Every Tuesday, we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
Let’s make autocomplete more a11y-friendly
Autocomplete is awesome, but it comes with a small but important issue. @savvasstephnds walks us through how to fix it.

The problem with autocomplete and how to fix it
Savvas Stephanides ・ Jan 13 '21
A transparent look at coding bootcamp, DevRel, & more!
@lauracharvey’s reflection on how they landed a DevRel (developer relations) job, nitty-gritty and all, is so informative.

How I went from newbie to dream role in 225 days...
lauracharvey ・ Jan 15 '21
Avoid an identity crisis by understanding authentication and authorization
@charlottebrf_99 gave a talk at a Node Girls and Women of Security
meetup to share a few things they have learned about authentication and authorization. This post sums it up!

Authentication and Authorisation 101
Charlotte Fereday ・ Jan 16 '21
The importance of webpack cannot be understated
@kalashin1 explains how to use webpack to bundle your code, manage your assets, automate easy processes and optimize your code. Let’s do it!
"Books are life's cheat codes"
“Books that examine ways of living, how we go about our daily lives, approach productivity, and interact with others have been overall much more impactful for me both in my working life as well as my personal life” says @jameesy. Books are magic ✨

The Five Books that Changed my Life as a Software Engineer
Jamees Bedford ・ Jan 15 '21
REST assured
Note: We accidentally included a plagiarized version of the post below, originally. As such, we have replaced it with the true author's post, published in August 2018.
@florimondmanca provides some community recommended best practices to follow while designing and developing RESTful APIs for consistent, error-free, and easy to use APIs.
RESTful API Design: 13 Best Practices to Make Your Users Happy
Florimond Manca ・ Aug 29 '18
Under the Linux hood
From flags to file permissions with @rudrakshi99.
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Tuesday!
Top comments (6)
Congrats to this week's top authors!! 🎉
@savvasstephnds , @lauracharvey , @charlottebrf_99 , @kalashin1 , @florimondmanca , @jameesy , & @rudrakshi99
Thanks a lot !.. It encourages me to write some more articles.
What a pleasant surprise. And I’m in good company. Thanks Gracie and Jess!
Thanks for the quick anti-plagiarism action from you and the community, and including my post in this list. :)
I love this curated list of posts, thanks for keeping the community engaged.