In August, we announced a new challenge on DEV, in partnership with our friends at Redis: the Redis Hackathon.
Our amazing community was challenged with leveraging Redis' strengths as a multi-model primary database to build brand new apps or to simplify an existing app. Submissions were to be filed in one of four categories: MEAN/MERN Mavericks, Microservice Mavens, Minimalism Magicians, and Wacky Wildcards.
It's never easy for contest judges to pick winners and this hackathon was even harder to decide with 25 winners to choose in total. Even so, judges from the DEV and Redis teams managed to pick our winners and I'm excited to share them with you today!
Let's take a look at the winning projects for the Redis Hackathon on DEV!
MEAN/MERV Mavericks: @subhamx

OneSocial: the ultimate super app for creators and their audience
Subham Sahu ・ Aug 29 ・ 3 min read
Microservice Mavens: @dmw

Building Address Resolution Services with Redis Search
dmw ・ Aug 28 ・ 2 min read
Minimalism Magicians: @facsiaginsa

Gazmin Streetfood: 3D Virtual Marketplace using Redis & Marzipano
Bagus Facsi Aginsa ・ Aug 29 ・ 2 min read
Minimalism Magicians: @rajeshj3

eCommerce Store, inspired by 'GCP Microserves demo'
Rajesh Joshi ・ Aug 29 ・ 3 min read
Wacky Wildcards: @ritsuke 〜 remix your social news experience with Redis Stack + Hacker News — Part 2
fred ・ Aug 29 ・ 6 min read
All Grand Prize Winners will receive:
- $2,000 USD gift card or equivalent 🤑
- $300 USD credit to the Forem Shop 😎
- An extra $200 for those who included a 5-minute video 💰
- DEV Sticker Pack ✨
- DEV “Redis Hackathon” Grand Prize profile badge 🏆
And, our 20 Runners-Up, in random order!

Shoppable - E-commerce For Everyone
Amit Wani ・ Aug 29 ・ 2 min read

Esteros - Online ice cream shop
Ahmad Husen ・ Aug 29 ・ 2 min read

Redis Hackathon - Tracking System
Chirag Jain ・ Aug 24 ・ 3 min read

hardWareHouse Inventory Management Application
Pranav Arora ・ Aug 8 ・ 2 min read

Real-time Poll app using Redis, WebSocket, Node.js and React
Mohamed Ashiq Sultan ・ Aug 27 ・ 2 min read

WatchYaari - Watch videos together with your friends
Akhil Mannuru (He/Him) ・ Aug 28 ・ 1 min read

Building a Fullstack App with NodeJS, ExpressJs and Redis-OM
Wakeel Kehinde Ige ・ Aug 29 ・ 10 min read

"Volunteer Up Community" To Save and Love The World🌏🙌
Dulya Perera ・ Aug 28 ・ 3 min read

Introducing BookWheat, The ultimate twitter bookmark tool
hardik singh ・ Aug 28 ・ 1 min read

Introducing Ideao - A web portal of exploring ideas.
Utsav bhattarai ・ Aug 29 ・ 2 min read

Pic Placeholder: categorised image placeholders
Nabil Alamin ・ Aug 28 ・ 1 min read

Nyan Cat or Giga Cat Epic Game
Gourav Singh Rawat ・ Aug 11 ・ 6 min read

Introducing juhu - an open source search engine
Aashish Panthi ・ Aug 29 ・ 2 min read

Wallet » Where your credit lives | Redis Hackathon Submission August 2022
Christopher Jones ・ Aug 30 ・ 1 min read

I Went Way Too FAR By Building a Real Time Chat App Using The FARR (Fastapi, React, Redis) Stack.
Mahmoud Harmouch ・ Aug 30 ・ 2 min read

Quiz app in Next JS and Redis
Vincent Gitonga ・ Aug 27 ・ 3 min read

ShortCut - Blazingly fast URL Shortener with great analytics built in
Rohith Gilla ・ Aug 29 ・ 2 min read
All runners-up will receive:
- $200 USD gift card or equivalent 💰
- $150 USD credit to the Forem Shop 🌈
- An extra $200 for those who included a 5-minute video 💵
- DEV Sticker Pack 💻
- DEV “Redis Hackathon” Runner-Up profile badge 🌟
All participants with a valid project will receive a DEV Sticker Pack and an “Redis Hackathon” participant profile badge. 🎉
To everyone who submitted a project for this hackathon, we're giving you a huge round of applause. In the process of building your project, you sharpened your skills while learning something new. That's something to be very proud of.
Our team will follow up with all winners and participants about their prizes, gift codes, and stickers after Friday, September 30th.
Great work, everyone! We hope you had a blast participating in the Redis Hackathon on DEV!
Even if you weren't able to participate this time, you can still utilize all of the resources that Redis provided for the hackathon. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the Redis Discord.
- Sign up for a free Redis Cloud account using this link and use the Redis Stack database in the cloud. For datasets > 1GB please use Redis Stack on Docker
- Libraries: JavaScript: Redis OM Node (video, guide); Python: Redis OM Python( video, guide); Java: Redis OM Spring (video, guide), C#: Redis OM .NET (video, guide);
- Redis Developer Hub for docs, samples and tutorials
- Redis Stack getting started page
- RedisInsight - Desktop GUI tool for inspecting the data
Top comments (8)
Holy smokes, I won! First off, I want to give a big congratulations to everyone involved in this event; it was a fantastic display of skill and talent, and I'm truly honored to have been a part of it. Special thanks go out to the DEV community and Redis for making this all possible; without you, none of this would have been possible.
This event has also motivated me to continue working on the FAR3 stack as the future of the web. The FAR3 stack is blazingly fast and incredibly versatile, and I believe it has a bright future. So thank you again; time to go GYM.
Congratulations to all the winners and participants 👏👏
Thank you so much for choosing me the runner up for my application "hardWareHouse Inventory Management Application". Thanks to and redis for conducting such an amazing hackathon. I look forward to participate again in an event like this.
Congratulations all winners ❤️ thanks and redis for organising this hackathon 👍
Wow! Feel honored to be 1 of the winner. Thanks @devencourt for the announcement. Also, thanks to my friend @moefc32 for helping me building this project. Last but not least, thanks to DEV Community & Redis for making this possible.
Congratulations all winners ❤️.
Great projects! Congratulations everyone!
This is totally unexpected🔥!! Thank you @devteam and @redis!!! And congratulations everyone🥳✨!!!