DEV Community staff for The DEV Team

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Caption This! 🤔💭

Y'all— it's time for another Caption This. Oh how we have missed you!

Here's how this works! All you have to do is provide us with the best caption for our image. We will vote in the comments, so please harness all your genius into your post!

Man wearing fins in water but his face is all distorted.

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Top comments (7)

montyharper profile image
Monty Harper

Me: My code is lovely as a mermaid!
Code review: Um...

cataon profile image
Cătălin Onuțu

filter: blur(3px)

opensourcee profile image

When you ask Dall-e to draw a good swimmer 🏊‍♂️

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

SeaSS is awesome.

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Debugging underwater: Fish mode on, faces having a blast! 🚿💻 #CodeDive

nandinishinduja profile image
Nandini S Hinduja

Someone save the drowning merman!

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

“AI generated image of man and woman in clear blue water catching a fish with fins”.

My caption:
Weird distorted human, being discombobulated by a manta ray.