Every Tuesday, we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
Visual Learners, Rejoice!
Frankly, this entire series about Docker fundamentals by @aurelievache is fantastic — it uses sketchnotes to appeal to those of us visual learners. In this ninth installment, Aurelie breaks down Docker search.

Understanding Docker: part 9 – Docker Search
Aurélie Vache ・ Oct 15 '20
What a Senior Dev Is — and Isn’t
Thanks, @themarcba, for this thorough primer on the true role of a senior developer — a title that’s frequently misunderstood and truly looks different at every company.
JS Interview Questions? You’ve Got This.
@dverybest came through with five common JS interview questions with simple answers that might just save you during your next bout of pre-interview jitters (you’ll do great)!

Basic JavaScript Interview Questions
Charles Best ・ Oct 19 '20
Problem-Solving? Throw Out Your Stopwatch.
Everyone solves problems in their own way, and while sometimes, there’s room for optimization, you shouldn’t feel badly about a slow and steady approach. Thanks for the reminder and personal story, @pepopowitz!

I'm Slow And That's Okay
Steven Hicks ・ Oct 14 '20
When to Use Context (in Context 😉)
In this post, @olenadrugalya explores Context API and when to use it with React. A great breakdown in four steps!

Managing state with React Context
Olena Drugalya ・ Oct 14 '20
Freelancing: The What, Why, and How
Whether you’re an experienced or prospective software developer, chances are you’ve met a freelancer a time or two. If you’ve ever wondered how or why one even becomes a freelancer, this post by @kevsmss goes out to you!
git commit -m "get started with open source!"
Just in time for the tail-end of #Hacktoberfest! @williamotieno delivers a great intro to open source contribution with a focus on Git and GitHub. If you’ve been tempted to participate in Hacktoberfest but feel a bit lost, know that you still have time and this helpful guide is here for you if you need it.

Beginner's guide to Git and Open-Source Contribution
William Otieno ・ Oct 17 '20
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (3)
Congrats to @aurelievache , @themarcba , @dverybest , @pepopowitz , @olenadrugalya , @kevsmss , and @williamotieno !! 🎉
Thank you
Oooh thank you!! ♥️♥️♥️