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Redis x DEV Hackathon Help Thread

If you're participating in the Redis x DEV hackathon and you need some help with your submission, you've come to the right place!

If you have any questions about how this contest works (ex: due dates, how to post your submission, picking a category, etc.) the DEV team will be happy to assist you.

If you are running into issues or get stuck when it comes to Redis' in-memory data structure store, please leave those questions here as well.

Comment below if you need asynchronous assistance with the Redis x DEV Hackathon ❤️

P.S. If you'd like to share an update on the progress you're making on your project or if you'd like to connect with other participants, please do so in the community discussion thread!

Top comments (15)

otumianempire profile image
Michael Otu

I have been facing this issue since yesterday. Everything seems to be working but when I call the repository.createAndSave or repository.createEntity method, I get that TypeError: this.schema.generateId is not a function

TypeError: this.schema.generateId is not a function
    at Repository.createEntity (/home/user/Projects/web/ARMS-redis/node_modules/redis-om/dist/index.js:907:28)
    at Repository.createAndSave (/home/user/Projects/web/ARMS-redis/node_modules/redis-om/dist/index.js:915:25)
    at create (file:///home/user/Projects/web/ARMS-redis/src/controller/admin.controller.js:57:31)
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my redis-om version is 0.3.6 and I have redis-stack-server running.

menard_codes profile image
Menard Maranan • Edited

Hello there
I'm a complete newbie in Redis and not quite sure how to get Realtime data from RedisJSON. I'm building something that requires realtime data and I'm not sure how to implement this on Redis. I don't know if Redis has built-in support for this or none, because if so, I think I need to implement the whole thing via WebSockets. I tried searching but I can't find something that helps. I'm just curious, how can I make RedisJSON to become realtime (like Firebase Firestore)?
After some research, I noticed that there's no in-built support for this by Redis (please tell me if I'm wrong) and you have to implement it yourself via WebSockets? Is that right?
If so, I think this further increases development time, so instead I'm thinking of using this dependency I found in npmjs: @space-kit/redis-realtime-node

jgaskins profile image
Jamie Gaskins

Correct. Like nearly all databases, Redis does not have zero-trust capabilities like Firebase does. There needs to be a trusted service in between Redis and untrusted clients.

tikam02 profile image
Tikam Singh Alma

hello there,

I think redis cloud is very slow or buggy because it don't work and my connection always got timeout, long promises were in pending state and got timeout, event my Redis-DB is used only 9%.

Is this happening to all??

menard_codes profile image
Menard Maranan

How to benchmark RediSearch performance? I'm currently comparing the performance of RediSearch with Azure Cognitive Search, but I have no idea how to benchmark RediSearch (or any services in Redis stack)

alperguven profile image
Alper Güven • Edited

Hey! I published an NPM package for templating & creating Redis keys. But it seems like The Redis Hackathon does not have a relevant category for it. Is it possible for me to join using my NPM package (which I created this month)?

See my introduction post on DEV for Create Redis Key:

valentinesean22 profile image
Valentine Sean Chanengeta

I have an issue with Redis Cloud:
1) Is it a mandatory to have a credit card to be able use its services?
2) If I don't have access to Redis Cloud am I allowed to use Redis platform hosted on localhost?

lohanidamodar profile image
Damodar Lohani

Hey, anyone has a example, tutorial regarding redis timeseries with nodejs client. I couldn't find any resources on working with redis time-series using the nodejs redis client. There isn't proper documentation

moefc32 profile image
Faizal Chan.

Hello! As mentioned here, my friend @facsiaginsa and I have won under the Minimalism Magicians category, with an app called Gazmin Streetfood. I want to clarify that I have not received any badge yet, while my profile is already included in our submision post. Can anybody help me with this issue? Thanks! :)

Image description

kasuken profile image
Emanuele Bartolesi

@DEV why I didn't received the badge on my profile about this hackathon? this is my submission:

imkarthikeyan profile image

Quick question ? Can I use this library in the development process Upstash redis

wjohnsto profile image
Will Johnston

Please use either Redis Enterprise Cloud or a local Redis environment.

tikam02 profile image
Tikam Singh Alma

I can't change Account Name in app.redislab

Signup using gtihub and it's a total mess. It took automatically my working orgs name as Account name. "REDIS"

sashevuchkov profile image
Sashe V.

Hi, can you give us more information about when we can expect the announcement of the winners?

josephanthonyking profile image
Joseph King

Hi everyone, I have a personal project I've been working on throughout the pandemic. Does the submission need to be from scratch or can we we submit a pre-existing application?