Another week another blast of developer news from the DevNewsroom...
S3:E6 - CD Projekt Red Hack, a Florida Water Supply Hack, and a Major ‘Dependency Confusion’ Hack

This week, @saronyitbarek and I dove into the following stories:
- Engineers unionizing with other workers at Medium
- Epic’s Metahuman Creator, a hacker who broke into a water system in Florida
- A security researcher who breached over 35 big tech companies leveraging something called dependency confusion.
Saron and I were also joined by a guest who spoke on a topic I think you'll find newsworthy...
- Pierre Leclerc, co-founder of 6 Eyes Studio and game developer of the tactical RPG, Fell Seal who spoke on the recent hack of the game studio CD Projekt Red, and what one can realistically do with stolen video game source code 😱
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- @levisharpe for producing & mixing the show
- Our season three sponsors, SendBird and Rudderstack ❤️

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