Every Tuesday we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.
Seeing the forest for the (Abstract Syntax) Trees
@aruna helps us get beyond a cursory understanding of Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) in this post

Abstract Syntax Trees: They're Actually Used Everywhere -- But What Are They?
aruna-x ・ Nov 17 '21
The benefits and risks of contract development
If you're interested in working as a contract developer @hrishio has made a pretty strong case for it.

Why should you become a contractor? - The 3 big benefits of contracting
Hrishi Mittal ・ Nov 19 '21
Shedding some light on developer relations engineering
@josefine asked the questions we've all had about DevRel in this interview.
Article No Longer Available
Rebuilding a blog
@abbeyperini is back with a new installment of their series about accessibility auditing their portfolio site. In this post, they explore their blog page. Don't miss the final installment, coming up soon!
A most welcome brain massage
@mustapha created a stunningly relaxing animation that I guarantee you won't regret taking a peek at.

Mesmerizing animation using only CSS rotations 🧘♀️
Mustapha Aouas ・ Nov 18 '21
Kickstart your next personal project
@unclebigbay walks us through setting up a Node.js backend project, connecting it to a database, writing your backend CRUD logic, and testing it using Hoppscotch. This thorough tutorial will help you kickstart your personal project and apply it in any backend project.

Creating your First CRUD Restful API with Node.JS and Hoppscotch
Unclebigbay ・ Nov 20 '21
"You are not alone, and you are loved"
"We are not alone, not in the greatest chaos, nor in the most thorough systems of order we could imagine. Alone we will fail, but together we can achieve so much more, and that's a lesson I wish I had learned much earlier in my life."
-@baweaver ❤️

Tales of the Autistic Developer – Order and Chaos
Brandon Weaver ・ Nov 19 '21
That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Tuesday!
Top comments (8)
Big congrats to @aruna , @hrishio , @josefine , @abbeyperini , @mustapha , @unclebigbay , & @baweaver !!
Thanks for featuring my article, I hope this helps a lot of people who want to begin their journey in backend development.
Thanks for featuring me, Gracie!
Thank you!
Thank you 🙏🔥
Thanks so much 😄 This made my day!
Thanks so much for featuring us, Gracie! :)