I'm so glad about organizing this event and collaborating with DEV! Even if we are staying home, it doesn't mean we can't celebrate together🎉.
I wish this online graduation ceremony allows students to celebrate their end-of-course achievements in these unusual circumstances while keeping everyone safe. We are working hard to make this an excellent experience for everyone!✨
This is going to be an amazing experience i am sure.
Sad we didn't receive any farewell for our graduation, but you people are nailing it for all the graduates :)
Can't wait for the ceremony :D
Congratulations to all of the graduates! I hope you're able to use this celebration as an opportunity to truly feel proud of your own accomplishments, and to connect with other community members who are in a very similar transition phase in their lives and careers.
Ok, awesome! One last question, can I just submit any project I've been working on since my high school
doesn't have a computer science class? It says above to submit your final project/thesis.
Github received a lot of negative feedback for abruptly closing submissions prematurely without any warning about max capacities or early closure. They promptly took notice and addressed the situation with an apology and reopened submissions to the originally provided deadline of May 25, 2020. They are actively receiving all community requests for the event and all Tier 1 requests will be honored byGithub. Only the DEV sponsored Tier 2 and Tier 3 portions are not resuming with the originally provided deadline of May 25, 2020 and are currently withdrawn from the event for anyone from the community attempting to participate as of the time the original unexpected event closure notice was given. Please properly update this post with the correct information so that community members can still participate with Github at least for the event.
I'm glad something that awesome is being done. Honestly, we needed all these hackathons and interactions happening online :D
I wrote a post about a project I did that I was planning to keep hidden in a drawer. But I thought it would be interesting to some. It is about realtime face recognition on android. If you're interested, I'd love that you take a look, here's the post
Hi, I'm Swastik Baranwal, a software developer from New Delhi, India passionate about open-source contribution, Gopher, Pythoneer, Compiler Design and DevOps.
I am a student and would love to be the same to learn new technologies.Technology always amazes me and I try to find new ways to apply it. I am simply a Learner, Thinker and Developer.
Aurangabad, Maharashtra in India
Pursuing my Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering
I wrote about the open-source app I made with my friend while at university. If anyone is interesed, here is the link: dev.to/dczajkowski/quickwords-an-o...
I'm so glad about organizing this event and collaborating with DEV! Even if we are staying home, it doesn't mean we can't celebrate together🎉.
I wish this online graduation ceremony allows students to celebrate their end-of-course achievements in these unusual circumstances while keeping everyone safe. We are working hard to make this an excellent experience for everyone!✨
This is going to be an amazing experience i am sure.
Sad we didn't receive any farewell for our graduation, but you people are nailing it for all the graduates :)
Can't wait for the ceremony :D
Congratulations to all of the graduates! I hope you're able to use this celebration as an opportunity to truly feel proud of your own accomplishments, and to connect with other community members who are in a very similar transition phase in their lives and careers.
Done! I graduated from bootcamp...not college or uni so i hope that's ok!
Totally ok!! And congrats!
This event helped me push myself to write a post finally.
Could it be a hackathon project that I worked while I was a student? :)
Yes! Hackathon projects are welcomed for submission.
So I'm assuming this is only for college and university grads, correct? Asking because I'm graduating high school.
High School graduates can join as well 🎉
Ok, awesome! One last question, can I just submit any project I've been working on since my high school
doesn't have a computer science class? It says above to submit your final project/thesis.
You're welcome to submit any project you've been working on 💖
Awesome!!! Thanks so much, y'all are amazing. 😄😄
This is really nice initiative from Github. As a 2020 graduate, I really like the idea and good way to meet other graduates.
Github received a lot of negative feedback for abruptly closing submissions prematurely without any warning about max capacities or early closure. They promptly took notice and addressed the situation with an apology and reopened submissions to the originally provided deadline of May 25, 2020. They are actively receiving all community requests for the event and all Tier 1 requests will be honored byGithub. Only the DEV sponsored Tier 2 and Tier 3 portions are not resuming with the originally provided deadline of May 25, 2020 and are currently withdrawn from the event for anyone from the community attempting to participate as of the time the original unexpected event closure notice was given. Please properly update this post with the correct information so that community members can still participate with Github at least for the event.
I'm glad something that awesome is being done. Honestly, we needed all these hackathons and interactions happening online :D
I wrote a post about a project I did that I was planning to keep hidden in a drawer. But I thought it would be interesting to some. It is about realtime face recognition on android. If you're interested, I'd love that you take a look, here's the post
I'm so glad to join this event with you guys, and this is my post about our team graduation project ❤:
Done! Thanks for this event!!
During the lockdown, I worked on a platform where people can exchange skills. Please react on the post: dev.to/mohsinht/taskbarter-exchang...
Umm Hello :D
Sorry I don't know where should I ask about this question, but how can inquire about the status of my graduation swag shipment?
Congrats, grads!
Congrats to all graduating this year 👏🏼🎉
Hello all, I just came to know about this awesome event! I'm a 2020 graduate too. Is there anyway I can take part now?
I wrote about the open-source app I made with my friend while at university. If anyone is interesed, here is the link: dev.to/dczajkowski/quickwords-an-o...
For anyone who submitted the dev post before 22nd May, are they eligible for tier 2 swag/rewards?
If we 're a team of 6 members in it how can we participate ? I have noticed that everything is related to only one person 💔