Hey there!
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Registering for CodeLand 2022... or whatever else might spark joy ❤️
Have a wonderful weekend

Top comments (24)
Registered for CodeLand 2022!
Can't wait!!! 🤩
Same here
Being an introvert, I find it difficult to interact with new people. But recently had joined dev.to and last week only, published an article here for the first time. And the best part it got 7 reactions so far! yay🥳
I know its not much, but it still means a lot to me! 😌
I’ve been rebuilding some landing pages at work which included moving everything over to stripe and changing out the old code for new. It’s taken me a good few days, I’d never used vuex before so was something new to wrap my head around but I finally (all my fingers and toes crossed) got it finished today for our rollout next Tuesday 🤞🏻 It was a huge project and such a sigh of relief on a Friday to have it finished 👏🏻
We use vuex at work. Still wrapping my head around it.
What are your thoughts on Vuex?
I thought it was ok. It’s really helpful when using it for our cart system as I can make each component responsible for just getting and mutating the data it needs rather than passing through props but because they load on render and there was milliseconds of a delay for the actions to set the data correctly it can be an issue especially if you have multiple as they’re asynchronous. I had to use a lot of v-ifs and timeouts in places which was just a bit of a pain to figure out and fix
Ahhh dang. Sounds like maybe a use case for RxJS.
Vuex is the Vue (2) implementation of the redux pattern with actions and mutations. The browser tooling is really good with the ability to time travel though the changes in state.
However Vuex 4 does not play so nicely with Vue 3 and it looks like Pinia is now the official redux Library for Vue 3 as it supports typescript and Vuex 5 is no more.
Got my Forem data visualization app published I'm really satisfied with the outcome. I guess the analysis works its way out. 😂
The application is available at: foremanalytics.sdeproject.com/
💬 Forem Analytics - Visualize the Trends on dev.to ️🦄🔖
Hung Vu ・ Apr 28 ・ 7 min read
I am in the process of learning to program in Go outside work.
This week I was facing an assignment as a product manager where I needed handle a challenge we face at work. I wanted to do proposal for a possible solution and I had an idea - so I decided to do a prototype in Go.
I got the prototype working and I could write up my findings for discussion with my developer colleagues. The prototype was simple, but I was confident I could do it in Go and I did in with fewer visits to fewer external resources than expected.
During my morning coffee I fell over this post and a Tweet from @jessitron
And the responses mentioned the four stages of competence, which I recognised, even though I only new the representation as a matrix.
The situation reminded me of earlier when I was learning to program (I was a developer before I was a product manager), I learned by doing, I learned by challenges and I grew more and more competent and confident - now years later I am applying the same approach to learning a new language.
I am on the brink of being conscious incompetent - so things can only improve from here if I keep at it.
Thanks @jessitron - your tweet resonated with me in more ways than you can imagine
I've been working on a complex feature at work. It's a cluster plot made with d3 that sits between two panels. I recently added some animations to make the panels slide in and out on hover, and remain locked open when you click a button. When the panels are locked open the cluster plot should resize fluidly. The resizing of the cluster plot has been giving me a lot of trouble. Long story short, I got it working.
I finished a small project requirement this week and got paid! So, the food is saved 😅
In this week, I worked on following features/changes to TemplatesKart
Wrote 2 blog posts
I decided to build my personal website in Vue insetad of vanilla JavaScript!

Oh, and GitHub Copilot was behaving kinda weird:
It's supposed to give me snippets, not links, and the link didn't really answer my question lol
Hitting the goal of publishing a new video ;)