Hey there!
Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing?
All wins count — big or small 🎉
Examples of 'wins' include:
- Starting a new project
- Fixing a tricky bug
- Playing with an adorable pet... or whatever else might spark joy ❤️
Congrats on your wins! Excuse me while I slide into the weekend.

Top comments (22)
So, my printer has been broken for about 2 months — keeps saying that there's no paper in the trary — and earlier this week I found a little broken plastic piece nearby where I keep the printer. I flipped the printer upside down, grabbed my krazy glue, and glued the piece back on. Voilá! Works now. 🙌
I face awkward activity within my Epson L3110 printer. It doesn't get power on even after trying a lot. If I can somehow manage to turn on the printer, then it would not get turned off in any way. 😅
Wins from this past week:
I gave a talk about ethical AI at RubyConf and didn't faint in middle!
My partner's PC failed, and it's a small form factor jobbie with a proprietary PSU. Same thing happened to her last one a couple of years ago, those tiny PSUs burn out quite easily especially in a house with pets :)
I had an old regular desktop lying around that just needed a graphics card, so I took her old one from the SFF PC and did something clever: I used snips and pliers and glue to fashion a new back plate for the graphics card so it would fit into a normal height slot without falling out.
I feel like a master engineer now.
Made by submission to Github Actions Hackathon, though not sure if it was a valid submission or not as I'm a beginner with github action but still it's kind of a win for me :)
Our win for this week was finding great app for our customer support department, and it was free of charge with a lot of cool features.
after long time reasrech finally we found what is really good and free.
I suggest you to try this platform as well.
600+ followers on Twitter
Dang, nice bump there.
I come back after so long time, also create new post to inspire begginers.
I started a new project to handle my reading lists, sticked to the concept I had written (this was the first time I had set up clear goals before starting a project), and finished said project which is now online, and handling a bunch of links to articles I need to read! I learnt a lot about API, responsive (mobile first) and storing data.