To add to all of this, I just have to say that I'm not sure where I'd be in my career without CodeNewbie. I was truly a newbie myself when CodeNewbie first started and it was my connection to the broader coding world. I really didn't know any other software developers in my personal life.
CodeNewbie has absolutely been an inspiration for so much of what we've done at DEV. Getting to work on their initiatives alongside Saron is a dream come true.
We look forward to helping newbies all over the world shed impostor syndrome and do big things in code.
I can't re-iterate this last point enough. CodeNewbie has already positively impacted so many people across the world, and we're humbled by the opportunity to continue and expand this work. As we all know, learning and growing through community is critical to making progress in this industry. To that end, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and supported must be one of our highest collective goals.
The more that we learned about CodeNewbie as a company and operation through this process, the more impressed we became. Saron is an incredible entrepreneur, and she's built an amazingly well-run operation. We're so excited to continue all the great work that she has started. Expect big things from DEV + CodeNewbie going forward!
The first time I met Saron, we were meeting with Ben to discuss civic tech and how we could make an impact. What came out of that meeting was a non-profit called "Make a Diff" (get it? 😏), where we organized events for less technical people to learn about security best practices.
Through that joint effort, we experienced how excellent it is to collaborate with Saron and how precisely aligned our values are, through and through.
Bringing DEV and CodeNewbie together is truly a dream come true.
My two favorite places on the internet have combined forces! 🚀 So amazing!! I can’t wait to get my ticket for Codeland, last year was my first time attending (attending any code conference for that matter) and I just had so many good vibes.
Saron has been a great source of inspiration and motivation for me and, perhaps, for others too.
Someone here on DEV recommended a podcast, The Command Line Heroes, back then in a particular post. I subscribed to the podcast and I must confess that it's the first podcast I found that 'speaks to me' directly. I became so emotionally attached to this podcast to the extent that it became a source of motivation for me, whenever I feel like giving up on coding.
Very recently, I also joined the Base.cs podcast and I must tell you that, as a CS graduate, I found this podcast to be a great refresher to me (I even learnt lots of things that either I didn't know or I understood not).
So I feel like I'm the most happiest person to have read this very impressive and historical announcement!
Since DEV is already very newbie-friendly, we want to assure you that we are a vibrant ecosystem of developers that span all experience levels. We have product adjustments in mind right now to ensure a more relevant and enriching home feed for all users. You can already adjust your experience level in /settings/ux. We have more shipping in the upcoming weeks.
This is wonderful news! So very exciting to see DEV growing to better assist the community. I look forward to seeing what CodeNewbies and Dev can do together to foster more people to get into code. So cool!
Engineer | Lover of dogs, books, and learning | Dos XX can be most interesting man in the world, I'm happy being the luckiest. | I write about what I learn @
Senior Manager, Development Community at Mailchimp and Founder and Principal Consultant at Listen Community Consulting. Formerly of HubSpot, Mashery, Intel, Keen IO and Shopify.
// , “It is not so important to be serious as it is to be serious about the important things. The monkey wears an expression of seriousness... but the monkey is serious because he itches."(No/No)
You can already adjust your experience level in /settings/ux.
I didn't know about that. I really like to see that you're paying attention not just to the neebs (gotta bump that Monthly Active User count) but also to the l33t haxxors whose needs are more esoteric.
CodeNewbie's podcast is the only podcast I listen to. Really helped get over the imposter syndrome at my current job. This seems to be pretty relatable here.
I architect AWS cloud at scale, empowering our global dev teams at Informa to build fast (at scale), while adhering to standards, principles and compliancy guidelines ✅
Principal AWS Architect at Informa | Founder AWS at Scale
Congratulations to the DEV team and to @saronyitbarek
. The CodeNewbie podcast has kept me motivated and helped me land my first developer job. I look forward to seeing the new content.
In 2014, Saron visited the Flatiron School bootcamp where I was studying and was an inspiration for all of us. I have so much respect for CodeNewbies and am excited to see ya'll join forces!
Fyresite is a Top Rated Development firm located in Phoenix, AZ. Our team specializes in web design, web development, UI/UX design and app development.
That's great news, when I started out as an instructor all my courses/posts were specifically geared towards newbies. Even now I try and post advanced topics as newbie friendly.
To add to all of this, I just have to say that I'm not sure where I'd be in my career without CodeNewbie. I was truly a newbie myself when CodeNewbie first started and it was my connection to the broader coding world. I really didn't know any other software developers in my personal life.
CodeNewbie has absolutely been an inspiration for so much of what we've done at DEV. Getting to work on their initiatives alongside Saron is a dream come true.
Congratulations to the DEV and CodeNewbie teams. Looking forward to the exciting things that are gonna be coming out of this great partnership.🔥🔥
I can't re-iterate this last point enough. CodeNewbie has already positively impacted so many people across the world, and we're humbled by the opportunity to continue and expand this work. As we all know, learning and growing through community is critical to making progress in this industry. To that end, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and supported must be one of our highest collective goals.
The more that we learned about CodeNewbie as a company and operation through this process, the more impressed we became. Saron is an incredible entrepreneur, and she's built an amazingly well-run operation. We're so excited to continue all the great work that she has started. Expect big things from DEV + CodeNewbie going forward!
The first time I met Saron, we were meeting with Ben to discuss civic tech and how we could make an impact. What came out of that meeting was a non-profit called "Make a Diff" (get it? 😏), where we organized events for less technical people to learn about security best practices.
Through that joint effort, we experienced how excellent it is to collaborate with Saron and how precisely aligned our values are, through and through.
Bringing DEV and CodeNewbie together is truly a dream come true.
tfw two of your FAVORITE companies join forces 🥰
so excited for this power team and collaboration!!
This is amazing news!! Congrats to the team 🎉
How amazing is this! Two great development communities coming together!
My two favorite places on the internet have combined forces! 🚀 So amazing!! I can’t wait to get my ticket for Codeland, last year was my first time attending (attending any code conference for that matter) and I just had so many good vibes.
That's really awesome!
What a great news!
Saron has been a great source of inspiration and motivation for me and, perhaps, for others too.
Someone here on DEV recommended a podcast,
The Command Line Heroes
, back then in a particular post. I subscribed to the podcast and I must confess that it's the first podcast I found that 'speaks to me' directly. I became so emotionally attached to this podcast to the extent that it became a source of motivation for me, whenever I feel like giving up on coding.Very recently, I also joined the
podcast and I must tell you that, as a CS graduate, I found this podcast to be a great refresher to me (I even learnt lots of things that either I didn't know or I understood not).So I feel like I'm the most happiest person to have read this very impressive and historical announcement!
This is wonderful news! So very exciting to see DEV growing to better assist the community. I look forward to seeing what CodeNewbies and Dev can do together to foster more people to get into code. So cool!
Really amazing announcement(s)!
Saron and Levi - it's funny because I feel like I know both of you already from how much time I've spent listening to your podcasts.
Love seeing DEV continue getting better and better!
What wonderful news!! I can see so many great things to come with CodeNewbie joining your team. Congratulations!
I am so stoked about all of this!
Dreamiest acquisition EVER! <3
// , Awwwwww yeah. This is great.
I didn't know about that. I really like to see that you're paying attention not just to the neebs (gotta bump that Monthly Active User count) but also to the l33t haxxors whose needs are more esoteric.
Congratulations! Two great communities with the same purpose getting together! Nothing but amazing stuff will happen <3
This is a great announcement! Congrats to everyone involved.
Incredibly exciting news. As a coding novice and newbie myself I look forward to what this collaboration will bring in terms of knowledge and support.
This is amazing, the Dev team keeps making great moves. Congratulations.
What a great announcement! Huge congratulations to every member involved in this! ♥
Congratulations!! I'm so excited about what y'all will produce in the future!
Huge congrats to the team! I’m really impressed how you are building such a strong and vibrant community here 💪
I love this news! Excited to see what is to come!! 💛
This is wonderful news. Glad to see the two communities I have felt really comfortable at as a learner joining forces. ❤️
Fabulous news! CodeLand sounds amazing...wish we had that in the UK!
Two of my favorite dev platforms coming together is awesome! A warm welcome to the new addition to the Dev family.
That is awesome news, you guys! So happy to see this, and excited about the upcoming conference. I bet y'all are going to crush it. 💪🏽💯
CodeNewbie's podcast is the only podcast I listen to. Really helped get over the imposter syndrome at my current job. This seems to be pretty relatable here.
Brilliant. I don’t know where I’d be if it wasn’t for CodeNewbie 😍
Congratulations to the DEV team and to @saronyitbarek . The CodeNewbie podcast has kept me motivated and helped me land my first developer job. I look forward to seeing the new content.
Google gasps
Awesome to see two of my favorite communities come together!
Very cool!! Congrats everyone - we love the work you do!
Can't wait to hear the new shows, bring on the podcasts!!
Codeland Will be 2 days this year?
Omg! It was my very first conference and I can't miss it!!!
This is truly exciting news! Can't wait to see what the future holds for DEV and CodeNewbie.
This is awesome news! Congrats to both of you!
Great news! Congratulations!
This is a big step for the community!
In 2014, Saron visited the Flatiron School bootcamp where I was studying and was an inspiration for all of us. I have so much respect for CodeNewbies and am excited to see ya'll join forces!
This is very exciting!
I am happy to hear this...congrats Saron, Ben, and everyone in CodeNewbie!! Love this site, love the podcast!!!!
So Ben, newbie here. What kind of posts do I tag with #codenewbie again? 😉 🔖
Congratulations! I'm definitely going to apply to talk at CodeLandConf! Sounds fun!
Congratulations :)
Honestly, I thought the banner color is strange. But then I realized it is part of CodeNewbie color scheme.
Very, eh... bright :)
Very happy
Some of the best news to start a day on/with
When will you hire me as a newbie? 😅😅😅
This is really amazing - keep up the great work!!
That's awesome news. Congratulations to everyone involved! 🥳
That's great news, when I started out as an instructor all my courses/posts were specifically geared towards newbies. Even now I try and post advanced topics as newbie friendly.
Congrats! This is exciting news!