DEV Community

Cover image for Welcome Thread - v247

Welcome Thread - v247

Sloan the DEV Moderator on October 18, 2023

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about ...
charmainemarie99 profile image
Charmaine Allison

Hi, I'm from Yorkshire, UK 👋

I've written a post about why I'm making the move to tech / coding but in a nutshell, I want to move away from my current job as I currently work in an environment where it is normalised and expected to be abused / assaulted. Definitely want to move away from this and begin a career in an industry where I can continuously grow and learn whilst keeping myself safe!

Say hi back and tell me where you're from 😊

davidscanu profile image
David Scanu

Hello, I am David from Caen, France. Very sad to hear that. You wrote the very first comment I read on and it feels heartbreaking. I hope you find your way through web development. I strongly believe that everybody can/should learn. I'm sure you'll stay dedicated and that everything will be fine.

If you have any questions about front-end dev, don't hesitate to ask. I'll try my best to help.

Take care. 🙏

giuliano1993 profile image

Hey Allison, welcome on DEV!
This is Giuliano, from Rome! I'm sure you will find a good place to share and grow, and a completely welcoming community!
Wish you the best, and a great learning journey!
See you around 😃

charmainemarie99 profile image
Charmaine Allison

Hi Giuliano,
Thanks for this, so far the community has been very welcoming so I can't fault it!
See you around ☺️

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Hi and welcome to DEV! I'm from Nashville, TN USA.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

I always forget that we're neighbor states, Chris, haha. One of these days I'm gonna take a trip to Nashville... will have to hit you up when I'm there!

abdulrehman0 profile image
Abdul Rehman

Happy to hear that.

raxc23 profile image

Hi Allison!

I'm moving into tech too! nice to meet you.


mohrich profile image

Hi I'm Samuel also moving into tech from africa

jordantylerburchett profile image
Jordan-Tyler Burchett

I've been here for little over a week now and it's the best community I've ever seen. The people on this network are so friendly and helpful. I hope your experiences on DEV is as good for you as it has been for me 🙂

Happy venturing!

borisuu profile image

Hi from another newbie :D

jordantylerburchett profile image
Jordan-Tyler Burchett

Hello 👋

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to hear!

x_qt profile image
X Speaks

Happy to hear! Getting ready to dive in 😈

renancferro profile image
Renan Ferro • Edited

Heyy, welcome everyone! Let's make the community better and better 😄🤘

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Hey! Nice to have you here! 🙏🙏🙏

giovannabessa profile image
Giovanna Bessa

Hello community

My name is Giovanna, I'm studying ADS. I am passionate about anything related to technology, I want to become a great Full Stack developer someday, and on this site I saw an opportunity to expand my knowledge.

I'm excited to join the community😊

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you Giovanna!

lydiaofficial profile image
Lydia Amadi Chinyere

Hi, I came in here from Scrimba's Markdown course as am taking their Frontend Developer Career Path program.

I am a UI/UX designer who's seeking to transition to code as a UX engineer.

Currently, I am exploring open source, and contributing my design skill to OpenRefine (an open source Data wrangling tool), where I recently concluded my Outreachy internship in the May - August cohort of this year.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Heyo Lydia!

Welcome to DEV! My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here.

I hope DEV is a good resource for ya as you make the transition from UI/UX designer to UX engineer! The community is pretty dang awesome and helpful here.

OpenRefine sounds really cool! Because it's open source, I'm wondering are ya trying to contribute to the project at all?

Hacktoberfest is going on all this month and is really geared toward introducing new developers to the world of open source. If you're interested, you can see more details about the event here! We also have a helpful series of posts that provide more info on the event which you might wanna check out.

Anywho, whether or not you're interested in Hacktoberfest, it's great to have you with us! 🙌

lydiaofficial profile image
Lydia Amadi Chinyere

Hi Michael,

Thank you for responding and yes, I am contributing to OpenRefine at the moment, as a designer. In the past three months, I have worked on improving workflows for design contributions and collaboration on the project, improved the GitHub label structure of issues and also written a 10 page documentation on how designers can contribute to OpenRefine that is available on the website .

Right now, I am working on the redesign of the reconciliation feature of the tool.

Thank you for sharing about Hackroberfest. I'll go look at it now and yes, I am very much interested.

Thread Thread
michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh that's awesome, Lydia! Just took a look at the link and the docs look awesome and feel really intuitive... fantastic design work.

Anywho, best wishes as you make that transition. You got this! 😀

See ya around DEV!

Thread Thread
lydiaofficial profile image
Lydia Amadi Chinyere

Thank you!

hardikchotaliya profile image
Hardik Chotaliya

Hello, everyone! I’m from Mumbai, India. 👋

I’m passionate about tech exploration and have written articles on Automation Testing, QA, SDET, Webdriver-IO, Software testing, automation, and scaling. I enjoy consulting on Automation and QA queries and love teaching about tech and OpenSource.

Please feel free to say hi back and tell me where you’re from. 😊

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Hardik! Great to have ya with us. 👋

My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV. I'm from the states by the way — Pittsboro, NC to be specific!

Just checked out your profile and you've been posting some great resources! One recommendation I have is to add as many tags as you can to your posts... this will help them to be discovered by folks. It looks like you've done so on some but not all of your posts.

In any case, you might enjoy reading through this Best Practices for Writing on DEV series. Please don't get me wrong, your writing is awesome... this series will just give you a bit more information about how to get the most out of writing on DEV!

Anywho, appreciate you sharing so many awesome posts with us, and don't hesitate to hit me up if you have any questions!

hardikchotaliya profile image
Hardik Chotaliya

Thanks for suggestions and resource! I will surely go through it 😀
Please stay in touch 🙏

pholophus profile image
pholophus • Edited

Hi, I'm Iqbal from Malaysia

Recently I have been feeling my skills are lacking and I hit a wall as I don't know what I should learn to improve. Thats where I google "blogs that every software engineer needs to follow" and it led me right here. Currently I wish to read and learn tips,tricks and new knowledges for self-improvement. Hoping the community of would be a huge help for me. 🙌🏻

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Right on! Glad you Google led you to us, Iqbal. 😀

My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here. Good to meet ya!

There are loads of folks sharing helpful posts here, so I hope you're able to find some good resources to help you expand your knowledge and continue to grow. I think it's pretty common for folks to hit a wall in their learnings... I've seen a good number of posts on the topic, so perhaps there's some advice in there that can help you out. If not, I hope it's at least some consolation that you're not alone.

Just curious, what types of things are you doing as a dev and do you have a primary focus? In any case, our community is broad with different folks out there covering lots of different topics. I'd recommend exploring some of our most-used tags, following those that interest you and hiding those that don't.

Hope you dig it here and feel free to hit me up here if you have any questions or feedback!

hayatamimi profile image

Hello Iqbal ✨ love your name
Let’s work hard together 🫡

girispanidea profile image

Hi, I am Giri from Bangalore/India.
I am interested in Python apps/games that can run in Unity framework.
I would like to explore the interface between Python app and the Unity framework to write sample apps that controls Unity app from Python.
I hope to find some help in this forum as I could see nice Python apps shared for members to learn and explore.

Thank you !!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Hey Giri! Rock on, sounds like you've come to the right place. 🙌

My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here at DEV. I def recommend you follow some good game dev related tags as well as python if you're not already:

There may be some others, but those are the first that come to mind!

In any case, I'm curious what kind of game are you interested in building? Not sure if you've decided that yet or not, but if you have, I'd like to hear about it.

girispanidea profile image

Hi Michael, Thanks for the reply and pointers.
To start with, I want to explore a simple car controller game and looking for one with source code for learning.

markeemarkus profile image

Hi everyone 👋 Looks like a good site to learn and contribute.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great to have you Mark

drpatlasov profile image

hi! I'm from Russia, Moscow. I am a novice doctor who sees his goal in integrating the latest IT technologies into the medical field, for this I am here. Concurrently, I am the ambassador of the Ethernity cloud project and my current goal is to find dapp developers for confidential cloud computing with maximum data protection.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh wow, integrating tech with the medical field is a great goal. Hope you enjoy being part of the community, Konstantin!

hickiy profile image

Hi, I‘m from WuHan, China

I came here , because I saw a blog post, It's very useful for me , I hope to learn web knowledge with more, so i determine to join the community, I'm gladly to see you, After hope lots care!

wfyyp_17 profile image

G'day everyone. I'm from Sydney, Australia. Finding it hard to be motivational and energetic when learning new tech languages and so on. Hopefully though, I will get there with some luck and pixie dust haha.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

G'day indeed! My name is Michael and I'm a Community Manager here on DEV. 👋

I feel you on the motivation crash... it happens! Anywho, wishing you the best of luck that that motivation fairy returns and hits ya with the pixie dust! ✨

borisuu profile image

Hi, I'm Boris. I love Python development and the way it makes me think about problems. I'm here to help others solve problems, write articles about not so well-known features, but also learn new languages and techniques.

madymo profile image

Hi im from Germany near Dortmund,
I am a reTrainee, i worked 32 years in a production firm . Im going to be an Software Developer now. Yes i am older but we never to old to learn.
At my age i can say i make my Hobby to Work and have a Lot of fun at this.
I Hope to find many stuff to learn and people who goes my way too.


silent_mobius profile image
Alex M. Schapelle

Hi , I'm Alex from Givatayim, Israel.

I fancy writing tech-exploration articles about infra management, deployment, integration, automation and scaling. I enjoy consulting on coding and software architecture. I love teaching about tech and OpenSource

You are welcome to write back and tell about yourselves, plus where you're from 😊

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Greetings from Poland! Nice to have you here! 🚀😇

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Welcome to DEV!

just_tiana profile image
Tiana S

Well, ladies and gents, this is the story of my transition from a gadget-loving enthusiast to a cloud-surfing developer! 🚀

You see, I had a whirlwind romance with gadgets. Any electronic wonder within a 10-mile radius found its way into my hands. I was that tech-savvy woman who would tweak her TV’s color settings for hours and even shared a secret code with her coffee machine. But one day, amidst my growing collection, I realized, “I need to channel this passion into something more!”

Enter cloud computing. It was like discovering a whole new universe of possibilities. I could practically hear the digital heavens singing. 💻☁️

So, why the transition, you ask? Well, the cloud is where the magic happens. It’s where developers like me get to play digital sorcerer, conjuring apps and services out of thin air. The cloud is like the ultimate tech playground, and I couldn’t resist the siren call of innovation.

Plus, who can resist the allure of telling people that you work with clouds? Not the fluffy white ones in the sky, mind you, but the ones that make businesses more efficient, software more scalable, and my life way more exciting.

Sure, I’ll miss my gadgets, but now I get to build the software that runs on them, making them smarter and cooler than ever. It’s a bit like turning your toy collection into a theme park – way more fun!

So, here I am, leaping headfirst into the world of cloud development, armed with a sense of humor and an insatiable appetite for exciting, techy adventures. And let me tell you, the future looks bright, cloudy, and full of endless coding possibilities! 🌥️💾 #CloudyWithAChanceOfCode

randellbrianknight profile image
Randell Brian Knight

Hello and welcome to the DEV community 🎉

just_tiana profile image
Tiana S

Thank you Randell!

yszgithub profile image

Keep coding , keep moving

hayatamimi profile image

Hello ✨I am Haya
I am 32 and just started my coding journey
I hope i can learn alot from all of you ✨

Currently studying python and cs50 (self-studying)

pxlmastrxd profile image
Caleb (pxlmastr)

Welcome! Glad to have you!

tailcall profile image
Maria Zaitseva

Hey Haya! Best of luck on your coding journey!

mank42 profile image
Mayank Kumar

Hellooooo everyone,
I have joined this platform after reading lots and lots article which were very interesting. I am myself a full-stack(MERN) developer and based in Gujarat, India. I am a final year undergrad student, and would like to write some interesting blogs about my projects and upcoming goals in near future.
Ps: Excited to be here!!

esraanasr92 profile image
Esraa Nasr

Hi, I'm Esraa a self-taught frontend developer from Egypt,

I like to code cool websites to gain more experience and learn new technologies that will help me find a full-time position as a front-end with creative team to share knowledge.

When I'm not working, you can find me drawing, embroidery, or cooking.

Have a great day

esraanasr92 profile image
Esraa Nasr

Hi, I'm Esraa a self-taught frontend developer from Egypt,

I like coding cool websites to have more experience. I’m interested in web technologies. I’m actively seeking a full-time position as a front-end creative person to implement what I learned and learn new things.

When I'm not working, you can find me drawing, embroidery, or cooking.

Have a great day.

sakshi-gawande profile image
Sakshi Gawande

Hi, I'm Sakshi from Pune, India 👋
I've written a post as DEV Community wanted me to write😃.......hehehe sorry but
it's great to have with DEV community! 🙌

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woot! Welcome to DEV, Sakshi. Great to have ya with us! 🙌

sloan profile image
Sloan the DEV Moderator

Just wanted to say welcome to everyone new and not-so-new to DEV. 👋

Hope y'all enjoy it here!

If you're wondering how to get started with posting a post, then consider checking out this article here.

To learn more about writing on DEV, check out our Best Practices for Writing on DEV series. 😀

jamesphillipd profile image
James DeGuzman

Hi everyone! My name is James and am from the Philippines. I am just excited to be here with other developers or with people who like software dev. I am currently learning Python at an online university and I'm always on the look out to learning more from other people like you. 😊

samrudhi09 profile image
Samruddhi Sangale

Hey everyone! I am Samruddhi, currently working in the Conversational AI space. I love to read around Customer experience through bots ( voice and chat), LLMs, NLP. I am hoping to connect with all the amazing Devs here !

ahsanulkabir profile image
Mohammed Ahsanul Kabir

HI, I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

I have been here for more than a year for learning about the technologies that I don't understand. I fall in love with IT technologies since the graduation. However, for obvious reason I had to keep going with whatever I am doing for my bread and butter. Now a days, I see lots of opportunities to learn and work with my passion. For this reason, I am learning the basics and fundamental of the web technologies and trying to share with the community. Hope I will not feel as an imposter 😊

jonasduecker profile image

Hi everyone,
Great to meet you all.
Greetings from Mexico City. I am the COO @ROOK
Currently trying to get myself more into the tech world to support our very technical team in building our solution.
ROOK is an API/SDK solution to integrate wearable data.

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Hey, new here!
I have been on a couple other places like Stack Overflow and some other coding forums, but they mostly were just all about popularity as far as who got “upvoted”. I'm fine with upvotes, but how believable or code your code is shouldn't change based on that.

I don't give away my personal info, but I do some free web dev, PC app dev, and a bit of hacking. :D

I'd be happy to meet some people here and see what it's like! I am pretty much @best_codes anywhere else I have an account, too.

scotjap_john profile image
John Sherry • Edited

Hi everyone,

It’s great to be here
(I hope, I think, therefore the 4 brain cells are still working )

Hopefully I can learn a lot from you guys, have a play installing some creative really cool, functional “stuff” on our retail company and share my words of “plain English” wisdom in navigating what some “propeller-heads” call “can’t share with you” life experiences 🫧.

I’m okay to a degree with IT “stuff” (my new favorite word of the day), but prefer people who just explain the “shit” (2nd fav word) in good old English. I already know you’re clever.

🫂 + 💋

Looking to create/install/play with a dynamic Product Images Grid for our product pages at, (✨The boring plain image “shit” ‘s gotta go) lol. Kinda like have setup on their individual product pages. So if you know of anything, love to hear from you.

nibaranowski profile image
Nicolas Baranowski

Hi everyone, I’m Nicolas, founder & CEO at - a unified work suite for Tech SMBs 🙌! looking forward to connecting with fellow developers and UI designers! don’t hesitate to try out Frame and give me feedback or reach out via Linkedin! Minimalism and high-quality design are top of mind at Frame. Looking forward to hearing thoughts of this community on our tool! Frame was built on React/Node/Express

m0n0x41d profile image
Ivan Zakutnii

Hello there! I'm a Python backend engineer from Monite, currently living in Armenia.

I previously worked as a DBA and DevOps engineer and am constantly delving into CS.

I'm writing a blog about all the things I'm learning and planning to share it here on DEV. Thanks everyone and stay tuned! 😊

jayu9493 profile image

Hello, I am Jay Patel, India

I am currently working in industry as a electrical engineer, I am fond of Open-Source application/ directories etc. Also I have also interest in electronics with renewable energy respectively.

ibtisamafzal profile image
Muhammad Ibtisam Afzal

Hello Community!

My name is Ibtisam Afzal, I'm studying BS Computer Science. I am passionate about anything related to technology, I want to become a great Full Stack developer someday, and on this site, I saw an opportunity to expand my knowledge.

I'm excited to join the community😊

inushin profile image


I am from Spain and I am working as a Fullstack dev with Angular, Node and Postgres as first options, but I am in contact with other technologies too. As a Fullstack Dev, I work with Docker, nginx, Linux servers and so on.

Lets see what has to offerts 💪💪💪💪

ranjankumar profile image
Priya Ranjan

Hi, I'm from Bengaluru, India.
Love to be part of growing community.
Hoping to learn and share great insights on computer science.

If you think any one advise of yours will help me to become a better front end developer.

devarias profile image
David Arias

Hello, I'm David from Bogotá, Colombia. ✌🏼
I have been in technology communities for 3 years, related to web development, I have been giving mentors during my free time about javascript and python, also being a leader of AWS User Group Medellín, I have created content to share in meetups, I have organized events and I have been a speaker at events to expand knowledge.
Now I want to start generating content for everyone through blogs and so on.
Have a nice day!

ryxeen profile image

Hi, I'm from Indonesia

I am newbie to this Android Development such as Costum Rom, Custom Recovery or anything with Android.

I come here to learn about that since i am a newby, i hope you are can teach me.

ecommember profile image

Hi I'm Mohsin Hassan From Pakistan
We Provide High-Quality eCommerce Business Consulting Services to Boost your Business Sales for Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Facebook & many more.
If You Want to Read For More Information About Amazon Or Ecommerce Business Visit EcomSole

abladeth profile image

Hi all,

I'm here because I'm a curious! A quantum (-computing) physics ex hands-on data science pythonista and Rtista, who's lived in the world of ML and 'A.I' nearly ten years now in various roles in the UK, most lately in strategy and arguing with data illiterate people about silly things... :P I came here as part of my journey to undo some of my technical fossilization in your good company! Currently mostly focusing on what I lacked to enable my data science prototypes in the past - proper engineering skills!
All the best peeps! Happy exploring and learning!

talifa profile image
Aveshua Talifa

Hi! I am Tali from Munich 👋
I am a front-end engineer with five years of experience and a strong background in web development. My projects primarily require the use of Vue.js and React, as well as various JavaScript and TypeScript technologies. Privacy, social engineering, and popularizing information hygiene skills among non-IT professionals are three of my favorite topics.

I am currently expanding my horizons by dabbling in new programming languages like Kotlin and exploring the world of cloud engineering. I am a strong believer in mentoring and am constantly sharing my knowledge with students learning JavaScript, speaking at conferences, and empowering women to build the web.

In my spare time, I enjoy longboarding, learning Japanese, and channeling my inner dancer through my love of reggaeton.

petipois profile image

Hi I'm from London, UK
I have been coding since my teens and mainly building apps for personal projects. I have recently started writing tech articles and found that this may be a good place to post some content to build more of a writing portfolio.

chatondearu profile image

Hi DEV, I'm a French frontend developer 🐱‍👤 and I've been using JavaScript for over 15 years. I've been using VueJS since v0.10 and I love ramen 🍜.
I'm excited to join this community and learn from other developers. I'm always looking for new ways to improve my skills and I'm always up for a challenge.

fasakinhenry profile image
Fasakin Henry

Hi, I am Fasakin Henry, I am a technical writer, I am from Nigeria.

I am a student of ALX Software Engineering. I aspire to be a full stack web developer. I also do much of the learning and creation of projects using C, Python, JavaScript, and VBA amongst other technologies. I also love open-source projects and would love to participate in them and learn along the way😎😊. I remain the CEO at chatty.

I remain @henqsoft on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. You can also follow me on Facebook (Henry Fasakin).

vincentdnl profile image
Vincent DENIEL

Hi everyone, I'm from Bordeaux, FR! 👋

I'm here because it seemed like a nice dev community. I've been a dev for more than a decade and I also do drawings and comics about being a dev and the tech industry.

You might have seen these ones because they have been shared a lot:

Image description

Image description

Hope I'll meet nice people here. See you around!

nkokorev profile image
Nikita Kokorev

Hi, I'm from Moscow, Russia👋
React/TS fintech, but now i looking for myself around code flow, consolidation of knowledge for my team. Sub use rust/go for some tools of my work.
I hope to find people who are take relevance experience!

raxc23 profile image

Hi I'm from London, UK

I'm a complete beginner who will be starting coding BootCamp in 2 weeks! I've heard that it is quite difficult to complete but I am excited about learning and the potential career change. I hope the decision to move into tech is a good one!

Say hi back and tell me where you're from 😊

aivanov profile image

Hi, there 👋 I'm from Russia, Tver city.

I came here from an article on I am studying frontend (js, ts, react, etc.) and other technologies. Now I’m studying the C language in preparation for school 21, this is the Russian branch of school 42. I also make wine from Krasnodar and Crimean grapes 🍇 🍷

greenyhat profile image
Toni Cannoli

Hello everyone! 👋 👋
This is Toni from Andalusia, Spain.
First and foremost, I must share that I have a deep appreciation for craft beer, absurd humor, and the beginnings of apocalyptic films. I studied philosophy a few years ago, but I've always been immersed in the tech world as well. Even during my philosophy studies, I had programmer friends who passed on their passion to me, and I've always been intrigued by this field. Currently, I'm in my second year of backend training and am eager to learn as much as I can from the community. Perhaps, if my expertise permits, or if there's a topic where I can be of assistance, I hope to contribute and be of help too. It's a pleasure to be here.

themaniskshah profile image

Hi, I am Manish, India,
I was checking for the DevOps articles and searching for quality content. and I came to know about here to read about Tech blogs and give some contribution to the community.

issabella profile image

Hello, I am Isabella, a researcher, programmer, and writer. If someone needs help, you can use this online resource: "swansea university assignment help". I used this when I was at a university in the UK; they provide quality content.

macbrina profile image

Hi, I’m precious. I’m a software developer working with JavaScript, Django and python. I have started my career and will continue to learn more languages . Excited to be here and to also learn new things from everyone

x_qt profile image
X Speaks

Hi there! I'm X, you can also call me XS. I'm learning about Web3 with collaborative content creation in mind. I think I know the principals, need to find someone to help me understand the code. Excited to discuss!

abdulrehman0 profile image
Abdul Rehman

👋 Hi everyone, this is Abdul Rehman from Pakistan. I'm a Web Developer and would love to connect with people who love tech.

sanjaysrocks profile image
Sanjay Singh


Hope you all doing great! I have just joined this platform :D

hectorlaris profile image
Héctor Serrano


atoome profile image

Hello, i`m indie game developer form Kazakhstan. I came to share an article about game design, namely about the concept of designing hardcore games

luckydevn16 profile image
Julian Keller

Hi there.
I am Julian Keller, from Lublin, Poland.
I am a senior web developer.
Thank you everybody.

resetius profile image
Aleksei Ozeritskii

Hello, I'm Alexey.

I live in Serbia. I am passionate about developing distributed systems. I also love physics and mathematics.

khaliphat profile image
Ismail Ismail

Hello I'm Ismail by name from Nigeria

I'm here to freetend myself and learn some new codes.

dubeyprashant1 profile image
Prashant Kumar Dubey

Hi, I Prashant Kumar From Greater Noida, India

haidare profile image


taqui_786 profile image

Hii, My name is Md Taqui Imam, I'm from India✨

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

Hello from Czechia. Have read quite a lot of posts on this website recently, so I decided to join as well and see if I can eventually create some helpful content too.

redacherkaoui profile image

Hi, I'm from Morocco. I've been learning web2 coding for a year, and I jumped to web3 after completing the full stack JavaScript developer FreeCodeCamp courses.

serhatblb profile image
Serhat Bülbül

Hello, I am Serhat. I am a junior web developer. I think I can improve myself and learn new things here.

azeezbe profile image

I folks, I am just joining the group. Hope I would learn a lot and offer my own ideas to members benefits.

comon profile image
Collins O. Odhiambo

Hi I'm Collins,
I have completed my hacktoberfest contribution and one of the rewords I got, brought me here. I'm eager to learn more about DEV

dengaye profile image

Ha ha, here I come

yawar1101 profile image

Hi, I'm from India

I'm currently working on Django and Django Rest Framework

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Welcome Yawar

raulferreirasilva profile image
Raul Ferreira

Hello, my name is Raul, I'm from Brazil and I've been studying programming since I was 15 years old, I'm currently 20 lol I joined the community to improve my programming and improve my English.

lgxia profile image

happing coding!

arnotong profile image

Hello World!

sumanbhandari2030 profile image
Suman Bhandari

Hello I am Suman From Nepal.

imadaitelarabi profile image

Hey folks! Anyone up for diving into an open-source AI Agents Framework and lending a hand? 🚀🤖

charlie254 profile image
charles k • Edited

Hi all, I'm Charles from London, UK. New to Web development here and looking forward to soaking up all the knowledge I can as well as contribute as much as I can

codsterdev profile image
Codster dev

hi everyone

i'm from india really excited to meet and colabrate with developers here and share and growing our knowlege together so let's start this journey by helping other

tlintott profile image
Tracey L

Hi I'm Tracey and I'm from the UK and I'm just taking my first steps into my tech career ☺️

kevo43210987 profile image

Am here to learn more abt free data vpn

marcioreyes profile image
Marcio Antonio Moraes Reyes

Hi, I'm from Porto Alegre, BR

Trying another type of developments. I have a burnout health case and now I'm trying something less stressful! (Just in case programming..)

najavara profile image
JeongHun Yeo

Hello..I am from south korea. I really happy to write my first post in this forum.

haben_okbai_39ebf9f22b09b profile image
Haben Okbai

Hello I am new here as I need to learn different due to a car accident and I whant to learn how to build the network to pass banking verification

shoaib0505 profile image

Hi..I am Shoaib

alifadill profile image
Ali Aziz Fadillah

Hallo Gaes

oldspur profile image

Hello, I'm Emem from Nigeria.

I'm using this platform to further improve myself and my skills.

sahalhes profile image
E S Sahal Hussain

Hi I am Sahal,
I have compleyed my first hacktoberfest this year

nayetwolf profile image
Ilyas Filali

Hi I'm ilyas from morocco

I am a software developer who learned by doing. I mostly work with open source software. I wanted to read more instead of using social media, and Im enjoying it here so far.