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What was your win this week?

Jess Lee on November 22, 2019

👋👋👋👋 Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of? All wins count -- big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' include: Getting a p...
remibruguier profile image

I spent a few hours after work with one of my co-workers who was struggling with a serious case of Impostor syndrome to help him realize how much value he had and it seems like it worked.
He looks way better now and I'm glad I could help him !

rossholloway94 profile image
Ross Holloway

Aww, that's really nice! Well done you!

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth • Edited
  • Our 11-yr old cat doesn't have cancer! 🙌
  • Completed my 2019 self evaluation and accomplishments at work. Woohoo!
  • Was easily able to get consensus among 4 devs about a design decision. No friction whatsoever - total win!
  • Taught some other devs ReactJs 🙌
  • Oh, and got my first 2k+ views post here on ☺️
saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻
  • Finished building my portfolio!
  • Wrote an article explaining how I optimized the portfolio and the article got 27k views! also, It became my first article to get 300+, 400+ and 500+ reactions 🦄.
  • I started working on a new project, It will be a web game and is one of the things that I always had in mind and I'm extremely happy to finally start working on it (I am aiming to release v1 by February)
  • I am in the middle of my university exams so I'm just proud that I could handle all the above things while studying for my exam 🌻
fsuffieldcode profile image

Such a nice portfolio site!

I would suggest making a larger area clickable for the hamburger button, right now if you press slightly above or left of the hamburger it doesn't register (I'm on mobile)

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Hi, the problem is, when you scroll down I have some projects listed so if I make that target large and if user tries to click on project somewhere close to the menu he will end up opening the menu rather than going to a project.

I will see if I can make it a little larger that it is not large enough to come in between the other site content.

Thank you for your suggestion 🌻🌻

pantsme profile image
Antonio Savage

Site looks great! Couple of suggestions if they're welcome or not :P

Put an arrow in the middle of the page so it's obvious to scroll down for more content. At first glance I thought sweet, his name and links to his profiles on other sites. Then I scrolled.

Second, make the overflow menu in the lower right moon more obvious somehow. I didn't even realize it was there until a second look.

fr though, the site is great. Just don't want to miss any potential employers because HR is too lazy to attempt to scroll.

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Put an arrow in the middle of the page so it's obvious to scroll down for more content.

This makes so much sense I will have it for sure! Thank you so much 🦄🦄

Second, make the overflow menu in the lower right moon more obvious somehow. I didn't even realize it was there until a second look.

Not really sure how I can do that. I think the problem is it's color, the color kind of makes it look like it is part of browser so you don't strongy notice it. I tbh ran out of colors when I went to that part. I'll see if I can do something

Thank you so much for your suggestions they are super helpful 🌻🌻

aadibajpai profile image
Aadi Bajpai

I agree as well haha. That scroll bar isn't very a11y friendly imho, didn't even notice it initially

Thread Thread
saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Yeah I just realized. I will increase its width for desktops🌻 Thank you!

berniwittmann profile image
Bernhard Wittmann

I finished my 52nd book this week and therefore reached my reading goal of reading a book every week early 📖💪🏻

aravind profile image
Aravind Putrevu

Could you please provide a list of books you read? If you don't mind. I like factfulness too.

berniwittmann profile image
Bernhard Wittmann

Here are some books I'd like to recommend:


  • Stephen King: The Institute
  • Dov Alfon: Unit 8200
  • Marc Elsberg: Especially Blackout, but the others are also good
  • Frank Schätzing: Der Schwarm, but I also recommend his other books if you like his writing style
  • Stieg Larsson: Millenium
  • Gyllian Flynn: Gone Girl
  • Remigiusz Mroz: Die kalten Sekunden / Nieodnaleziona (I was not able to find an english translation)

Science - Fiction

  • Liu Cixin: The three body problem (you probably have to read the other books from this series afterwards too ;) )
  • Andy Weir: The Martian
  • James Corey: Leviathan Awakes
  • Isaac Asimov: Foundation
  • Frank Herbert: Dune


  • JRR Tolkien: Lord of the Rings (my favorite books)
  • Andrzej Sapkowski: The Witcher
  • GRR Martin: Game of Thrones

Non - Fiction

  • Hans Rosling: Factfulness
  • Stephen Hawking: Any of his books
  • Greta Thunberg: Scenes from the heart (really worth reading especially in the current discussion about climate change)
  • Cal Newport: Digital Minimalism (currently reading that, therefore cant be definite, but looks promising)
  • Walter Isaacson: Steve Jobs
  • I can also recommend to check out Bill Gates reading tips
bwb profile image
Ben Fox

Ya same here, I'd love to get some recommendations :)

florinpop17 profile image
Florin Pop

Congrats! What books were you reading?

berniwittmann profile image
Bernhard Wittmann

I mostly do reading as a recreational activity, therefore I read a lot of Thrillers and Science Fiction.

But I also love to read something about Science, Physics, Astronomy, or just general stuff that I find hard to categorize (like Factfulness by Hans Rosling, which I recommend to everyone)

mixoglad profile image

Got promoted 🚀🚀

jess profile image
Jess Lee


tacomanick profile image
Nick Shattuck

Wins include:

  • My almost 2-year old can say 5 colors now. Red, blue, pink, black, and white. The list grows by the day.

  • Successfully connected my school project to a prebuilt database.

  • My Java is improving little by little.

  • Helped my niece count to 100 in Spanish, despite not having spoken any Spanish since my college years.

voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim • Edited

Java was getting started to really fun and getting better fast, once it was ”click”ed, for me.
So you are a good language teacher/learner. No wonder you will be good at programming language as well. Can’t remember whom she was, but once saw a linguist that nailed at coding. What giant wins. Hope you would have a bit of time to enjoy your weekends.

sduduzog profile image

Finally! My backpack arrived. From the states (I think) to South Africa

macro shot of the backpack

junlow profile image
jun • Edited

I just got a front-end internship for a SAAS company on Friday! Still can't believe this is happening! Started from zero till landed a job in a year :D

rmvirut profile image
Kojo Acquah


enitschorn profile image
Christine Schorn (she/her)

Yay! So cool! So happy for you!!

mrsaeeddev profile image
Saeed Ahmad • Edited

Hey @jess
I hope you are doing well.
So, my win this week was that one my articles got 8000+ views here on

In case you want to give it a read, link is here :

Another one was that I mentored some people online and offline about career. So that's from my side for this week. Tomorrow I am going to GDG DevFest for mentoring a Google Assistant Action Development Lab. That would be another addition to my achievements.

nomangul profile image
Noman Gul

I'll be there 😃

mrsaeeddev profile image
Saeed Ahmad • Edited

See ya there @nomangul

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Nice work Saeed!

Good job

voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim • Edited

I finally admit the fact that it’s OK to fail.
I just took my midterm test, that had been delayed 3 weeks.
(it’s almost final period LOL) I tried my best, but still, I might pass the course, maybe not. I will admit whatever the result would be even though it might be still hurtful.

tl;dr. My win of this week is, I’ve gotten ready to be defeated.

tacomanick profile image
Nick Shattuck

Failure is a natural part of progress. Whenever I fail a quiz, test, and the eventual interview, I bake myself some cupcakes. The only condition is that you can't give up.

voidjuneau profile image
Juneau Lim • Edited

I’ve already failed tons of interviews, not only from dev jobs, but also places like Starbucks. Failing coursed was harder, maybe since it is purely from my own effort without additional excuse.
Thanks for kind words, and good luck with your challenges, fellow student/career-changer.

Thread Thread
tacomanick profile image
Nick Shattuck

Anytime. I miss Tim Horton's. Sometimes I order a big tub of their coffee whenever I am feeling nostalgic. Take care.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Gave a talk at KubeCon!

maniflames profile image

Is there a vid on youtube or do we have to wait 👀?

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson

Looks like it's up!

torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

I hit 10,000 followers here on DEV!

Will Ferrel doing a happy dance

garraxxi profile image
Orlando Ego


lytecyde profile image
Mik Seljamaa 🇪🇪

that is a few too many

yashints profile image
Yaser Adel Mehraban • Edited

I started as a developer advocate for TDev here in Melbourne, Australia 😍

It’s exciting and scary at the same time ☺️

14K followers here
More than 150K post views just under 5 months

Couldn’t be happier 🎉

junlow profile image

That's exciting!!

richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss
  • Ben liked one of my posts. I responded with a Wayne's world gif.
  • I opened a new bag of socks. If only the world new the joy experienced from hearing that bag crisp open, they'd understand... :)
zez9787 profile image
Zach Zollner

Nothing is better than new 🧦!!

richardeschloss profile image
Richard Schloss

I think we may be able to achieve world peace just by giving every person a new bag. When I put on new socks, the last thing I want to do is fight someone haha :)

aggibb profile image
Andy Gibb

Couple of notables for me this week:

  • Wrote my first SQL queries to use common table expressions that allowed me to move some calculations into the database rather than Python
  • Created my first graphs in D3.js

(PS always great to hear others' wins!)

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

Delivered my first orders on Fiverr! And guess what? It was two on a row! :D

fsuffieldcode profile image

Nice! What were the orders?

shofol profile image
Anower Jahan Shofol

One was to write some unit test for an Angular application and another one was to build some UI from mockups which was with Angular also.

elliecodes profile image
Ellie S.

This week had a few wins:
• Attended the San Diego Girls in Tech Hacking for Humanity event, met awesome people, planned and (almost) built a great tool, and most importantly - made new friends!
• Finished my final for the Introduction to Front End Technologies class, excited to keep working through the program!
• Thanks to the encouragement and guidance of some wonderful ladies I look up to, I made the realization that I should be connecting with people I aspire to work with. Made the even bigger realization that I should not be afraid to do it. I struggle with this a lot - feeling like I am wasting people's time. No more of that!

cguttweb profile image
Chloe • Edited

I'm sticking to plan of writing notes and more blog posts as I refresh/learn JavaScript and Vue to htry and help me retain a bit more info and have something to refer to the future.

  • I think I'm finally beginning to understand the difference using methods and computed properties in Vue
amorriscode profile image
Anthony M.

Gave a talk at React Vancouver about Next.js and render-as-you-fetch!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Woohoo! Any slides available or dare I ask a recording?

Borat saying "Great Success"

amorriscode profile image
Anthony M.

Not sure how valuable they will be but here they are:

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

I was accepted into phase 1 of the Udacity / Bertelsmann Introduction to Data Analysis & Programming challenge!

natonathan profile image
Nathan Tamez

I got a job as a Digital Education Ambassador at the university I currently studying with. It's a project-based role, working to improve the use of Digital technology for Education across the University.

garraxxi profile image
Orlando Ego

Nothing! This was a bad week! All that kind of memes showing things going bad happened to me this week!

torianne02 profile image
Tori Crawford

I hope next week is much better for you! Sending you all the good vibes.

garraxxi profile image
Orlando Ego

Well, I'm feel down right now, but for sure, it's a temporary feeling. I'll be fine in a few hours!

By the way, I would like to improve my English, if someone would like to help me I will thank you. I only need meet new friends who speak English!

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

It's ok it be like that sometimes and it will get better. Just keep going strong! Good luck 🦄

jess profile image
Jess Lee

oh no :(

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar

Created this Org on DEV. And trying to arrange all the stuff to start the Show soon ❤️

destrodevshow image
chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Passed 50 live groups on, and made a "member importer" from meetup to import all your members 🎉

codeuiandy profile image

Finally created a YouTube channel after months of anticipation

schnubb profile image

I build a default bamboo plan to publish node packages in our internal package management system.
The first with CI. Happy about it, 'cause we are now able to use it with less work and therefor more effective!
Whoop whoop!

zez9787 profile image
Zach Zollner

Small win for me, I am teaching myself Vue and I was able to get my first LOB (Line Of Business) app up and running for my company. Using a .NET Core 3.0 API on the backend with graphql.

A lot of this was new technology for me so it was awesome when it all came together and started working.

fahtherbear profile image
Cody G

Developed a function to filter an array with two pieces of criteria. Able to do it without research and mostly by memory. Seems small but for me it meant I am grasping concepts abstractly and able to figure them out in a practical manner.

datadeverik profile image
Erik Anderson

That's a smart study strategy, seeing if you can implement things from memory. Good work!

calier profile image
Calie Rushton

I accepted a job offer 😊

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Congratulations Calie, that’s wonderful news! Good luck with your new job.

calier profile image
Calie Rushton


tdotholla profile image

Finally transitioned from IT Management to Software Engineering! I start on Monday!

Super excited... looking at ergodox keyboards and everything!

pabloest profile image
Pablo Estrada

Posted for the first time here on 🎉

Also got a long-overdue haircut 💇🏻‍♂️

sibi profile image
sibi • Edited

My first Open source contribution and its started with contributing to our own repository 🙌. I already started working on debugging the second issue. very excited ☺️ Best week ever.

ogrotten profile image

I'm in Lambda School at the moment. We just completed Unit 3 (React 2 & Redux), so I'm at 3mos down. Every 4th week is a Build Week where people from Units 1 thru 4, and sometimes other tracks (UX, iOS/Android, Data Science) are drafted into scads of teams, to work on a project together. It's basically a real-world test to see how well you did with the last unit . . . info retention, how you reference, etc. And then there's the team dynamic and how you fare.

It was rough. I didn't know it going in, and I don't think it's really even recognized at the curriculum level, but Unit 3 people in build weeks are like project leads. They coordinate with backend to get the right endpoints and docs, "supervise" Unit 2 (React 1) people, decide on git management (I personally punted it to the assigned "Project Manager") . . . and then I have to deal with my own side of the project, which is really stacked up relative to everyone else.

Of the 6 people on the team (including me) 4 of them had some kind of fatal flaw, seemingly purposefully trying to derail the project... introducing showstopper breaking changes "works for me", just being completely gone for 2.5 days of a 4 day project, and having a NodeJS back end that gives 500s "works for me".

I then spent most of the day y'day with a Cohort Teammate (a Unit 3 person in my daily Unit 3 team) helping him try to figure out what in the ever living fuck his NodeJS back end person was thinking, because he kept getting errors that he couldn't figure out. Come to find out, that NodeJS dev has a warrant out for their arrest, extremely dangerous escapee from Arkham Asylum.

In the end, we all made it, and now I have the week off for turkey day, yet I'm sitting here typing. WTH.

sinewalker profile image
Mike Lockhart

presented a tool at work that I've been building in my spare time, to share our SQL and shell/pgp/python/whatever sysadmin scripts across our server fleet. Well received and got some buy-in for more updates.

joeycowsert profile image

I found out Monday that the production install for my first project as a full time developer went through before out 'peak' freeze. I am excited to start the next phase of the project.

celinemol profile image

I joined! .^

pantsme profile image
Antonio Savage

I made about 10 different todo lists and did nothing on them! sooo, I survived a night at my house without my wife and didn't burn it down or starve to death.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Did you protect yourself by building a cardboard fort?

cjtaylor1990 profile image
Corbin Taylor

Big week for me. I successfully negotiated and signed the offer for my first SDE position.

duncandean profile image
Duncan Dean

Fixing my first bug on Firefox!

fsuffieldcode profile image

I refactored and cleaned up the css in a really messy project and it felt so good.

liyasthomas profile image
Liyas Thomas crossed 8,000+ stars on GitHub

jacobmgevans profile image
Jacob Evans

Rolling a React app as a web component then running it as a microfrontend inside of an old monolithic Angular app.

destro_mas profile image
Shahjada Talukdar
ianwijma profile image
Ian Wijma

I started learning rust. My first low level language. Coming from JS and PHP so quite excited for this.

ayruun profile image

As a junior dev in my first job, I deployed my first feature sucessfully on production 😎

saurabhdaware profile image
Saurabh Daware 🌻

Hi I am glad it helped you in some way. Thank you for kind words 🌻🌻

alvarofelipe12 profile image
Alvaro Felipe García Méndez

I got a remote job :D

pedromassango profile image
Pedro Massango

I started wake up early since wednesday. Finally!

davidkwan95 profile image

Wrote my first article!

mahendrachoudhary profile image
Mahendra Choudhary

learned about react components and redux and somehow completed two taks @work . Although still struggling to overcome rails habits .

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal

2 exams went well. Have 3 more to go.

datadeverik profile image
Erik Anderson

I got my first stars ever on a GitHub repo.

10secondsofcode profile image
Elango Sundar

Almost I have completed my codingAi OSS project and integrating my changes in netlify on this week.

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

Broke 3k followers on Dev.

Actually got a response from one of those "we'll keep your resume on file if another position opens up". Going to probably get interviews scheduled for next week!