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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on December 01, 2023

Hey folks Hope y'all are ready for the weekend! 🙌 Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing? All wins...
integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Last week Packt and I released Refactoring with C#, my first technical book, to the world.

This morning I signed a contract with Packt on my next book: Data Science in .NET. More to come in the new year!

Image description

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Way to go!! 🥳 🥳

jalilseguel7 profile image

Love this!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Me too! It's pretty incredible. The book still feels so alien, too! I know the cover, I know the contents, but it still feels fake somehow, like it couldn't be real.

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

🎉 I have been on DEV for 1 month! ✨
1 month anniversary on DEV

📰 I published 2 posts on the DEV community! ✨

💟 I got a new badge! ✨

4 Weeks Community Wellness badge achieved

👥 The follower count on my DEV profile has exceeded 2000 followers! ✨
My follower count on DEV showing 2238 followers

💡 Today I opened the first window on my Electronic Games Advent Calendar and I will be getting everything ready for my first electronic game! ✨
Starter components from the Electronic Games Advent Calendar

🥤 I got a free soft drink (I almost forgot to take a picture)! ✨
My free Coca Cola Zero Sugar drink

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

Love your weekly wins updates @anitaolsen. They make me so happy!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Aw, thanks 😊 Thank you for reading!

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Go!!! 🥳 🥳

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

That’s quite the winning streak!

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

Hey everyone! 🌟 Just popping in to spread some cheer from the recent welcome threads. Big shoutout to @integerman for the epic Bat Computer reveal in an AI code adventure! Welcome aboard, @dbxdev - one of our newest members! 👋 Kudos to @balagmadhu for the spotlight-worthy Product Comparison, and major applause to @badsector998 for breaking barriers in open-source contributions. Your presence brings so much to the DEV community. We regularly feature your wins in our Friday Weekly Wins email, so keep 'em coming! 🎉📧

balagmadhu profile image
Bala Madhusoodhanan

congrats all ...

Thanks for the pic @erinao

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Thanks a lot for the congratulations and shout out.

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

This is a very kind comment. Thank you.

danbailey profile image
Dan Bailey

Honestly, I finished the coursework for the last class of my bachelor's degree. Which had been sitting unfinished for 25 years.

So I'm done. I'm going to graduate. I'm giving my brain a break this week, and then next week, I'm diving back into my Azure AZ-104 certification and my Docker/Kubernetes course on Udemy.

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Wow. Amazing!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Internal team hackathon was a fun first go at that

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo • Edited

I had my article on Introduction to Ruby on Rails featured on top of the Google discover page.

Google discover page

I also had my article feature on the first page of Google if you search for "beginner Ruby on Rails tutorials."

I have been in a compulsory paramilitary after-school training in my country all week. Adjusting was hard, but I'm getting a good hang of it!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wooaaa!! That is so dope, Dumebi. Major congrats! 🙌

Also, I can imagine the paramilitary training is challenging but it sounds like it's been rewarding! 💪

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Thanks, Michael!!

Yeah, it's pretty challenging and time consuming too. But I've been having good fun and meeting new people. It's been totally worth it.

akashdev23 profile image
Akash Dev

I completed 800 followers on this week. I think it's a very big win for me..

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

Got to the end of NaNoWriMo. 50,000 words in the bag. Not finished the story, but a long way into it.

slika profile image
Simi Lika

Now i went from development to maintain the project

douglasfugazi profile image
Douglas Fugazi

I've created a test strategy to my new project 💪

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

defintely that I started working at my new company and had a great day onsite for the onboarding (work will be then 100%remote)

06wins profile image

I just finished reading (and practicing) a book on software testing.

jwrunge profile image
Jacob W Runge

Advent of Code, Day 1, in Rust - conquered! Blogged about it:

bop profile image
giuliano1993 profile image

This week I open sourced my project for the first time and started maintaining it! I got lots of contribution and help and I'm totally amazed by the community of people helping with that!

If you want to help us building this tool, trying to use it, writing issues or making PR where open and growing 😃

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt
  • Participated in the Mod meetup 📹
  • Learn more about back-end on Nuxt (this one isn't a real backend arg) 💥
  • Created a nice interface for a private dashboard ✨
steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

After 3 months of searching for a job with grinding my leetcode & interviewcake. I finally got a offer letter for a 6 months contract with AirBus in their innovation team in my country.

snaka profile image

Previously, our project had been using GitHub's Self-hosted runner to perform DB migrations.

This week I was able to get rid of the self-hosted runner by refining the deployment process to run it in the ECS Task.

I am hoping this will reduce costs since they don't have to have Instance up and running all the time.

kaamkiya profile image

Got the DEV Top Discussion of the Week badge! For this post, about fun coding languages.

stefanmoore profile image
Stefan Moore

I made my own Shake and Bake seasoning thats better than Shake and Bake.

snaka profile image

Excellent work!

montyharper profile image
Monty Harper

I got my app to deal nicely with errors. Well, almost - still one or two to add into the system.

raybb profile image
Ray Berger

I went to the FIBER permacomputing talks yesterday and learned a lot about powering computers from mud!

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

I solved Advent of Code day 1 and today day 2!

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

I wrote a program that helps manage licenses in GitHub advanced security, and it works! I love it when I’m able to finish projects.

dantechdevs profile image
vini_ferraz profile image
Vinícius Ferraz

After almost a year of learning the fundamentals of web development (HTML, CSS, and JS), I've started to learn React lol!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Nice! That's what's up. Everybody has to start somewhere, so I think that every little bit counts when you're one month in. 🙌