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How Can High Performers Work Less and Achieve More?

What are your thoughts on the concept of working smarter, not harder, to achieve success? How do you prioritize impact over hours worked in your daily activities? Share your experiences and discuss the benefits of focusing on productivity and efficiency.

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Top comments (5)

rasheedmozaffar profile image
Rasheed K Mozaffar

In the realm of coding, so many people get caught up over engineering the less important/meaningful things, things like iterating basic design decisions and constantly tweaking them, I was guilty of that for a long time, I used to spend hours upon hours just modifying the CSS while I had significantly more important tasks to work on. Working smarter for me simply means working on the essentials, and not getting caught up in the small details, which can be later revised and consolidated.

bjoentrepreneur profile image

Agree. What helps me a lot is working in short chunks of 25 minutes. Them 5 min break and think about my achievement.

If I feel like the implementation is good enough or it feels like I am procrastinating or working on something that is not important enough I can skip otherwise I can continue on the previous task.

And I always try to formulate before I start what I want to achieve within those 25 minutes and I feel that it helps me super protective and on track.

adriens profile image

For me, this is an endless quest.

I may say it's all about a sustainable pace and daily habits

  • Get joy out of creating & learning new things
  • Mentor people around me
  • Read books about various topics (IT, creativity, management, food/dietetics, philosophy, wellbeing, poetry, ...)
  • Outdoor sports
  • Breathing exercices
  • Writing & storytelling
  • Imagine prototypes regardless of the required knwoledge to achieve it, then learn the stack to do it, finally create it then share it with a storytelling

See some books below:

Adrien SALES - New Caledonia (96 books)

Adrien SALES has 96 books on Goodreads, and is currently reading Metadata Matters by John Horodyski, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone t...
kurealnum profile image

Don't get caught up on the little things (unless it's a security issue or something else with that level of severity), and always take a break and come back later.

Also, for general productivity, I like to do a more extended version of the pomodoro technique; I work for 54 minutes, then take a 6 minute break, and every 3 hours I get a 15 minute break (but I normally cheat and take a 30 minute break :p). This method is nice because it allows me to be hyperfocused for a certain period of time, and then completely relax and unwind without wasting too much time. It's also awesome for long days.

labasubagia profile image
Laba Subagia

Automate everything that can be automated. Even if your team is not yet at that stage, you can propose it to them after you implement it, and they will value you even more in the team. But if they reject your proposal, you can still use it yourself.

Some programmers I know even automate some of their work without telling their team, so they will have more free time rather than doing some repetitive tasks. But I don't know if that's ethical or not.