DEV Community

Rupak Dey
Rupak Dey

Posted on • Updated on

5 CSS Tricks Nobody Tells You!

1. Center Anything

Using Flexbox, Align Items & Justify Content

.center {
   display: flex;
   align-items: center;
   justify-content: center;
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Edit :-

Note:- '.center' should be applied to the parent of the element to be aligned.
Another way to implement suggested by @mrdanielschwarz >> here

2. Smooth Scrolling

No JS. Only one HTML property

html {
   scroll-behavior: smooth;
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3. Change Cursor To An Image

Whenever the mouse hovers over the particular division, the cursor will change to the specified image

.change__cursor {
   cursor: url('path/to/the/image.jpg'), auto;
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4. Add Shadow To Transparent Image

No more box shadows

.drop-shadow {
   filter: drop-shadow(3px 6px 9px #636161);
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5. Truncate Text

The below property helps you truncate the text to the specified number of lines


Appended the additional properties as suggested by @pustelto >> here

p {
   -webkit-box-orient: vertical; 
   -webkit-line-clamp: 4; 
   display: -webkit-box; 
   overflow: hidden;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Do try them!

Have knowledge of other tricks that can help reduce CSS coding time? Feel free to share in the comment section below!

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Top comments (9)

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik • Edited

The line trunctation in your 5th tip won't work like this. You have to add few more properties, in order for it to work properly:

  -webkit-box-orient: vertical; 
  -webkit-line-clamp: 4; 
  display: -webkit-box; 
  overflow: hidden;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
deyrupak profile image
Rupak Dey

Thank you!
I've added this in the edit.

zaxwebs profile image
Zack Webster

Learned about the custom cursor here, thank you!

deyrupak profile image
Rupak Dey

That's great to know! Drop a follow for more :D

kaykaycodes profile image
Shanakay Hall

Wooo thanks!

deyrupak profile image
Rupak Dey

You're welcome :D

noobsdev profile image

Good one!

deyrupak profile image
Rupak Dey

Thank You!

deyrupak profile image
Rupak Dey

Thank you!
I've added this in the edit.