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Gracie Gregory (she/her) for The DEV Team

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What was your win this week?

Hi everyone!

Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?

All wins count — big or small 🎉

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Getting out into nature... or whatever else might spark joy ❤️

Happy Friday! Great job this week 🎊

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Top comments (45)

satie_sann profile image
Natália Satie

Recently I learned to use memo(), useMemo() and useCallback() in React.js, so i used at work and did a major change with reduction of almost 3 seconds in the application. Also I explained a colleage how to interpret the data in React Profiler and how to use it.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕ • Edited

My website under NuxtJS is publisheeeeeeeeeeed ! I'm very happy ! 😁🎉🎉🎉

Edit : And I've got a new badge of Bug Smash 🥰💪🏼

polgarj profile image
Jozsef Polgar

Congratulations! I launched my blog last week, so I know the feeling. I checked your site and it looks cool. Keep up the good work🙂

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕ • Edited

Thaaanks ! I'm very excited :DD

What is your?

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polgarj profile image
Jozsef Polgar

Here's the link. It is focusing on accessibility. Give it a shot :)

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thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕ • Edited

Oh nice ! I love the footer and the neon effect on social network icons 👍🏼😄

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polgarj profile image
Jozsef Polgar

Thanks, I'm glad, you like it. Actually I'm a bit proud of the social icons 😀

petermortensen profile image
Peter Mortensen

What is it supposed to do? What is your pitch? Why should we try it out?

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕ • Edited

It's my personal website and my blog 🙄

why make it a spitch ?

abhirajb profile image
Abhiraj Bhowmick

I wrote a few blogs right here on, which have performed very well.

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

Have a good weekend, everyone

chuniversiteit profile image
Chun Fei Lung

I have this weird side project that I had been working on for several years. I finally launched it this Wednesday.

It broke the day after because I messed up a server configuration somewhere, but at least I launched it! 😄

dkhd profile image
Diky Hadna 💡

I finally managed to launch my personal website at

Not only that, I also build mini products for you to boost your happiness! Check the mini products at

More mini products are to come :)

m_ahmad profile image
Muhammad Ahmad
rubix982 profile image
Saif Islam

Well I,

  • Finished my internship at MLH & Mapillary, Facebook this Monday
  • Celebrated my birthday
  • Published an article about my MLH experience on
  • Got some house chores done finally
  • Got my car fixed
  • Got new sunglasses!
  • Had a 1-to-1 with someone this week
  • Got invited to be a part of FOSS4G
  • Just resting before University starts
  • Writing a project proposal
  • Deciding on adopting new tech related hobbies. Life shouldn't be all work. Hobbies are an important part of a personality
petermortensen profile image
Peter Mortensen • Edited

What kind of hobbies, in particular?

rubix982 profile image
Saif Islam

I have a few ideas,

  • Writing more articles on devto (duh)!
  • Contributing to Open Source, for the sake of Open Source. I am seeing (coming from South Asia) the trend of doing "Open Source" for "glamour" or part of Uni prestige. I honestly just want to do it because I feel really passionate and happy about it. For example, I can spend 2-3 hours doing this thing for this Open Source project ... just because I love what the project is doing
  • Listening to more podcasts. In fact, just this morning to "Every Commit Is A Gift", Great talk!
  • Participating in hackathons and DevRel stuff. If I start coding, I just can't work on something for 1-2 hours, and then completely forget about it. I'll probably be coding on something for a week to make it better and better, like a sprint. DevRel seems easier to do. If I like something, I might just lurk on that something's forum and answer questions! Makes me feel like I "belong' to a community
jozsefsallai profile image
József Sallai

I've successfully integrated a websocket server (ws with custom event listening and emitting patterns) in a Next.js project using a custom Express server and I got it to work nicely with bull, a package for queueing distributed jobs.

__manucodes profile image

Beta testing my new personal website design:

filipjelic profile image

Taught my interns LINQ (.Net Core).
They eyes were like 👀

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I wrote my first post since my time off due to COVID.

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington


So my win this week was definitely chilling with my dog, Cora. Every week with Cora is a win... such a dang good doggy!

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas

We launched Hoppscotch v2.0 - open source alternative to Postman.

GitHub logo hoppscotch / hoppscotch

👽 Open source API development ecosystem

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

Making it to Friday and the start of a vacation for the first time in a year. And trying to not worry about work while I'm offline :)