DEV Community

Hacktoberfest Completion Thread staff on September 30, 2019

This thread is a place to celebrate the achievement of completing Hacktoberfest 2019! Use this thread to discuss your experience, highlight some o...
mbelsky profile image
Max Belsky

Today I've stopped myself to send a pr because hactoberfest hasn't started yet 😅

javatarz profile image
Karun Japhet

I've been queuing code for about 15 days now.. 😂 It's become an annual thing now :p

sakshamjn profile image
Saksham Jain

me too

alvarocneto profile image
Alvaro Camillo Neto

me too!

Thread Thread
nutriz profile image
Jérôme Gully

same :D

shivaylamba profile image
Shivay Lamba • Edited

Have made 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

ostomaj profile image
Joseph Ostroman

So excited for the t-shirts.

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

How did you get an invite? I've made 4 PRs and they show up on the start hacking page but didn't really get any completion message or invite. Not sure if I'm missing out on something

cxong profile image

Did you check your profile page

Thread Thread
saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Yes It shows progress bar as full and 4 PRs below but does not explicitly mention that I cleared it or does not mention link to this post

Thread Thread
cxong profile image

It arrives via email... try checking your spam folder

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saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Oh yes, I received thanks!

Thread Thread
balgopalpatro profile image
N Balgopal Patro

Can you please explain the process by which I can know the status in the hacktoberfest contest.
I have done 4 PRs and then there was started a timer for 7 days...
What about it. ???

Thread Thread
piyushinsider profile image
Piyush Baderia

The timer is for maintainers of the repo on which you raised the PRs to verify the validity of the PRs. If any of your PRs are marked invalid you have to raise a different PR to complete the challenge.

ftonato profile image
Ademílson F. Tonato

Me too 🧐

Thread Thread
saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

I got confirmation! It was through mail. They didn't exactly show anything on website. Also, in mail check promotions tab.

anandprabhakar0507 profile image
Anand prabhakar

Me too..

levanto_0 profile image

Me too :)

timrodz profile image
Juan Alejandro Morais

It's October 1 in my timezone so I have about 5 PRs ready to be hopefully accepted. 😄 One of them is to!

I'm really excited to be working with different code bases (including languages I've never tried before) this time! I must admit I'm having a blast 🚀!

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

As long as they are submitted they don't have to be accepted. As long as they are not reported as spam PRs, you're good.

Obviously we want our work to be merged. Last year one of my 4prs just sat there sadly, guess the maintainer abandoned the repo.

timrodz profile image
Juan Alejandro Morais

Oh okay, thanks for explaining that Fernando!

I actually went ahead and made a few more PRs 😊 hopefully all of them will be merged 🕺🏽

jessicavrooyen profile image
Jessica Van Rooyen

Completed 4 PR's! This was my first #hacktoberfest, so I was/am still a bit nervous. I'd like to be more active with contributing to open-source projects from here on out.

I feel extremely uncomfortable to touch any big problems, but this was a step forward!

jwithy profile image
Jim W

I feel extremely uncomfortable to touch any big problems, but this was a step forward!

That's all it takes!

Heck yes, and well done!!!

vypxl profile image

Felt quite the same but now after 4 little pr's, I am confident to maybe tackle issues of larger scale let's gooooo!

dalenguyen profile image
Dale Nguyen • Edited

Getting ready for tomorrow - Oct 1st!!!

And DONE!!!!

4 PRs

jddeep profile image
Jaideep Prasad

Just realized that I completed the #hacktoberfest challenge 😅. Have been contributing to Open source projects for quite some time now. Just love this stuff ❤️. Open Source community FTW 😄

johanneslichtenberger profile image
Johannes Lichtenberger

That is the best thing ever... worked for years alone on a project ( and finally getting my first contributions/PRs :-)

shobhitrathi profile image

I just learned a lot by this event, did 4 PL and got here. Lets hope my PL don't go in waste. I am still doing more because of this event as it has given me interest in this thing. Thank You to DigitalOcean, DEV Team for Hacktoberfest

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻 • Edited

I am turning to PWA (the basic one)!

I decided to add Web App manifest to reactjs documentation for hacktoberfest so users can "Add to Homescreen" the documentations. Also added URL bar color and logo to it.

Here's my PR:

WebApp manifest added to allow users "Add to Homescreen" documentations #2377

This solves issue #2259


Currently there is not manifest set for the website so logo is blank and title is set as a name. Also the color of URL bar in chrome is plain white. Here's how it will look after this PR.


Image 1 is to show the new color of URL bar in chrome Image 2 is the screen after selecting "Add to homescreen" Image 3 is the splash screen after opening it as WebApp

I've added color to the URL bar, Configured name, short_name and other properties. and added a logo file in src/images/react_logo.png (Needed 512px png logo so had to add a new logo)

This is my first contribution here so I'm sorry if I missed out on something

2 of the PRs are in an npm module called prompts for some bug fixes.

And 1 PR is in the

GitHub logo tmrowco / tmrowapp-contrib

Tomorrow automatically calculates the climate impact of your daily choices by connecting to apps and services you already use.

I am looking forward to work with them even after hacktoberfest as they are working on application related to climate change.

Also, I am working on a PR for DEV. It will not really be part of hacktoberfest as I've already sent 4 PRs but I am super excited to work on DEV

gabriias profile image
Nelkisa Matias

i completed the challenge on Saturday (06/10) during an exclusive women's meeting, focused on learning and teaching git / github concepts for other women, together, we made the 'hacktoberfest for women'.
the initiative was born with the communit 'Developer Circles from Facebook' here in Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil and was has support for another groups, some like Women Who Code and Pyladies.

so, how the life isn't just code, one of my PR's, was in an amazing and funny repository, the 'DevJoke' of Shruti Kapoor (

"this is all folks!"


shrutikapoor08 profile image
Shruti Kapoor


trivikr profile image
Trivikram Kamat

I didn't even know that Hacktoberfest started, and received "Congratulations on submitting 4 PRs during Hacktoberfest!" email :-)

This is the advantage of getting paid to work on Open Source!

hosseinnedaee profile image
Hossein Nedaee

Congratulations @trivikr 😀
I wish I getting paid to work on Open Source projects❤️

mshreya9 profile image
Shreya Maheshwari

It was a great experience to be a part of the #hacktoberfest for the first time!

prestonp profile image
Preston Pham

Hi, anyone knows the size chart for Hacktoberfest T-Shirt? I only see the dropdown to select size and then the next page is delivery address but cannot find the size chart anywhere.

nymezide profile image
lumexralph profile image
Ogundele Olumide

I just made more than 4 PRs to a project I enjoy contributing to and to add more fun to it, it is Hactoberfest!! Currently, under review from the maintainers. I am off to do more ....🏃🏾‍♂️

jeffong profile image
Jeff Ong • Edited

Made 4 PR(s) to some projects ! One landed and three more pending for reviews. Hopefully, those three PR(s) get landed too. #hacktoberfest

jeffong at #hacktoberfest

theajr profile image
AJay Kumar Pathuri

Does anyone know when this icon will be changed according to given Legend which is given below your contributions sections? It seems that, even if PR is merged, icon says still pending!

Or are we suppose to do something in PR like tagging with hacktoberfest ??

jeffong profile image
Jeff Ong

For me, it only changed after it passed the review period.

jeffong profile image
Jeff Ong

3 out of 4 was approved and merged. The last one is still pending. Hopefully, it gets merged too. But it seems like I have already passed the review period ! Woot woot 🙌

techgirl007 profile image

Big Shout Out to Everyone making Hacktoberfest possible. I, notably, achieved my first 4 PRs and the first time I have participated in this event. I have to confess - I think I am addicted. Perfect environment for me. I am now looking for more to contribute and take my skills up a notch! #thankyou

jddeep profile image
Jaideep Prasad • Edited

Just realized that I completed the #hacktoberfest challenge 😅. Have been contributing to Open source projects for quite some time now. Just love this stuff ❤️. Open Source community FTW 😄 #dev #github #opensource

sheilagomes profile image
Sheila Gomes

I've just submitted my 4th PR and received Hacktobert's e-mail letting me know to wait for maintainers' approval. Can't wait! This is my first time, so I'm basically learning how to use Git and at the same time contributing to projects spreading the word about Data Science and Python resources. It was a bit hard to find projects I could help as a first-timer and code newbie, but I was able to add a community I'm part of, a podcast I listen to, a Youtube channel I watch, and a book I translated to 4 repos I follow. It's great practice on using Git! #Hacktoberfest

techgirl007 profile image

Firstly, apologies if I have already commented. I couldn't find my comment, thus adding one. It's all very new to me and I am just working thing out.

I completed my first 4 pull request last week. Since then I have been slowly taking on a few other things. Just a big shout out to everyone for making this happen. It is a lot of fun and with out a community, like yourself, people like me ... well...we would still be stuck in a dark (or light) corner trying to figure things out! #thankyou #hacktoberfest

geetanjaliaich profile image

I am a complete newbie to GitHub and open source contribution. This challenge motivated me to make contributions. Made 4 pull requests, let's hope they are accepted. Opensource is interesting. No doubt.

cxong profile image

Already got my 4 PRs in; that was quick 😂
Most were fixing typos and ensuring projects have the proper license file so Github can detect it properly. I like how Github recommends great repos to me based on my stars, it works very well for me. I've found a few interesting ones already, so I might contribute some more substantial PRs this month just because ✊

udaypydi profile image

Have made 4 submissions and I am invited to part of this thread. Hopeful of all the submissions being accepted.

foxbit19 profile image

Me too! There are so many things to learn!

beeferikson profile image
Beef Erikson

Finished 4 pull requests already! I've never participated in anything like this so it was some great experience and very addictive! I definitely plan on making a habit of doing this more often as I learned a lot and it felt good to see my contributions!

Good luck all!

brightone profile image
Oleksii Filonenko

Already did 4 PRs on the first day, but I don't intend to stop :)

Started with focusing on Elixir. Updated (and translated to Russian) a few lessons on Elixir School, and updated Phoenix documentation on DevDocs to 1.4!

nickbelli profile image
Nick Belli

Got 4 PR's done finally, 3 merged already and the 4th should be merged soon! This was an awesome way to push myself back into coding. I learned how to regularly fix conflicts with a project that was highly volatile as well as add to another project that sets out to help Junior Devs find resources.

Now I'm just crossing my fingers that my PR's count since the 7 day window is after the 31st, and I make it under the 50,000 people to get a shirt! I'll be sporting that all over the place.

pyvesb profile image
Pierre-Yves B.

Second Hacktoberfest I've taken part in, my four PRs have now been submitted! Mixture of fixes, feature improvements, documentation and README polishing! Three of the PRs have already successfully been merged, the last one will hopefully soon be as well. Feel free to visit my GitHub profile to check out the stuff I'm up to! Congrats to all participants! :)

dynomite567 profile image

For my first time contributing code for Hacktoberfest, I learned a lot from doing contributions! I have done the goal of four contributions so far, but just because I did four does not mean I will stop! I hope to have more contributions as the month goes on.

bennypowers profile image
Benny Powers 🇮🇱🇨🇦

It was my privilege to make a number of contributions to the Open Web Components recommendations and tools.

In addition to that, I was also pleased to make a small contribution to crocks that should bring you HM type signatures on hover in your IDE.

kinghuang profile image
King Chung Huang

I found out about Hacktoberfest a few days ago while working on a feature I wanted in Sentry. Here's my four PRs.

florenciasilva profile image
Florencia Silva Olivera

Last year I was too scared to participate as I was like 3 months into coding, but I wish I had! It was awesome checking new repos, seeing how other teams handle their code and sending PRs that get merged (I got too excited and sent two before Oct 1). I'm actually really happy that I participated this year!

persimone profile image

I did it! 8) Actually my second year that I join Hacktoberfest. Last year I was stoked I got a GitHub account, didn't get too lost there, and completed as well. This year I set some goals for myself. 1) I wanted to use GitHub desktop to do a pull request and 2) I wanted to really contribute to at least one open source project. I achieved both these goals and along the way learned even more, and got even more exciting about coding and learning and basically this path I am on.

While achieving goal 1, I found this ( great first timers repo with a tutorial on how to use VSC (which I just decided to use a month or so ago) in combination with GitHub. Mind blown, I had no idea. Now I learned this and i did all the other PR this way.

Then I found a repo that was just awesome. We are making a CSS Zoo ( I really love this project, it's easy for beginners and superfriendly and fun. I translated the Readme file to Dutch (voor de Nederlandse lezers, ik heb een typfout achter gelaten zodat je deze kan fixen met een PR ;)) and added an animal.

That does leave my goal number 2.. Really contribute.. I don't know why but there are no Hacktoberfest events in the Netherlands this year. That is why I went to Dusseldorf, Germany yesterday for a Meetup from a React group who did have an event. Got up early and drove east and I am so happy I went. I met a lot of inspiring people, made friends and one 'gave' me a bug he found for my last PR (here where I also had my first experience with React and Typescript. Goal 2 :check:

Hacktoberfest 2019 was already amazing, teaching me new thing, on the way I only came across super friendly people and got inspired to push myself and get out there. Thank you @digitalocean and @devteam, thanks a lot. But Hacktober is not over yet! Now I want to see how I can maybe help others, any questions other newbies have, I am happy to help!

absmechanik profile image
Abhinav Shukla

First time contributor, finally got around to gitting, forking, cloning, committing and pulling all the things! And finally took the courage to submit a simple project focusing on simple CSS animations. Now I will look forward to more bigger and bolder adventures as I carry on with my learning and experimenting. It was not as scary as I thought it would be.

sleeplessbyte profile image
Derk-Jan Karrenbeld

I forgot I signed up, despite me inviting the DEV community to help out over at Exercism:

...and I got the e-mail at October 2nd 2:03 my timezone.

I decided to build a Track Maintenance Dashboard which has been deployed since last night. The co-founder of Exercism loved it so much, he gave me a subdomain so we could host it. And the best part? It's OSS! So you can see how I built it:

GitHub logo exercism / tracks-maintenance-dashboard

A dashboard for maintainers to understand the state of tracks


A dashboard for maintainers to understand the state of tracks

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard
ldco2016 profile image
Daniel Cortes

I contributed my four PRs for Hacktoberfest 2019. Aside from my simple haiku here:, I also contributed to the DefinitelyTyped library:, so that users of Express have more flexibility with TypeScript when working with req.body regardless of whether they have installed middleware such as bodyParser and helping TypeScript help us in avoiding invalid inputs.

My third and fourth PRs:
was based on a need to get these libraries working with React Native 0.60.4 with Androidx without having to alter the dependencies which would not work the next time someone has to npm install anew for my project and anyone else who experienced the same error.

mrnaif2018 profile image

4 PR's ready!
One already merged, one had quite a lot of review and things needed to fix and I accidentally improved the speed of the project, lol.
Other two awaiting review!
Definitely cool event, I've learned about nice projects and found some sites listing issues, very nice!
Contributions are welcome on my own repo too!

GitHub logo MrNaif2018 / bitcart


Bitcart is a platform for merchants, users and developers which offers easy setup and use.

Docs Status CircleCI codecov Python versions

Linked repositories

Our ecosystem consists of a few packages, this is main web interface. Other repositories: - docker packaging, easy install - python library for coins connection


Docs are available at or at docs directory in this repository.


See for details.

benjaminvanryseghem profile image
Benjamin Van Ryseghem

Had to use mongoose-dummy at work, which is slightly out-dated, so I had to add the missing blocks :)

Without even realizing it, the Hacktober challenge was completed 😄

analogcyan profile image

Just submitted my fourth PR! This is my second time participating and it's amazing seeing how much I've learned since last time. It's been a blast contributing to projects I care about, even if just small fixes, but I plan to keep contributing regardless!

lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

It's time! Last year I won my t-shirt but you know... Argentina. This edition I'll do tons of PRs and pray to get the t-shirt xD

codewithahsan profile image
Muhammad Ahsan Ayaz

I've just joined a new company and was struggling finding time to contribute first.
Still managed to pull off 4 PRs. Two of them have a slightly more impact.
Not going to stop here though ;) A big portion of October is remaining.
Excited for the T-Shirt 😄

gavinr profile image
Gavin Rehkemper
nutriz profile image
Jérôme Gully

Yeah, I did it ! Last year I stopped after 1 PR. And this year, after 2 days, I made 4 PRs, little contributions to the Godot Engine documentation to close some issues. I will continue to do PRs all the month, maybe I will try to fix some engine little issues (let's learn C++ 😀 ) !

GitHub logo godotengine / godot

Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine

Godot Engine logo

Godot Engine


2D and 3D cross-platform game engine

Godot Engine is a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from a unified interface. It provides a comprehensive set of common tools, so that users can focus on making games without having to reinvent the wheel. Games can be exported in one click to a number of platforms, including the major desktop platforms (Linux, Mac OSX, Windows) as well as mobile (Android, iOS) and web-based (HTML5) platforms.

Free, open source and community-driven

Godot is completely free and open source under the very permissive MIT license No strings attached, no royalties, nothing. The users' games are theirs, down to the last line of engine code. Godot's development is fully independent and community-driven, empowering users to help shape their engine to match their expectations. It is supported by the Software Freedom Conservancy not-for-profit.

Before being open sourced in…

rizwanjamal profile image
Rizwan Jamal

Successfully submitted more than 4 PR's to opensource project & they have merged too ! Really Excited 🚀 #hacktoberfest

windos profile image
Josh (Windos) King

Phew, got my PRs in. Certainly nice not to be racing to finish them at the end of the month like last year!

Hacktoberfest progress

If anyone is looking for #PowerShell repos to contribute to, I can recommend:

GitHub logo Badgerati / Pode

Pode is a Cross-Platform PowerShell framework for creating web servers to host REST APIs, Web Sites, and TCP/SMTP Servers

GitHub logo vexx32 / PSKoans

A simple, fun, and interactive way to learn the PowerShell language through Pester unit testing.

jgierer12 profile image
Jonas Gierer

This year I contributed to @lostdesign's awesome project,, and added a bunch of useful Typography resources, as well as rewriting the contribution guide to make contributing easier for fellow community members 🙌

wrldwzrd89 profile image
Eric Ahnell

First PR submitted for Hacktoberfest! Figured I'd start with something simple - addressing Node.js audit issues in the Itch app, something I happen to use frequently.

gsculerlor profile image
Ganendra Afrasya • Edited

Damn, just finished my first ever hacktoberfest! Never thought contributing can be this challenging and fun.

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

Just completed my 4 PRs. I contributed to a write a Markdown (.md) file, a Java code, an HTML one and a web design project with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's my second time at Hacktoberfest and it feels so good to contribute to open source. Have a great day everyone! 😄

coolshaurya profile image

Yess!! Finished the Hacktoberfest challenge. All my contributions were to the nushell/nushell repo which has some really good low-hanging fruit on issue #711. I actually did not contribute any code, just some helpful documentation on nushell.

image of my contributions

image of the email i got from hacktoberfest

trigaucho profile image
Diogo Almeida

My fisrt participation in hactoberfest and i am very happy.

Sorry for my english

unclebigbay profile image

Finally I am here, really happy to have made it to having 4 PR.... really nice to be here

my first and second PRs was on an Employee Timesheet

the third was an online programming quiz website which needs more clean up and more array of question on their website

the last was an online guess game website who was having difficulties in using css specificity due to using bootstrap..
thanks to hacktoberfest the website look much better now

really happy to be helpful to other.


danroesparks profile image
Dan Sparks

If you're looking for somewhere to add more PRs, have a look at

We're looking for good and bad experiences, and good ideas around inclusion, safety and diversity


hefnawi profile image
Ahmed Hefnawi • Edited

I finally made it! Have always wanted to participate in Hacktoberfest since I learned about it a couple of years ago!

This week I finished 5 PRs and working one more. I am very glad that I could contribute to my favourite open source projects and get to be part of the community. Also this week marks me joining the DEV community!


darkknight profile image
Joshua Aclan

Gonna make this a yearly thing.... Got an email that says they'll send me the details about how to collect the Hacktoberfest swag around October 21 but its already October 22. Still didn't receive anything... Who else has the same situation?

mateusmuller profile image

Hi, everyone!

This was my first Hacktoberfest and I must say it was incredible. Pretty challenging though.

I have never worked directly as a software developer, but I used to code some Shell Script automations for myself, spending like 1 hour a week.

So I thought, am I really capable of contributing to something meaningful due to my lack of experience? I will give it a try.

I have searched some projects that use Shell Script, and were not too complex, so I was able to contribute. I felt amazing. The feeling of improving something (at least it's what I think hahaha) is awesome.

After the challenge, I will try to create the habit of contributing to open-source projects, even more because I don't work with programming, so I will keep learning and pushing myself to study more and more.

Thank you DigitalOcean! :)

ericadamski profile image
Eric • Edited


WOO! Another amazing year of #hacktoberfest! So excited for the shirt :D Still contributing as well - I ♥️ OSS!

Most of my contributions were here and here!

javatarz profile image
Karun Japhet • Edited

Found 4 issues and fixed them all in 5 hours.. good start to the weekend! :)

3rd year in a row I've finished #hacktoberfest within the first half of the weekend.. can't wait for the Hacktoberfest event we're organizing in Pune.. Hoping to go up to 10 this time :D

ayharano profile image
Alexandre Harano

One of mine was to add metadata to a Python Package, while three others were to create new Docker images provided by a framework maintainer, but one of the framework dependencies has a critical bug, so it may not be merged yet.

agawish profile image
Amr Gawish

4 PRs, 3 Accepted already, one of them is wordpress. Quiet proud of that :D

munamohamed94 profile image
Muna Mohamed

Woo! Finally made my fourth PR submission, just before the end of the Hacktoberfest 🎉! Can't believe it's already over, will definitely get into the habit of contributing to open source projects more often! 😀

nikhils4 profile image
Nikhil Singh • Edited

It was a great experience to be a part of #hacktoberfest for the second time in a row!! :))

lastlink profile image
lastlink • Edited


Updated my vuejs git remote repository browser kanban extension to support firefox together with chrome. Been on my TODO list. I also cut my webpack build size down more than 90% by upgrading to webpack 4 (was a major build configuration wework).

azriel91 profile image
Azriel Hoh

Been updating all-the-proc-macro-things in the Rust ecosystem (syn, quote, proc-macro2). Someone else was doing the same, and we crossed paths ⚔️.

mintii profile image
Brittney Braxton

I contributed to a open source project that I saw as a suggestion 2 years ago for Hacktoberfest. I contributed to my friend's open source project. And I also updated my personal website that's public on GitHub. It was a really productive October for Hacktober :)
I also participated in #inkTechTober for about half of this month.

soutrikacharya profile image
Soutrik Acharya

Completed 4 PR's! This was my first #hacktoberfest also am new to GitHub. Now i'm quite confident about Git and more active with contributing to open-source projects.
As i was new to GitHub, i was scaring to make PRs in Big Problems, so i made 6 PRs in small Projects.

arpitjainds profile image
Arpit Jain

I just made 5 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest #hacktoberfest2019

gagandeepp profile image
Gagan Deep

Completed #hacktoberfest. Submitted my 4PR

jwithy profile image
Jim W

Woop woop!

I was glad to contribute to:

  • Something I've worked on before (
  • Two projects that I admire or want to know more about (Gatsby and Ember)
  • A brand new repo that might take off!

🎉 Yay! 🎉

domnikl profile image
Dominik Liebler

I already made 4 contributions and hopefully they will all get merged 😄It's so much fun year and year again!

itsasine profile image
ItsASine (Kayla) • Edited

Boom, my first Hacktoberfest is done!

4/4 complete!

I'll still poke around a bit, but I made the most of my 6 day mini vacation by helping out around the internet :D

To get my feet wet:

fix readme link markdown #4

ItsASine avatar
ItsASine commented on Oct 05, 2019

Super minor, but the spaces mean the links aren't rendered correctly in Github

To fix a bug I submitted earlier this year:

Update stats for Generation 7 (fix #1) #2

ItsASine avatar
ItsASine commented on Oct 19, 2019

I updated the R script to generate each CSV instead of just gen 7 as well as updating these Pokemon's stats: Arbok, Dugtrio, Mega Alakazam, Farfetch'd, Dodrio, Electrode, Exeggutor, Noctowl, Ariados, Qwilfish, Magcargo, Corsola, Mantine, Swellow, Pelipper, Masquerain, Delcatty, Volbeat, Illumise, Lunatone, Solrock, Chimecho, Woobat, Crustle, Beartic, and Cryogonal (Stats source:

I notice my Mac generated the CSVs with quotes around strings and may have made the special characters in names wonky (Female Sign, Male Sign, and Acute e). I can clean those all up if you want.

Merging code I found laying around...:

Analyze data #4

ItsASine avatar
ItsASine commented on Oct 19, 2019

I don't remember why I never merged this...

(I'll admit that one was dumb -- my original plan was to rewrite the thing in R to make it feel worth counting, but I couldn't find the original code to rewrite. Ends up I never merged it to begin with.)

Found a fun series of emoji projects to help bolster:

Add "Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Leppard #363

ItsASine avatar
ItsASine commented on Oct 22, 2019
  • [x] 🔎 Have searched the data.js file and Pull Requests to make sure that you are not adding a duplicate.
  • [x] 🖍️ Place the song(s) are placed in alphabetical order based on title inside of the data.js file.
  • [x] 🖍️ The artist(s) and featured artist(s) are all inside of square brackets [ ] and each are individually wrapped in quotation marks and have a comma between each one. (such as submitting this "artist": ["Lady Gaga","Bradley Cooper"] and not this "genres":["Lady Gaga,Bradley Cooper"]).
  • [x] 3️⃣ There are at least three emojis listed under emojiImgs
  • [x] 6️⃣ There are a maxium of six emojis listed under emojiImgs.
  • [x] 🖍️ There is a link to an official music video or performance under musicVideo. If there is no official video, I have added an empty string.
  • [x] 👍 The pull request has a descriptive title (such as Added Boy With Luv or Added all of Panic at the Disco songs)
  • [x] ⭐ The genres are all inside of square brackets [ ] and each are individually wrapped in quotation marks and have a comma between each one. (such as submitting this "genres": ["k-pop","pop","dance"] and not this "genres":["k-pop, pop, dance"]).
  • [x] 📅 There is a single year under year.


Link to the lyrics: Pour Some Sugar On Me lyrics

Love 💘 is like a bomb 💣
Sugar 🧂 on me 🙋‍♂️
in the name of love 💘

Looked into this issue I've commented on before, buuuuut the fix is hard so nevermind:

Users can not remove a deleted Github repo that has been pinned to their profile. #745

slbelden avatar
slbelden commented on Sep 25, 2018

Bug Report

Current Behavior

A Github repository that has been pinned to a user's profile (in the Integrations section of the profile settings) remains pinned when the Github repository is deleted. However, the repository is no longer listed in the user's profile settings, so it can never be removed.

Expected Behavior

A Github repository that has been pinned to a user's profile is unpinned when the repository is deleted. OR All pinned Github repositories remain visible in the user profile settings even if they have been deleted, so they can be unpinned manually.

Mobile & Desktop Screenshots/Recordings

Note the "Ompi-Journal" pinned repo: 1

The repo is deleted, so it does not apear in this list, and can not be removed: 2

The repo is deleted: 3

Additional Info (device/browser, helpful links)

Problem persists across all devices, browsers, and cache flushes.

cfvonner profile image
Carl Von Stetten • Edited

Finally got my 4 pull requests in, contributing to the open source #CFML documentation on Lots more work is needed, so more PR's are welcome!

Hacktoberfest profile

aminya profile image
Amin Yahyaabadi • Edited

I just heard about hacktobefest today and registered. I merged many commits directly without creating a pull request into my repositories :(
I still have 4-6 PRs, but I could make a couple of really good PRs with those commits.

sudipto profile image
Sudipto Ghosh

It's my first Hacktoberfest! Submitted 4 PRs today and hoping that they get merged and I get a t-shirt 😂 Meanwhile, checking out other repos too.

#hacktoberfest #github #devto

aliyarahmani profile image
Aliya Rahmani

Why my review time has increased to 15 days?
It says- In Review
Your PR has been accepted by a maintainer and is currently within the review period, which lasts for fourteen days.
Will I get my T-Shirt?

P.S.- Beginner doubts

cmendibl3 profile image
Carlos Mendible

Well just finished submitting 4 PR! Two are new #Azure policy samples and the other two are related to localization issues in #Microsoft Docs. Will all 4 get accepted? Will I get the nice T-shirt? Tic Tac Tic Tac...

highflyer910 profile image

Done with the Hacktoberfest challenge(worked on accessibility issues) but not with contributing to open source!:)<3

saurabhshwetabhsingh profile image
Saurabh Shwetabh Singh

I just completed the four PRs and was redirected here. Currently, under review from the maintainers. I believe the fun has just started; would welcome projects to contribute related to Graph Databases (Neo4j), Django or simply SQL related.

jrswab profile image
J. R. Swab

Got my four in for this year! It's my first year participating in Hacktober Fest (no sure why I did not do it before) and even though it's not my first time contributing to OSS it was definitely different know there was a goal.

pazekal90 profile image
Pascal Pischel

Done ✅ with the Hacktoberfest challenge!

paqman85 profile image
Glenn Paquette

I made it!

I took today off of "normal work" to do open source for #hacktoberfest and managed to do 5 PRs before being forced to stop. I focused on refactoring old python 2 code to python 3 - it's a bit surprising how many projects are slacking on updating their code.

It was lots of fun checking out all sorts of new projects and trying to find ways to contribute. Hoping to get some more in before the month is up.

Pumped for the Hacktoberfest swag! w00t!

michaeljamie profile image
Michael Johnston

It's awesome seeing the Open Issues on github get snagged up so quickly for Hacktoberfest. Was able to participate and commit code on some pretty sweet projects. This is the first Hacktoberfest I was able to participate in and loved it!

mrdhruv profile image

Hi , I have submitted my 4 pr's .. i got a tag called legend ... first it went in review .then it was marked as spam .. than then excluded for hacktoberfest ... then said i am eligible .. it count towards hacktoberfest... i am confused am i elgible or not .. pls help

lokeshrajwar profile image

I'm in a initial phase of coding & this inspires me a lot to become a shredded coder & stand a place in the crowd. This #hactoberfest 2020 showed me the potential & swag that i can earn on my own coding experience. Thanks a lot again to this huge community #hacktober 2020.

andreasvirkus profile image

As last year was my first Hacktoberfest, I was just eager to get the PR count and wasn't after quality/substance all that much. This year I was determined to make the PRs count! I pushed my comfort zone a bit and went after actual features instead of hunting minor tweaks or minimal code changes.

btmash profile image
Ashok Modi

I'd successfully completed hacktober fest a few years ago but didn't get a single PR in last year and wasn't sure what I was going to work on. But last week, I got inspired to move over my site to using Gridsome with a Drupal integration and learned a lot along the way. So at the halfway mark, I have been able to knock out 4 PRs, yay!

dakira profile image
Matthias Niess

I had a hard time at work in the recent months preventing me from doing too much opensource contributions. So every time I came around something PR-worthy, I made a small note to come back to it when hacktoberfest starts. 3/4 of my planned PRs were already fixed, some turned out to be an error on my part (not a bug), the rest is fixed now. :-)

tanhauhau profile image
Tan Li Hau

4PRs! and they are mostly READMEs 🤦‍♀️


persimone profile image

Congratz! Readme's are a great way to start, I did one too :D

joshiadvait8 profile image
Advait Joshi

Today I've Started and completed 4 PRS on GitHub. Just documentation update yeah but those are pretty important I think.
Last year I would not got tshirt due to some delivery issues
I Hope this time it will reach to me.


vmunhoz profile image
Vinicius Munhoz

This was my first hacktoberfest, and my first open source contributions as well (after almost 10 years coding).

I'm really glad i did it. Now it just seems that open source projects are more approachable.

I am also excited to start new open source projects and help out those that I like.

yashints profile image
Yaser Adel Mehraban

While I don't like being sick and lying most of the time, I managed to submit my 4 PR's to electron's documentation by converting their API examples to a Fiddle one 😊 because I just couldn't do nothing.

Find out more about how you can contribute here:

[Hacktoberfest] Porting electron-api-demos to Electron Fiddle examples in docs #20442

erickzhao avatar
erickzhao commented on Oct 05, 2019


This meta-issue addresses a need to bridge the gap between our website's online docs, electron-api-demos, and Electron Fiddle.

  • What's electron-api-demos?

    As the name indicates, electron-api-demos` is a collection of examples for Electron APIs wrapped in an application. Each demo contains a executable example of the API along with sample code and additional explanations.

  • What's Electron Fiddle?

    Electron Fiddle is a code playground allowing developers to tinker around with small experiments that can later be exported into full-fledged Electron applications. The interface allows users to create and run small Electron apps with a single main.js, renderer.js, and index.html.

  • Motivation
    • Although collecting runnable API demos is nice, having the sample code gated behind an application increases friction, and maintaining the app in its current state for more than 1 release line is difficult.
    • Having the code available online makes it easier to find and more accessible to read, but having to manually launch
    • Porting over electron-api-demos into Fiddle-friendly examples is a big step into ultimately having API code samples available in the docs as runnable Fiddles.
  • Current Progress
    • Recently, Electron Fiddle added the capability of loading code directly from the docs on the electron/electron repo (see electron/fiddle/pull/203). However, there are currently no examples!
    • The ElectronJS website currently has an open PR (electron/]) adding the ability to launch the Fiddle protocol from the Electron website.


We will be attempting to port over all of the electron-api-demos examples in the codebase. For context on how API demos are structured, see the docs here.

The task is to ultimately convert each demo into an Electron Fiddle sample that's equivalent in functionality. Please include the explanatory text from the HTML files as well. Note that many of these demos are tightly coupled in logic, and a single PR can be submitted for multiple demos within a Section.

The easiest way to do so is to pick an example in electron-api-demos, recreate the example in Electron Fiddle (using the electron-api-demo source code as a starting point), save the Fiddle locally into a folder, and move that example into /docs/fiddles/[CATEGORY]/[SECTION]/[DEMO].

Example Fiddle

See the following PR for an example of this task (Asynchronous Messages demo): #20441

Code style

Code should follow the StandardJS style guidelines. To format your code, run the following snippet in your directory.

    npm install -g standard # if you don't have it installed
    standard --fix

Folder structure

Add the contents of your Fiddle (main.js, renderer.js , and index.html but not package.json) into a new /docs/fiddles/[CATEGORY]/[SECTION]/[DEMO] folder in your fork of electron/electron

For a handy graph on what category/section/demo mean:

PR requirements

  • PR is merging into master branch.
  • File structure adheres to the requirements above.
  • Code in PR runs successfully in Electron Fiddle with the latest release of Electron 6.
  • Code in PR passes a linting check with Standard.


Since this is a meta-issue that will require many PRs from contributors, we will attempt to proceed in a first-come-first-serve fashion. Examples will be marked as claimed as soon as a PR is opened for them.

In the interest of focusing on getting each PR reviewed and merged, please only open one PR at a time before opening another.

List of Demos

  • [ ] Windows
    • [ ] Create and manage windows
      • [ ] Create a new window
      • [ ] Manage window state
      • [ ] Window events (blur and focus)
      • [ ] Create a frameless window
    • [ ] Handling window crashes and hangs
      • [ ] Relaunch window after the process crashes
      • [ ] Relaunch window after the process hangs
  • [ ] Menus
    • [ ] Customize menus
      • [ ] Create an application menu
      • [ ] Create a context menu
    • [ ] Keyboard shortcuts
      • [x] Register a global keyboard shortcut @yashints #20466
  • [ ] Native User Interface
    • [ ] Open external links and the file manager
      • [ ] Open path in file manager
      • [ ] Open external links
    • [ ] Desktop notifications
      • [ ] Basic notification
      • [ ] Notification with image
    • [ ] Use system dialogs
      • [ ] Open a file or directory
      • [ ] Error dialog
      • [ ] Information dialog
      • [ ] Save dialog
    • [ ] Tray
      • [ ] Tray
    • [ ] Drag and drop files
      • [ ] Dragging files
  • [ ] Communication
    • [ ] Communicate between processes
      • [x] Asynchronous messages @erickzhao #20441
      • [x] Synchronous messages @97amarnathk #20451
      • [ ] Communicate with an invisible window
  • [ ] System
    • [ ] Get app or user system information
      • [ ] Get app information
      • [ ] Get version information
      • [ ] Get system information
      • [ ] Get screen information
    • [x] Clipboard @RikTheunis @#20445
      • [x] Copy
      • [x] Paste
    • [ ] Protocol Handler
      • [ ] Launch app from URL in another app
  • [ ] Media
    • [ ] Take screenshot
      • [ ] Take a screenshot

And here are mine:


docs: add Menu Shortcuts Fiddle example #20466

yashints avatar
yashints commented on Oct 08, 2019

Description of Change

Refs #20442

Adds the Menu Shortcuts example from electron-api-demos into a runnable Fiddle example.


  • [x] PR description included and stakeholders cc'd
  • [x] standard linter passes
  • [x] PR title follows semantic commit guidelines

Release Notes

notes: Added Menu Shortcuts example from electron-api-demos into a runnable Fiddle example.


docs: Adds Customize Menu section Fiddle example #20468

yashints avatar
yashints commented on Oct 08, 2019

Description of Change

Refs #20442

Adds the Customize Menu (Create an application menu and Create a context menu) example from electron-api-demos into a runnable Fiddle example.


Release Notes

Notes: Added the Customize Menu (Create an application menu and Create a context menu) example from electron-api-demos into a runnable Fiddle example.


docs: Added Drag and drop files Fiddle example #20472

yashints avatar
yashints commented on Oct 08, 2019

Description of Change

Refs #20442

Adds the Drag and Drop files example from electron-api-demos into a runnable Fiddle example.


  • [x] PR description included and stakeholders cc'd
  • [x] standard linter passes
  • [x] PR title follows semantic commit guidelines

Release Notes

notes: Added the Drag and Drop files example from electron-api-demos into a runnable Fiddle example.


docs: Adds Use system dialogs Fiddle example #20473

yashints avatar
yashints commented on Oct 08, 2019

Description of Change

Refs #20442

Adds all the Use system dialogs: Open a file or directory Error dialog Information dialog Save dialog examples from electron-api-demos into a runnable Fiddle example.


  • [x] PR description included and stakeholders cc'd
  • [x] standard linter passes
  • [x] PR title follows semantic commit guidelines

Release Notes

Notes: Added the Use system dialogs example from electron-api-demos into a runnable Fiddle example.

mohanarpit profile image
Arpit Mohan

Didn't find a custom Slack action to create issues on Gitlab directly via Slack messages. Created a new project over the weekend and completed the Hacktoberfest challenge. The project is live at:

Now to improve the README by huge leaps and bounds. Will complete that tomorrow. Was a lot of fun playing with 2 of my favourite APIs: Slack & Gitlab.

Future improvements would be to integrate API as well so I can use Slack as a RSS feed each morning 😄

passionlord profile image
Passionlord (vighnesh)

I have completed 4 pull requests in Github but in the Hacktoberfest profile page it shows some maturity date beside my contributions so have i completed it or still i have to something ?
this is my first time

pragativerma18 profile image
Pragati Verma • Edited

Check Our website dedicated to Hacktoberfest2019:


🎉Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate level Programmer, developer or designer...Doesn't matter, your hacktoberfest contributions are on us. 😃👍
Also, 🌟 star our GitHub repository:

GitHub logo Open-Source-Contributors-JSS / Hacktoberfest2019

Happy Hacktober! This is a beginner friendly repository made specifically for Hacktoberfest that helps you get your first PR.

Open Source Love  PRs Welcome  Join the chat at  first-timers-only  Website  Documentation Status 


Happy Hacktober! This is a beginner friendly repository made specifically for Hacktoberfest that helps you get your first PR and takes you a step closer to earning your Hacktoberfest T-shirt 👕.

🎯 If you are a beginner, and looking for your first contribution, we are here to help. Just append your favorite git command and its short description in our

and that counts as your first PR.

CAUTION: The description must be under 60 words at max.

Also, add your github username in the

🎯 In case you are an intermediate or advanced level programmer or developer, we have got you covered too!! Step to our intermediate folder and make contributions as per as your interests.

💻 Also, our website is open to contributions from both frontend and designer fellows who want to help us in making it bigger and better.

Check our Website:


taylorpage71 profile image
Taylor Page

Just got my four PRs! A couple of them to my own project for a11y. If you have any resources to contribute (even if you hit all your PRs already) please go check out I'd be happy to even get some resources in comments too to add to the site.

chiangs profile image
Stephen Chiang
sachin9663 profile image
Sachin kumar maurya • Edited

Have Successfully Completed Hacktoberfest Challenge and Vary Happy to share that all are accepted with thanks message of project owners and maintainers. Even I was enjoying to work on such amazing open-source projects and made around 10+ PRs.



dsuarezlogans profile image
Danny Suarez

Hello Everyone!!

This is the first time I contribute to Open Source and the best part is participating in Hacktoberfest, I'm really proud and glad, ¡If I can do it, you can do it! 😎🎊

persimone profile image

Congratz! Is this the screen you get after the 7 day waiting period or mature period?
So exciting!! :D

filips profile image
Filip Š • Edited

I just completed #hacktoberfest challenge! Made 4 PRs, but I still have some to do. 😄


lbeul profile image

We did it!🤯😍

I think we get the badge to our Dev profile as soon as the 7-day-validation-limit passed by, am I right?:)

persimone profile image

Oeh I hope so! I thought i'd have to wait untill november, so your idea is better ;)

r17x profile image

Awesome & Happy Hacktoberfest guys

ribaishtiaq profile image
Riba Ishtiaq

I have completed the hacktoberfest 2019 and submitted 4 pull requests, it was fun to
participate in hacktoberfest.

sohammondal profile image
Soham Mondal

This is my first Hactoberfest participation. What an awesome community! 🤟 I have successfully completed my 4 PRs. Awaiting review. 😁

alvarocneto profile image
Alvaro Camillo Neto

Have made 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

valerybriz profile image
Valery C. Briz

Yayyy 4 pr's submitted!!
those t-shirts looks awesome and also I'm very happy that my pr's were accepted 😃

sanjeevyadavit profile image
Sanjeev Yadav

Just completed 4 PR, couldn't be more happy if anyone looking to contribute, would love to get your feedbacks/code review on

mhadaily profile image
Majid Hajian

I have opened more than 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

edgarberlinck profile image
Edgar Muniz Berlinck

Ok, I made it. I found a great repo with some cool react components.

jhero23 profile image

It was 2:30 AM when I did my first pull request for hacktoberfest, and then I continued working on other repositories at work xD either way, did 4 pull up requests and i’m looking to do more.

m_adduci profile image
Michele Adduci


martinloesethjensen profile image
Martin Jensen

Did my 4 PRs yesterday for a Kotlin Extension library 🙌

rafaelm77744594 profile image
Rafael Mendoza

Hi, I submitted 4 pull requests and still the mark countdown for review is still counting. do you experience this before, first-time hactoberfest participant here,

alt text

gatarelib profile image
Gatare Libère

Done with the challenge ✔️
Off to do more PRs and help newbies get started with open source.
Glad our HacktoberFest event has been featured on DigitalOcean 🎉

bencentra profile image
Ben Centra

Spending this Hacktoberfest doing some cleanup on my Jekyll theme!

donofriov profile image
Vincent D'Onofrio

4 up 4 down 👌

mandelliant profile image

When you accidentally make your Hacktoberfest PRs updating requirements.txt


prestonp profile image
Preston Pham

It's the first year that I have time and motivation to complete Hacktoberfest 4PRs. Hope that they are accepted or get reviewed so that I can learn something. Cheers to everyone.

archanaserver profile image
Archana Kumari

Yay! October is all about Open Source and to celebrate this we take part in #hacktoberfest.
Finally, after a few months, I have started committing in my repos. ❤️

geekygirlsarah profile image
Sarah Withee

As of about 2:30am on Oct 27 (US Eastern), I'm done with my 4 PRs! Now I wait for validation...

It feels slightly strange to be committing to my own open source project, but I keep trying to remind myself it IS open source, and it's still useful, and it's still as valid as if I was submitting anywhere else. And I'm being fair... each PR is a feature and/or fix to it, so it's not just like constant typos.

Enough rambling... I did it and I didn't know if I would pull it off!

vikas5914 profile image
Vikas Kapadiya

Done ✅ with the Hacktoberfest challenge!

thenaavik profile image
Navnit Kumar • Edited

Hello World!
Just finished my 4 PRs :D

chickson profile image
Erandra Jayasundara

Completed #hacktoberfest 😘

darthsett profile image

Its been almost 5 weeks since Hacktoberfest ended and I still haven't got any follow up email on my t-shirt after the first email that they sent (containing my delivery address and order no). Can you offer advice on how to check the status of the shipment?

maki profile image

I made a cute Halloween page :)

josh profile image
Joshua Rutkowski

Today I finished my last PR and got invited to the page. #hacktoberfest

dotenorio profile image
Fernando Migliorini Tenório

It's a wonderful day for me and for the open source community. I have 4 PRs today and want to do more until be october ends.

imarchit19 profile image
Archit Gupta

I just made more than 4 PRs for #hacktoberfest but that's not all, I intend to super active for open-source this month.

Add favicon and changed main file #2

  1. Formatted the code
  2. Added favicon
  3. Changed the title
  4. Corrected button hyperlink
remanovictor profile image

officially my first hacktoberfest! really fun and eciting seeing the projects out there and being able to contribute. :)

vkgupta857 profile image
Vinod Gupta

Viola!! I have completed 4 PRs. #hacktoberfest

prakharuniyal profile image
Prakhar Uniyal


zaenaria profile image

Used this hacktoberfest to work on a few personal projects. This is my third year participating and this has been my favorite year so far! I am a much better programmer than I was 3 years ago!

unsuitable001 profile image
Soumyadip Mondal

I'm developing this for #hacktoberfest
Can you guys check it out?
Git -

Live Demo -

bradwellsb profile image
Bradley Wells

Back from the village means back to work. It also means back to contributing to open source projects. Four PRs already down for Hacktoberfest. Hopefully more to go!

bradwellsb profile image
Bradley Wells

And... merged! Also, one was my first contribution to the project. Brand new shiny badge for my profile.

sruthiv profile image
Sruthi Vinukonda

Yay, I did it! It's my first time and they were very simple ones but I did it. I got my 4 PR's! 😁

torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

First time contributing to open source and it's been a fun ride!

Winston from New Girl with two thumbs up

abhilash1910 profile image
Abhilash Majumder

Completed hacktoberfest for this year.. More PRs lined up for the next year

bbaassssiiee profile image

I created 4 PR's. 2 to make the secure shell daemon safer. And 2 to fix minor issues.

jysh profile image
Jayesh Patel

Early morning 4 PR's brought me here!! #hacktoberfest

arelyskywalker profile image
Arely Miramontes Rodríguez

Completed the 4 PR's yesterday!! Congrats everyone! 🎉 what's the coolest open source you contributed to? 😊

lacexd profile image
lacexd • Edited

just started contributing to open source because of hacktoberfest and it's quite fun. feel bad for not doing it for the last 5 years of being a software developer. thanks for this amazing community!

cdfortes profile image
Carlos Fortes • Edited



bjauny profile image
Bastien JAUNY

Woohoo! Found a new pet project thanks to #hacktoberfest and got all my PRs for it.

jainstuti25 profile image
Stuti Jain

Just finished my 4 PRs! It feels so good to contribute to open source.

wi6n3l profile image

Just finished :)
Now I feel much better with my self

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Congrats on finishing! 🎉

genialkartik profile image
Kartik Tyagi

Completed my First ever Hacktoberfest festival with completing 4 PRs. Now waiting for the t-shirt.😅

drepram profile image
Andre Christoga Pramaditya

Felt great, and a little sense of nostalgia.

imranu profile image

I have made 4 PR to the android repository and it has been great experience of contributing. if you have or know any open issue in android kindly let me know


nakul17068 profile image
Nakul Gupta

Today, I completed my 4 PRs for the Hacktoberfest 2k19! Hope they get verified ASAP!


aanchalogy profile image
Aanchal Sharma

I submitted 4 pull requests and completed the hacktoberfest challenge. It was my first participation in hacktoberfest and feels great that I completed the challenge. It was an awesome learning experience and a great initiative.


kaweendras profile image
Salitha Kaweendra

Made 4 pull requests and here I am

vr1e profile image

Can't seem to register for a couple of days already.
After I log into github and click Start Hacking button I just get an err 500.

fastbyte01 profile image
Giuseppe Pignataro

Have made 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

csleong98 profile image
Chee Seng Leong

Hi guys!!! Just finish 4 PRs!

ritiksr25 profile image
Ritik Srivastava

I have completed the challenge!!

albingroen profile image
Albin Groen

Will it still count if your PRs have all been merged?

filips profile image
Filip Š

You should create 4 PRs during 1-31 October. It doesn't matter it they are merged or not. The only restriction is that PR isn't valid of repository owner marks it as invalid in seven days after you create it.

leeclench profile image
Lee Clench

Done 5 and sorted baseline #Hacktoberfest requirements... now to look at some of the other projects on

sivaram636 profile image

Made my first open-source contributions. and sent 4 PR to the repos I use regularly.

constantinosgeorgiou profile image
Constantinos Georgiou

First #hacktoberfest I have ever attended. 🎉️🎉️🎉️ It was very rewarding contributing to the open source community!!!

sanjulamadurapperuma profile image
Sanjula Madurapperuma

Hey hey hey, 4+ PRs and here we go!

amalj07 profile image
Amal Jose

Successfully completed hactoberfest 2019
Hactoberfest 2019 completed

agungjsp profile image
Agung Jayasukma Prasetiyo

I've completed the challenge at #hacktoberfest yeay ...

aewens profile image
Austin Ewens

I have just got my 4th PR sent to finish out my third year of celebrating Hacktoberfest!

priyanshukr profile image
Priyanshu Kumar

Successfully sent 4 pull requests!!!


Excited for the t-shirt.

varunbarad profile image
Varun Barad

Finally completed my 4 PRs for Hacktoberfest 😎

And all of them were towards the Android app for

sierisimo profile image
Sinuhe Jaime Valencia

I submited more than 4 PRs but wasn't aware that only submitting will give you the 4 needed. That's awesome.

Also I take time to improve the Android App code for!

mblancodev profile image
Manuel Blanco

Finally finished the hacktoberfest!!🎉🎉🙌🏻

First time participating and I really liked contributing to open-source so I'll be doing it from time to time in my free time :)

amexboy profile image
Amanu • Edited

I just submitted my 4th PR. I'm not proud of one of the PRs, It was a README update. :-)

I'll try to submit more so that I can feel good about myself.

petecapecod profile image
Peter Cruckshank

Yeah I'm totally pumped 😎🎉🎉
This is my 3rd year in a row!
This year I got to work on my first Svelte project 🤩🚀

wotta profile image
Wouter van Marrum • Edited

Got my hacktoberfest pr's submitted.
I also hope that I can make sure that my own project will be continued this year.

shhdharmen profile image
Dharmen Shah

Have made 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

markrobin profile image
Mark Robin • Edited

Alright! This is actually my first time joining hacktoberfest. I'm so excited with the swags. 😂


parthpanchal123 profile image
Parth Panchal

Just completed my 4 contributions to the #hacktoberfest challenge and it brought me here !!

passionlord profile image
Passionlord (vighnesh)

I Finally received my Hacktoberfest T-shirt 😋🥰 proud to be open source contributer

kampaitees profile image
Rishi Sharma

I didn't receive my goodies till now, I had done my PR's on 1st October only.
Can somebody tell why it didn't come till now?

passionlord profile image
Passionlord (vighnesh)

I'm from india & I have submitted PR's and i also ordered t-shirts , so my question is how much days/months does it takes to get delivered in india mumbai ?

nagpalnipun22 profile image

Can you please tell me that my final and 4th PR is under the the review period of 14 days from now which will mature on 1st November I guess so does that make me a hactoberfest winner or not?

kaeptnkrunch profile image
Stephan B. R. Langenau

Today i made my final PR 😃

sanfernoronha profile image
Sanfer Noronha

Did the maturing period increase from 7 days to more than 7?

oaparecido profile image
Daniel Aparecido de Souza Santos

wow, I can't imagine that I managed to do these 4 sub-missions today!
I'm happy!!

jonquilwilliams profile image
Jonquil Williams

I'm new to open source and just completed my first 4 PRs. Woot woot!

alexypulivelil profile image
Alexy Pulivelil

hacktoberfest 2020 is the first one for me and i completed 4 PRs

omkarxx profile image
Omkar Arora

It was my first hacktober fest. Today i made 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

pottekkat profile image
Navendu Pottekkat • Edited

Lot of free time this October. Hopefully won't stop at 4 PRs and would keep on going the whole month!

dhirajberi profile image
Dhiraj Beri

This is not just a T-shirt, It's our feelings. I hope you understand what I mean. #hacktoberfest

dhirajberi profile image
Dhiraj Beri

Have made 6 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

trapkka997 profile image
Han Gyu-Tae

Completed 4 PRs! #hacktoberfest

fitzcodes profile image
Thomas Fitzgerald

I really love this time of year.

vkgupta857 profile image
Vinod Gupta • Edited

Voila!! I have made 5 Pull Requests and all of them are successfully merged.

puncoz profile image
Puncoz Nepal

I just completed 4 PRs in Github for #hacktoberfest. It says currently under review but PRs already accepted merged. I hope it will update in profile.

biswaroop1547 profile image
Biswaroop Bhattacharjee

Ah, this year's Hacktoberfest donee!!

renansj profile image
Renan Zapelini

I hope we achieve it. :D

hannahsaurusrex profile image

Woo hoo!!!!! Did it!!
This challenge was super fun and a great introduction to open source. <3

zajkowskimarcin profile image
Marcin Zajkowski • Edited

Mission accomplished.

alwinao profile image
Alwina Oyewoleturner

Working on labs via Flatiron School and completed 4 submissions thus far. Many more to come!

mangy007 profile image
Kumar Mangalam


vinothrajendran profile image

I have made 4 submissions #hacktoberfest

rupeshiya profile image
Rupesh Krishna Jha

Completed hacktoberfest 2k19 challenge.
Here is my profile => check the PRs

tealeg profile image
Geoffrey J. Teale

Done, 3 tiddlers and one 1800+/800- line patch phew.

subbramanil profile image
Subbu Lakshmanan

Just completed my 4 PRs for Hacktoberfest!!

Planning to submit few more coz, I'm hungry for more :) (Got some cool ideas to submit)

redvanisation profile image
Radouane Khiri

Yesterday, I made six PRs and I got a link to this page after finish the #hacktoberfest challenge for this year! yaaay :D

awaisrafiq410 profile image
Muhammad Awais Rafiq

Finally, 4PR completed. It was fun to contribute.

vishalanand profile image

hacktoberfest is awesome!! :DDDD <3

Thanks for this- #DigitalOcean and #DEV.

iyaja profile image
Ajay Arasanipalai

Question: Do I still have to wait for the 7 day timer if all my PRs get merged before then?

albericod profile image
Albérico Dias Barreto Filho

hahaha looking forward to my t-shirt!

mnayef95 profile image
Mohamed Hamdan

Have made 5 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

wrotich profile image
Winnie Rotich

Finally, I have done it. My four Pull requests are now under review. I am glad to be part of HacktoberFest again. Yay.

aminbakhtiyari profile image
Amin Bakhtiyari

I have made 4 PRs and got invited to this page!


rajatsinghchauhan profile image


lautarolobo profile image
Lautaro Lobo

Yeah, they sent it, but I couldn't pick it up because some federal permission thing, so sad. I hope to get the law on my side this year xD

imvpn22 profile image
Vipin Yadav

Completed 4PRs

adrianocanofre profile image
Adriano Canofre

This is my second hacktoberfest and I completed 4 PR.


gvsharma profile image

Have done 4 PRs.

samsomyajit profile image
Somyajit Chakraborty

I have completed the hacktober challenge. Submitted a lot of PR to qasar,image_recognition and msc...😂


nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

I have my PRs pending for Hacktoberfest, but here is where I am at.

arealcyborg profile image

I feel like 1 of my pull request will be rejected, I wish I could complete another pull request before the end of reviewing so I could not have to wait till it is rejected.

arealcyborg profile image

Completed my hacktoberfest though i feel like one of my things will be rejected, i wish i could do another now to make up for that task

evelew profile image
Evellyn Lima • Edited

That is my first time coding on hacktoberfest and I'm very excited 🤪

dhrubo55 profile image
Dhrubo Hasan

I have made 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

wilk profile image

ahmetcetin profile image
Ahmet Cetin

3rd year in a row, completed Hacktober fest.

gusma profile image
Gustavo Malamud

Second time around finishing my hacktoberfest challenge! Looking forward to adding a few more down the line this month. #hacktoberfest

eonyang profile image

Just did it! Glad it’s still October!

faizhameed profile image
Faiz Hameed • Edited

I have completed Hacktoberfest 2019

but I haven't got an email about it yet

ronkiro profile image
Alexander Santos

WE DID IT!!!!!!

panayiotisgeorgiou profile image
Panayiotis Georgiou

Me too :)

tremainebuchanan profile image
Tremaine Buchanan

Completed by 4 PRs for Hacktoberfest 2019!

clion profile image

You still have time to submit a few more if you need to! 4 is the minimum, not the maximum!

dev_ganesh profile image
Ganesh Kumar T K

Voila! I just Completed #hacktoberfest today and looking for more . . . 😃😃

carrisunrio profile image
Riya Suntwal

I just submitted 4 PRs, yayyy!! Super excited for the t-shirts! #hacktoberfest

savagepixie profile image

Well done! What projects did you contribute to?

codebymdb profile image
Michael Bonner

Just finished my fourth and fifth PR to complete the challenge

zreese profile image
Zachary Reese

I did it! My first four PRs. And I learned that there are projects that need design contributions and not just programming.

franreysaycon profile image
Franrey Anthony S. Saycon

I was told there was a special dev badge? Sent my order for the tshirt for completing the challenge! Can't wait to receive it :D

1poo profile image

Just completed it! :) 👍👍

aaditpant01 profile image
Aadit Pant

I have completed the hactoberfest 2019 successfully with 5 PR

xeons profile image
Brandon Scott

Shouldn't the pull requests automatically be eligible if they were merged into the project I submitted them to?

bbonnin profile image
Bruno Bonnin

First 4 PRs are done 😄 !!! Let's keep working 🚀 !! #hacktoberfest

frannievas profile image

Hello everyone! second year in a row participating in Hacktoberfest!

johanbove profile image
Johan Bové

Funny how a simple T-shirt, albeit uniquely designed and in limited supply, motivated me to invest - more - spare time to contribute to the open-source development of the Known IndieWeb CMS project.

hiten2112 profile image
Hitesh Jangid

Completed my 4 PRs and very excited for Tshirts and those cool sticker. #hacktoberfest

deviorobert profile image
Robert DeVore

4 PR's down, and 3+ weeks left to add more PR's to the list 💪

shreeharivaasishta profile image

what after review time is completed ?
will i be getting any confirmation of getting goodies(T-Shirt) as soon as the review time is completed ?

ritabhkumar profile image

Anyone Received the tshirt mails yet?

kpkartikcode profile image

Made 4 PRs. Feeling excited for the tshirt. Kudos to all of you who made it.

morenomdz profile image

Got it :D

wo1fie3608 profile image
Parikshit Sharma


123rishu profile image
Rishabh sharma

Successfully submitted my 4 PRs #hacktoberfest

javatarz profile image
Karun Japhet

Is there a dashboard someone's built for tracking who has the most PRs? We're doing a small competition on our team and it'd be awesome to see who's leading right now :D

rhondanovah profile image
Rhonda Novah

Incredibly proud of myself! I've successfully made 4 pull requests but more importantly I learned so much and applied new skills by participating in Hacktoberfest!

tanmaymohan profile image

What happens if one of my PR was closed because someone had already fixed that issue

unikornintech profile image
Lauren Days

Finally submitted. All 4 in one day lol

jamessom profile image
Jamessom Queiroz


Have made 4 PR's and got invited to this page!


reddyaravind178 profile image

Feeling great to be part of #hacktoberfest for the first time.submitted my pr's 🎉🎉. finally got started with open source. Looking forward for more 🎯🎯

thefern profile image
Fernando B 🚀

Not entirely sure about invalid PRs, but more likely not.

tvibhu12 profile image
Akshay Tiwari

Finally, I have made 4 PR, and I'm here with you guys. #hacktoberfest

dpashutskii profile image
Dmitrii Pashutskii

I just made it as well! Two PRs went to website :) Thanks guys!

dlion profile image
Domenico Luciani • Edited

Even this year I completed 4 PRs but this year I've got an invitation on this page, I'm very glad to see so many people involved in this amazing initiative ✨

stephenjude profile image
Stephen Jude

I have made 4 PRs and I am really excited.

pawelmadeja profile image
Pawel Madeja

Just submitted 4 pull requests, so happy that I joined Hacktoberfest this year :D Cheers folks!

suparnasnair profile image
Suparna S Nair

Successfully completed 4 PRs today in my first HacktoberFest! Feeling rewarded :-) Planning to contribute more! #hacktoberfest

iamsimonsmale profile image
Simon Smale

Just submitted my 4!

moustachedsign profile image
Moustache Design

To do list of 2019:

  • Hacktoberfest ✔️
shafran123 profile image
Shafran Naizer

Waiting for T-shirt Email > Excited !!

darkknight profile image
Joshua Aclan • Edited

Gonna make this a yearly thing..... I was sent an email that says I'll get instructions on how to get the freebies on Oct 21 but now its Oct 22.... Who else is in the same situation?


somnath796 profile image

Hacktoberfest is a fun thing to do. Enjoyed a lot. Looking forward to see what happens after the review period. #Hacktoberfest

shoesheill profile image
Sushil Shrestha

Waiting for the T-shirt, I'm not sure it will get delivered to my address or not.

sagarnasit profile image
Sagar Nasit

Made it through the first #hactoberfest and created 4 open source PRs successfully.🎉

madhukesh048 profile image

This is my first participation in Hacktoberfest and i'm really happy that i completed 4 PRs successfully!


tathagatvikash profile image

Completed Hacktoberfest 2019 challenge successfully and Have wonderful experience after contributing in open source first time.


katafrakt profile image
Paweł Świątkowski

Well, it's done. No fixing commas in README this year :D (although one PR is close to, so I'm going to make another one to make up for that).

sabiha_000 profile image
Sabiha Shaik

Learnt a lot and successfully managed to send in 4 PRs before October end! :)

irhamdz profile image
Irham Dzuhri

love this open source community ! #hacktoberfest

kritner profile image
Russ Hammett

Ayyy We did it my dudes

Hopefully they all count :3

mrtechgadget profile image
Joshua Clark

Very happy to complete the requirements for my 2nd Hacktoberfest! I proudly wear last year’s shirt around and talk with my kids about the pure meaning of hacker.

mip2000 profile image

Today completed all 4 PR's. Increadible year! #hacktoberfest

sanyamkaul profile image
Sanyam Kaul

First #hacktoberfest participation and there go my 4 PRs. This was fun. Continuing to contribute for sure. Hoping that all goes well in the review period now..hehe.

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal • Edited

Complete with the contest this year with all review passed! Waiting for 17th October.

psprint profile image
Sebastian Gniazdowski

Found myself to complete the PR challenge by submitting completions scripts for zunit-zsh/zunit and molovo/revolver :)

klefcodes profile image
Ugbeshe Abraham

I'm so happy to participate in this 2019 edition of #hacktoberfest
I actually haven't done much PRs this year but #hacktoberfest push me to do up 11PRs in one day 😄😄

ajithpv profile image
Ajith P Venugopal • Edited


Celebration time

aashifahamed profile image
Aashif Ahamed • Edited

I did it........:)
anyone know about the tshirt, How it looks like?

eclecticcoding profile image

First year trying hacktoberfest. Completed my 4 PR but as a student at Flatiron submitting daily labs to github it was pretty easy.

navneet78 profile image
Navneet78 • Edited

I completed 4PR today. I learned contributing and made 7-8 contribution in a day. #hacktoberfest great learning motivation for beginners like me thank you.

sanyamkaul profile image
Sanyam Kaul • Edited

First #hacktoberfest participation and there go my 4 PRs. Open Source is fun! Continuing this for sure. Hoping that nothing wrong happens in the review period now..haha.

dmartinezsarta profile image
Daniel Martínez Sarta

It's my first #hacktoberfest participation! I'm so excited! Thanks to all in the OSS Community.

prantoran profile image
Pinku Deb Nath

Yay! 4 prs 💓 (ง ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)ง

mavericklez profile image
Parth Vyas

Have made 4 submissions and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

moaxcp profile image
John Mercier

Today I completed the #hacktoberfest challenge by adding 4 new packages to #nixos. There are a few other packages I want to add and I may just continue to work on the project.

sahastracookcoder1 profile image
Sahastra Kishore

finally I Completed Hacktoberfest 2k19 with 4(and more) PR's.

feryardiant profile image
Fery W

Got invited here because of "contribute" to my own repos, really?

my hacktoberfest

Thanks guys!

heymarkkop profile image
Mark Kop

This was my first participation in the event and I loved it!
Here's more about my experience:

dnafication profile image

Done with 4 submissions. Last year my T was lost in transit by AusPost. Fingers crossed this time.

nirmalpatel008 profile image
Nirmal Chhodvadiya

completed 4 PRs today for HactoberFest.


joemcmahon profile image
Joe McMahon

Got my PRs in -- and ended up becoming a maintainer on one of the projects!

ablesius profile image
Alex Blesius

I did it!

rpalaciosg profile image
Richard Palacios G


korczynsk1 profile image

Great experience with #hacktoberfest. I always be aware of github pullrequesting because of a lack of experience with it. But finally I can do it more often than once a year :)

angelfqc profile image
Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos

I made 3 (merged) PR for React apps, but I've never used to React :)

databaaz profile image
Shahbaz Khan

Are the submissions valid if the review period ends after October 31 ?

klaniece profile image
Kara with a K

Almost at the buzzer, but I made my 4! 🎉

laurieontech profile image

I did it 🎉
Gatsby docs getting better and better!

soutrikacharya profile image
Soutrik Acharya • Edited

Waiting for the Hacktoberfest 2019 T-Shirt and the Badge. #hacktoberfest

jatinagg1 profile image
Jatin Aggarwal • Edited

Successfully completed 4 PRs and got invited to this page! #hacktoberfest

aditiyadav06 profile image

I participated in the first #hacktoberfest

maenad profile image
Abigail Colina

I am done with my 4 PRs, I'll probably do a bonus since there's still time for it! (And to cover my back in case any of them gets rejected or something)

brucewayne733 profile image

I completed it Today. I think I am too late to be honest 😪😭😭😭😭

kefournier profile image
Kirsten Fournier

Excited to have contributed my 4 PRs to #hacktoberfest2019! Looking for more beginner projects in Java, in case anyone has come across any in particular that they've liked :)

rapimentello profile image

My first #hacktoberfest! Uhhuuuu <3

hugogilmar profile image
Hugo Erazo

Second year in a row completing my PRs on Hacktoberfest!

maffsojah profile image
Terry Mafura

got my 4 PRs on lock. Excited

vishalanand profile image


Completed challenge successfully :D ,got email with 'claim your shirt' optionas well , its not opening up. Is server down?

rafaelm77744594 profile image
Rafael Mendoza • Edited

Hi, I submitted four PR and the 7 days review period I think is done but the timer is still counting..

jamespotz profile image
James Robert Rooke • Edited

I've completed the challenge today, and it's my first time.. 😊 Hope to win a t-shirt 🤞🤞🤞

olegkoval profile image


khalid profile image
Khalid Almufti

Hi everyone, this is my second Hacktoberfest :) happy to be here!

divsoup profile image
Luis Pineda

I did it! Hope all my request go through 🤞🏼

patricnox profile image

Been a hacktoberfester three years straight now ✔️🍻🎉

Sadly, I didn't manage to find time to complete within the first week which I've tended too.

How about y'all?

jansenfelipe profile image
Jansen Felipe

😙😙 I have 4 PR's 😁

navdeepsingh profile image
Navdeep Singh • Edited

Looking forward for accepted PRs :)

raul1991 profile image

Excited for the tshirts and the swags :-D

mskian profile image
Santhosh Veer • Edited

Horry 🤘😊
Done My 4 PR's



kohtet02 profile image
Htet Wai Aung

Completed first 4 PRs and finger-crossing not to get invalid label. :3

persadian profile image

submitted four pull requests all web code for responsive sites and 1 for a VUI

remanovictor profile image

is there any way to know how many have already completed? would love to get that tshirt!

persimone profile image

I don't think so, but did you see the email of Digital ocean? I think they sentit today. They put some numbers in there. About 90 000+ people signed up and they said how many pull requests were made, I can't remember but I calculated and it came down to 1.3 pr per person thus far.. That doesn't help at all, I know, hahaha, but I thought it was fun to see.

prashantsengar profile image
Prashant Sengar

Completed this on the last day :D
Participated for the first time and it was a great experience

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

4 PRs done on the first day! #hacktoberfest

sanjeethboddi profile image

To which repos should I need to contribute?

code2be profile image
Ahmed Hosny

Just discovered #hacktoberfest today and shocked as I didn't make a PR during October.
But, Just finished the fourth PR, and happy to be a part of this amazing thing !

sdesani profile image
Santosh Desani

Finally wrapped up all 4 PRs for #hacktoberfest !!
Must say, making open source contribution was super fun and exciting. Going to keep doing it.

harsh2699 profile image
Harshal Patil

Have made 4 submissions and got invited to this page...!!
Very excited for T-shirt

valtercioj profile image

#hacktoberfest if anyone can stop by my git and give feedback on my projects, since I'm starting in programming, thank you.

codesadhu profile image
Atharva Patwardhan

I submitted 6 PRs of which two have been merged. The hacktoberfest profile page still shows me the review timer for all my 6 PRs. Why is that so??

npawankr1 profile image

I actually completed my 4 prs on 4 oct will I be there in top 70k for the t shirt

rodgerabhi profile image

I have made all 4 pull requests but havent received the email for completion
and its not in the spam as well.
is it okay , will i get confirmation email after review period ?