Hey there!
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Discovering a great new musical artist... or whatever else might spark joy ❤️
Congrats on your wins — let's take a collective victory lap!
Top comments (37)
Our team finished second in the corporate hackathon, and we got to present our idea to the CEO (win #1). During the presentation, I made a joke related to the CEO and didn't get fired for it (win #2)... at least, not yet 😋
Next year, we'll go for the overall win 😊
What's the joke though:)
It was something silly about how he would like if he had a handlebar mustache. More meant to catch his attention than to be funny 😳
Tell us the joke ;)
It was something silly about how he would like if he had a handlebar mustache. More meant to catch his attention than to be funny... but it worked :)
And, guess what....
My app finally hit 400 users!
It is always so satisfying when you make those sorts of updates! Pay off that technical debt buddy :) I actually just finished the same goal with my personal website this week
Here are the things I've managed to do:
Everything was going great this week. I have a project on neural networks with vanilla C99 and it's almost done. I am currently preparing the documentation. I hope to publish it on github as soon as possible. Everything was fine. However, I had to leave the job I was working as a remote copywriter 2 days ago. It will be a difficult time financially. I hope I can find a new remote job
Taking part in a live coding event, learning how to improve testing and actually using more keyboard shortcuts in PhpStorm, and sadly probably one of the last in-person event before another so-called lockdown, as our !civilized && !intelligent && !solidary first-world society failed another time to handle the covid pandemic.
Thanks so much for everyone taking part and for Roland / Never Code Alone for the courage and effort to organize an actual event these days!
I just finished the third phase on Ruby in my coding bootcamp. Starting Rails this coming week, then it'll be time to create my final project. My portfolio is growing, I might have some freelance work starting soon, and I'm starting to actually feel like a real programmer!
I launched a new side project I've been working on with my friends yesterday
After taking 2 days to get down and dirty, I converted my entire blog to NuxtJS. I still have lots more work to do to improve the SEO juices (like a sitemap and RSS to get some articles going here on dev.to)
Not sure if this is a genuine win or even a legal one... 🤔 but I finally fixed the OpenCore bootloader on my hackintosh that's been broken since may. I'm a Linux guy but I like to flirt with MacOs from time to time.
At work all projects going smoothly and without unexpected bugs. So I guess that's a win too ☺️☺️