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What Guided Your DEV Path?

How did you determine your career path in software development? What factors or considerations influenced your decision?

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Top comments (3)

anwar_sadat profile image
Anwar Sadat Ayub

I was a tutor then I met a developer. I was supposed to be his apprentice but I got little out of it. I "wasted" lots of years trying to figure out things on my own. I was told that I was never "smart enough" to be a developer. Fast forward, couple of years later, I became a TA and some of my students liked my teaching method. Here I am today, a software developer and a technical writer.

I believe there's more ahead for me...🙋🏿😃

adriens profile image

I think it's curiosity, and will to create things without regarding if I have the skills,.... then patiently get the skills to achieve what I imaginated. I guess, it's a lot driven by creativity like when I was playing LEGO when I was a kid.

esareynor profile image
Rachman Esa

In determining my career path in software development, I've explored my interest in technology. I've always been fascinated by various tech discussions. However, my true aspiration is to create technology products that benefit many people. I believe in using technology to make a positive impact on society.
To achieve this goal, I recognize the importance of acquiring strong technical skills in software development and understanding business and entrepreneurship aspects. I've also joined technology and entrepreneurship communities to expand my network and learn from others' experiences.
I am confident that with determination, hard work, and dedication, I can realize my dream of creating technology products that contribute to the betterment of society.