Every Monday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
1. Effective Technology
Transitioning to Docker isn't always the easiest. Alex shares a list of helpful commands, and their use cases.

20 Docker commands use cases for developers
Alex Barashkov ・ Jan 24 '19
2. The TLDR
Nicole shares a brief history on color theory and gives us some advice on picking a color or color palette when designing a project.
Article No Longer Available
3. A real programmer would be like....
Andy reflects on what it means to be a programmer and how job titles aren't a prerequisite to be defined as one.

I Am Not A Real Programmer
Andy George (he/him) ・ Jan 25 '19
4. !important
You know you've done it. Emma helps us understand CSS specificity so we stop slapping on !important
and actually understand why our styles aren't getting applied.
Article No Longer Available
5. 76%
^^^ that's the amount of web pages loaded with HTTPS. This post walks us through why we should use HTTPS in development, as well as the technical considerations: generating certificates, reverse proxies, etc.
6. Your Discretion
When considering the scope of a project, you may realize that a css framework is unnecessary. Sarthak shares resources to use instead of frameworks (from powerful CSS properties to code snippets) as well as ways to remove unused CSS.
Article No Longer Available
7. Solid Advice
Whether or not you agree with Darragh's view on JWT, it's hard to argue with their main takeaway: be sure you understand why you're using a piece of technology (and its limitations) before you use it!

Be careful of the JWT hype train
Darragh O'Riordan ・ Jan 23 '19
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (1)
Enjoyed the articles this week, especially the one on CSS Specificity, shout out to you @emmawedekind :D
For anyone that's interested, @dangolant and I do a weekly discussion of these top 7 posts.
If you enjoyed this week's posts or didn't have a chance to read them, you can find our discussion here :)
Dev.to Review #13: Top 7 Of The Week, Discussed
Daniel Golant