be filled in an the remaining spots are the awnser. any ideas?

found this template:
the pieces it seems to fit

diesirae profile image

As far as i know:
-All of the pentomino's have a letter asociated to the shape
-One way to order all the pentomino's is in a 3*20

And there is an image in map view that is a 3*20 matrix

To this i have to say, 116 in roman is CXVI, and there are some pentomino's asociated to this same letters

kuro13ne profile image

anyone found the answer for seti@work ?

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uncrafteble profile image

yes use the 20×3 matrix and look for the C,X,V,I shapes then find the middel of that shape and those letters shoud form a logical answer.

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uncrafteble profile image

it is



theunloadedone profile image
christopher saylor

Yea still haven't got the solve

the_techy profile image
Sebastian Nicholson

Any progress on this? I'm really confused with this one

evilcheese01 profile image

A bit unrelated but it mentions the Roman 116 cluster
and i found this, it mentions roman astronomers. Possibly related?

hae_won77 profile image

Did you find the answer??

logika profile image
David Santoso

I'm stuck in weather so I check the netfilms
The movie in rental queue, is grouped in pair resulting in a total 6 groups.
Based on the hint, you sum the number (as clippy say, oddly number) in the poster and convert it to a binary.
Don't know about the review page
For the delivery schedule, if green is 1 and red is 0. Then it will produce new binary set except saturday.

tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

all that is waste of time, just look at the first two pages.

Movies on pages were all "POPULAR" at the time they came out!
Hint#1...another word for popular when talking about movies! Think about Matrix movie!

Hint#2...a word for something that Clint Eastwood uses and other action movies have in their
movie on that list on page one.
put the two words together and BINGO you got it!

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hooliganweeb profile image

Popular and Guns? Is what im getting from this. Damn i wish i watched theese movies

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

second one you got now change popular to something when movie becomes No.1 as an example!

yoniyon profile image

No need for binary for this challenge.
Read the reviews - they have great hints.
Than go to the schedule and try to look without using your eyes

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logika profile image
David Santoso

Clippy said the same, about can be solve for visually impaired

But I'm still confuse as hell

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yoniyon profile image

just read the reviews, and then go to schedule. And think how visually impaired would read it

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gaurang847 profile image

OH MY GOD! That is brilliant!

yoniyon profile image

Use the word LASER (from the book) as the input for the pseudo-code
It is using all (and only) the f(1,x)s
But we can't figure out what the drawing creates...

logika profile image
David Santoso

Using LASER and draw it randomly in Excel
L & A have same function so same pattern, same with E & R
S is basically bigger version of E & R
S should not have pattern because the function exit if detect alphabet S

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yoniyon profile image

From what we figure -
Draw it over the grid of the globe.
Note you should start going north (compass set to N).
But how to continue?

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lureofthesea profile image

For each letter in LASER, find the corresponding key on the keyboard and call the pseudocode with the f(x,y) on that key.

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yoniyon profile image

that is what we wrote. but what to do with the path that was painted by the function?

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prisben profile image

Are you obtaining a path? mine seems to be a closed shape

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yoniyon profile image

closed shape is correct

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prisben profile image

Ok, because I just can't figure out what it should represent

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yoniyon profile image

If you have the right shape you will know what it is
It is difficult to see at first
try turning it around

and, maybe use red color for the path

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prisben profile image

Thank you, still can't get it though hahaha maybe I've drawn the wrong figure

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janen13 profile image

I feel the same as you... this is the shape I got

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prisben profile image

Yes this is exactly the same shape I got!!

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janen13 profile image

Ok, I figured it out, our shape was wrong. It should look more like this...

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prisben profile image

Great Janis! now it makes sense!

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

Think of Titanic movie what did Rose wear in the movie, along with the lyrics to a Backstreet Boys song!

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mustachio128 profile image

I don't get it

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

ok in a scene in the movie Titanic, Rose is laying naked on the couch and Jack is going to draw a picture of her. She said " Draw me like one of your French girls!" (This is Hint by clippy) Just google this and remember what is she wearing in the scene? Also another hint is Backstreet Boys songs most of their songs refer to something in particular!

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

LMAO.........ok then easiet way is what ia a Valentines? one word!

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hypxr14 profile image

screw drawing with the code or anything. just google backstreet boys songs. there is a word that shows up many times.

banksmustapha7 profile image

Yes please
Just getting started this morning with
The map has a qwerty keyboard, and news has an Isbn
But what do I do with those??

namannarula profile image
Naman Narula

The IBSN links to the book "Laser: Light of a Million Uses".

There's also some kind of co-ordinates on the image of the map, and it has something to do with the code that is on the third column of the featured news section.

Looks like if you put together the code and the co-ordinates from the map, you'll get an alphabet or something (?). I'll go through this at lunch, and get back. :)

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masacaai profile image
Mohammed Aaqel

The featured news section also mentions Mooresburg, PA, and cross-referencing the given keyboard with a map, the closest key to Mooresburg is 'M'.
Unless I'm wrong, I think we start at 'M', use the code given to go across the keyboard and write down all the alphabets we land on. That should give us a key, which should be the solution.

The only thing I"m not able to fit in is the book mentioned. I don't know where that comes in.

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wongman58 profile image
Reece Wong • Edited

In the featured news section, if you click on 'The best way to predict a tornado's trajectory is to view its source.', it brings you to a new page

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masacaai profile image
Mohammed Aaqel

Yes, that's the code I was referring to. We can use the pseudocode given there.

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namannarula profile image
Naman Narula

I figured it out. Basically if you follow the code with the co-ordinates on the map, you'll end up with a shape. That's the answer.

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wongman58 profile image
Reece Wong

When following the code, what does 'If ALPHABET is made of only '2 Straight Lines' or '3 Straight Lines'' ask you? I don't understand it.

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fszabo2 profile image
Fero Szabo • Edited

Alphabet is a letter, right... Now what letters would be made of 2-3 straight lines? :)

I came to the conclusion, drew a shape... I'm pretty sure I've drawn the correct shape I just can't tell what it is... what the hell is that shape? any clues?

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
yoniyon profile image

You do not need to draw on the globe. You can draw on any matrix. Continue the drawing from letter to letter (don't restart). You may need to turn the drawing around to identify the shape

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m_uay_e8aa479d93145c31ca profile image


wame43 profile image

can give hinths i ,m Stucked 4th one ...

hae_won77 profile image

What about last mission?

fisheiyy profile image

nobody has finished it

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hae_won77 profile image

:/ still stuck ...

raphaelyamanaka profile image
Raphael Yamanaka

Need help with the netfilms. Already got the word in the delivery schedule (plus saturday), but I don't know what it that means

tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

doing all that was a waste of time, just look at the list of movie posters, what were they at the time?(hint for first part of word), Next, what do some of the films have in common, like Clint Eastwood movie? (That's hint for second part of the word!)

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hooliganweeb profile image

I have tried my best to understand what your are saying but. I know they all have numbers but the clint eastwood just throws a curve ball at me

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

what are early clint eastwood movies known for?

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raphaelyamanaka profile image
Raphael Yamanaka

sorry, but i still couldn't get the answer, I only know a few of the movies and nothing makes sense in my head. Some movies are musical, other action, other drama. I don't know how to understand your hint

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raphaelyamanaka profile image
Raphael Yamanaka

Are the word related to "successful"? For what i googled, they were all well received?

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helmist profile image
Alex R • Edited

Spaghetti Westerns? Musicals? They all have numbers in their title?
I get 31,45,44,53,59,2

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

Movies were popular in their time would make them no.1 or XXX 3-letter word,
next some of the movies have what in common, Clint Eastwood likes to use what in his movies 3-letter word,now put those two words together and you got it!

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

what did Clint Eastwood use in his movies?....3 letters!

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raphaelyamanaka profile image
Raphael Yamanaka

OMG thank you so much. I didn't even know it was a movie lol. You're a life saver

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

no problem

tylerjusfly profile image

I'm just stuck in the begining. i don't even know how to apply for the job

prao profile image
Pranai Rao

Your email tells you that you should apply through the Terminal. (Let me know if you need another hint)

tylerjusfly profile image

yeah, i got that, so in the teminal what do i type? how do i apply?

i tried pinging the email adress

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prao profile image
Pranai Rao

The email address won't work. Try just pinging the domain:


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nathanlionde profile image

then after

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prao profile image
Pranai Rao

If that worked, then you should see a drive on the desktop with a text file of instructions and four missions.

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hypxr14 profile image

i solved the suduko on the site. what do i do with it.

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prao profile image
Pranai Rao

Congratulations! I can't help you though, I'm still working on the 2nd mission (nabster). Do you have any tips for the 2nd mission?

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hypxr14 profile image
Hypxr • Edited

Hint: Typos in the Music Kid Album.

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users12345j profile image
Users12345j • Edited

Its not working

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fisheiyy profile image

i try HAPPY and happy but it doesnt work

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users12345j profile image


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hypxr14 profile image

There are characters missing in artist names as well.

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users12345j profile image


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fisheiyy profile image

yes i tried HAPPY99 too

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users12345j profile image

There are no missing artist names

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fisheiyy profile image

yes its 98 degrees not just 8 degrees

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users12345j profile image

Any ideas

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fisheiyy profile image

nope, i dont know how to solve the sudoku one or the last one they are both unclear

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users12345j profile image

For the last one, you have to find every single one that has the word dot in it in ALL LANGUAGES

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fisheiyy profile image

i have translated all of the titles of the songs but then what?

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users12345j profile image
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users12345j profile image
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fisheiyy profile image

and? it doesnt work as the answer to anything

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users12345j profile image

idk its a virus

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fisheiyy profile image

the second hint says the first letter of each song name in the OldiesButGoodies playlist and it spells UPGRADEVERSION

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fisheiyy profile image


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users12345j profile image


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nathanlionde profile image

No what I meant is how do I solve the Nada mission

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users12345j profile image


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fisheiyy profile image


users12345j profile image

I have no idea lol

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hypxr14 profile image
Hypxr • Edited

because there was a new and upgraded version of Happy1999 in 2000.

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users12345j profile image


pogger_xdxd_3e555f6f391d1 profile image
pogger xdxd

what to do after that

banksmustapha7 profile image

Go the terminal , ping

mackulin profile image

Starting a top thread for part 4 "Revamp"

Translated every song. One translates to "Hint - Overlap the songs point by point"

Have to overlap the songs but how is the question, what does it mean point by point? Line them up using the equalizer settings? Song duration?

mackulin profile image

Couple other things stand out

these following songs have flat line equalizers while the others dont. They also seem to be clues

Magic Mirror - TOD ETALSNART (TRANSLATE DOT) 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Indiciu - Suprapune punct cu punct melodiile (Hint - Overlap the songs point by point) 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Wayne - The Dot Song 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

SOS - Find me DMS 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3

You can separate the songs in categories. First split them up based on their equalizes, as the same number ones are hints, the other half you can split a second time on if the song is about Dots, if you listen to clippy, he gives hints also. and he states "a rose by any other name is still a rose" , so dot by any other name is still a dot, i.e. POINT, SPOT, LOCATION*

The one song is SOS - Find me DMS, DMS = DEGREES : MINUTES : SECONDS.
This idea is backed by some of those hint songs. Also when you export the list of songs, you only get 18 not the full 19 songs in the list. This is another clue and can be confirmed by seeing the equalized are all the same when you select track 19. This song is called "DEGREES - Spin Me Around", this mentions out degrees and spinning, pointing us back to DMS = DEGREES : MINUTES : SECONDS

So since we are looking for a location, we now know we need the coordinates of this location, not a name.

need to figure out how to solve for the coords, that will be the answer

Clippy gave clue of Duration and Directions be correlated.
Thinking it has to deal with the time lengths of the songs with Dot references.

okay having the songs in three groups does matter. the songs about dot, songs not about dots, and songs that dont fit in either of those.
you add theses songs' lengths up to get minutes and second for both West and North
you then take the two number (116:36) from track 19 for the DEGREES

so once everything is slapped together you get the following coords
116:23:46 W 36:38:38 N

Though i was incorrect, the coords are not the answer but rather the location name they point to.
I will leave that little bit as fun for you guys as this is the last part of this drive.

fisheiyy profile image
Fisheiyy • Edited

all song names translated and reversed when needed:
that is how it shows up from the .csv file you download when you click the "save list" button in the bottom right

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
digitalgreyhat profile image
Digital Grey Hat • Edited

The other guy who deleted the comment said that when you click on the eject button it plays a rickroll.
Edit: It's NOT an Easter Egg

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mackulin profile image

try to install hacx ;) if you are looking for some eggs

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mackulin profile image

@fisheiyy I edited my OG post with more info

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deusexmachina profile image

Installed hacx but is there any other code other than hackerman?

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mackulin profile image

from looking around there is at least one more but i dont know what it is.

I believe it has to deal with the poem in the C Drive under My Computer /C/Files/ILOVEYOU.txt

It's a poem cypher and they are relatively easy to decode if you can figure out if you have the indicator group. which i believe is what starts that random line before the sign off

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romustdie profile image
romustdie • Edited

TOTHEMOON is another one:)

cheezkid260 profile image
cheezkid26 🇺🇦

I don't know what you're saying about "songs about dot, songs not about dots, and songs that don't fit into either of those." The last two categories seem like the same things. Do you mean "songs with dot in the title, song with synonyms for dot (i.e. point) in the title, and songs with neither"?

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mackulin profile image

First look at all the song's equalizer numbers. Any songs that have all the same number (repeating 1 or 2 or 3, etc) are clues. These songs can go in their own group and are no longer useful besides what clues that give.
Of the remaining songs, divide them into two more groups those about dots (points, dots, etc, if it means a dot it is included), if the song does not have anything to do with dots put that in the other group.

IE the three groups are
1 - Songs with straight equalizer bars - these are clues
2 - Songs that deal with dots, points, etc
3 - all remaining songs that dont fit in the above.

fisheiyy profile image
Fisheiyy • Edited

would these be the right equalizer numbers? if so then what to do?

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mackulin profile image

equalizers are just to separate clues from useful songs from what ive figured out.

ainzowl profile image

@mackulin im not sure but the languages of some songs could also be a hint, also a we can split the songs into another categories which is songs that exist and songs that are totally made-up

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ainzowl profile image

clippy give a hint about that by wondering like what wayne will name his daughter or what dj lallma is doing also there's no dj lallma in the songs list

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mackulin profile image

Figured it out already, look at my 3rd edit :)

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ainzowl profile image

ah well xD

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fisheiyy profile image

116° 23' 46" W 36° 38' 38" N
which comes right next to the Area 51 Alien Center so the answer is Area 51

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ainzowl profile image

waiting for G2 :/

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fisheiyy profile image

its out!

harishair profile image

Can someone give me a hint for the pizza challenge as I ran out of points.

tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

Just think of what goes on pizza!

janen13 profile image

The pizza slices on the first page are encoded in a pigpen cipher.

llldmdlll profile image

I solved the pigpen cipher and found that the slicing techniques represent images, then the length of the word for each image is in the phone number at the bottom of the page, but still can't figure out the answer. I've tried about 20 different things that go on pizza but no luck. Anyone get it?

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

Yes, think pizza toppings, hint most images start with the letter "P" like Prism, Pacman, Pyramid, etc. that's the clue! But think what's worst and more of! hint#2

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llldmdlll profile image

Ahhhhh I was missing the "more of" part. Thanks!

tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

Just a waste of time, I did that but not helpful. Just think of what goes on pizza!

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uncrafteble profile image

what kind of topping a vegtable? or somthing else. some more hints pls

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

Think of "P" letter

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

second page shows images of shapes which start with the letter "P" so topping with that letter and more of it! so two words together!

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hooliganweeb profile image

Damn ive studied this for an hour. I still cant get it. Hell i even tried solving the pigeon cipher.

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

Think of pizza toppings that start with "P" but the worst topping and the word for MORE of it

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hooliganweeb profile image

I feel like im missing it. Ive tried everything my brain has comr up with

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

ok what topping is the worst and starts with the letter "P"?
take that word and add a word that means more of that topping
put the two words together and you got it!

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fisheiyy profile image

doesnt really help when you are being so incredibly vague, i dont get it either

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

Not nice what you said ..use your brain man. If I give you the answer then what do you learn from it?

ok here we go :
Hint#1- A word the means "more of" when you order pizza.
Hint#2- A word of a pizza topping the starts with the letter P. (Look at the list of toppings on

Good Luck!

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hooliganweeb profile image

I feel like an idiot. Now i gotta go figure out this netflix one. I dont even know where to start

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

keep at you will get it then you are going to say really that easy!

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colonelperson profile image

I am having a hard time with the "more of" part. If I want more of something I just ask for more, or say "can I have extra _____?" Is there some word that people use that I am completely unaware of?

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tonye10622997 profile image
Tony E.

BINGO you got it the word with "E" excellent now put them together and its solved!
Did you get the topping starts with a "P"

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colonelperson profile image

Yes. I wasn’t sure on the E word. Thanks. Now I get to have “fun” with the fourth activity. Hooray :-(.

fisheiyy profile image

Thread for the 3rd part, Sudoku
so far i have unlocked 2 hints by just using fake spam google accounts i use for non sense when i dont want to give out my real information or use my real main gmail.
hint 1:
hint 2:
solved sudoku puzzle:
presidents secret service names in order according to hind 2:
so far all the clues have told me is to try
Scorecard Deacon Lancer Volunteer Timberwolf Searchlight Rawhide Passkey Eagle
Providence Deacon Lancer Volunteer Timberwolf Searchlight Rawhide Passkey Eagle
but neither work unless i am doing something wrong

mackulin profile image


First hint is to list the presidents and their codenames in order,

second hint says to rearrange to the first puzzle number (the ones we had to solve for) and the order is from top to bottom of the puzzle, so president number order is then 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 5 - 9 - 6
Giving you:

3 Volunteer
1 Scorecard // Providence
2 Lancer
4 Searchlight
7 Rawhide
5 Passkey
9 Eagle
6 Lock Master

third hint says to use second number to then get the letter from each codename
if you do the same order that you took from hint 2 then you get the following:

3 Volunteer 6
1 Scorecard // Providence 5
2 Lancer 6
4 Searchlight 4
7 Rawhide 2
5 Passkey 3
9 Eagle 2
6 Lock Master 9

You take this and you get the following:


the i option that comes from Providence makes less sense as the E would make the word TERRA, or give us our answer of the target satellite that is known as TERRASAT {ANSWER}

llamerrr profile image

right, so everything in here makes sense to me, until the part where you pulled the correct order of the codenames from.

how did you end up with 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 5 - 9 - 6? im trying to find the sudoku connection to that, but alas ive found nothing.

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llamerrr profile image

nvm figured it out

fisheiyy profile image

when you copy all the numbers from the solved sudoku it appears like
6 3 7 2 5 4 9 8 11 2 4 8 9 3 7 5 69 5 8 6 1 7 4 3 22 9 6 4 8 1 5 7 35 4 3 7 6 2 1 9 87 8 1 9 3 5 6 2 44 6 5 3 2 9 8 1 73 7 9 1 4 8 2 6 58 1 2 5 7 6 3 4 9
and the paired numbers come out to 11 69 22 35 87 44 73 58

hypxr14 profile image
Hypxr • Edited

What does it mean by pairs. I thought it meant the the number in the box and in the corner. eg 36, 35, 26

also it says 9 presidents the preceded Clinton, that doesn't include him so the list should start and Harry S Truman

fisheiyy profile image
Thread Thread
Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
lucas_naylor_c403bf0b98fb profile image
Lucas Naylor

Has anyone solved this yet?

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mackulin profile image

Answer above

jjjaykob profile image

Also did anyone figure out what 'rearrange' in clue #2 reffer to ? how should we rearrange those codenames in refference to the first set of numbers and what should be considered as the first set ?

jjjaykob profile image

I'm trying to get anything from those codenames and second set of letters and it looks like it could spell "anagram" although that's not all the letters

ddgiuseppi profile image

I don't know where i'm going wrong or even if this will be useful to someone but this is what i'm using to figure this out.

jacksonkasi profile image
Jackson Kasi

I don't understand what the concept of this game is? what I want do for this? hey friends pls help me anyone?

wame43 profile image

I Just Got This So Far
17 unique chars
: 7 ********************************************************************************
1 : 1 ***********
2 : 1 ***********
B : 1 ***********
F : 1 ***********
a : 2 **********************
b : 1 ***********
d : 2 **********************
e : 3 **********************************
f : 2 **********************
m : 3 **********************************
o : 1 ***********
q : 6 ********************************************************************
t : 3 **********************************
u : 2 **********************
y : 1 ***********
z : 4 *********************************************

itzlemo profile image

solved the drive, but now I'm driving myself crazy digging through all the files on the c drive, demo.html and TRYING to find I think I might have a rabbit chasing problem... at least I managed to uncover the iloveyou.txt egg

codeboy1234 profile image

what was it ?
I got some annoying meme from the link

prao profile image
Pranai Rao

A lot of people are misleading about Mission 2. There are clues in all 3 playlists. I'll drop a few hints if people want them.

The hint about missing letters in the song titles is correct (mentioned in previous thread). Pay attention to Clippy when he talks about liking song titles.

wame43 profile image

Drive 3
Ftqdq mdq 12 Bqzfayuza etmbqe uz ftq eomz

17 unique chars
: 7 ********************************************************************************
1 : 1 ***********
2 : 1 ***********
B : 1 ***********
F : 1 ***********
a : 2 **********************
b : 1 ***********
d : 2 **********************
e : 3 **********************************
f : 2 **********************
m : 3 **********************************
o : 1 ***********
q : 6 ********************************************************************
t : 3 **********************************
u : 2 **********************
y : 1 ***********
z : 4 *********************************************
Don,t know what to do with it ?

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