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Diego Chavez
Diego Chavez

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Repository: Laravel design pattern.

In Laravel, a commonly used design pattern for working with databases is the Repository. The Repository pattern is used to abstract the data access logic and provide a consistent interface for interacting with the database.

Next, I will show you a basic example of how you can implement a repository in Laravel:

1 - Create a new class for your repository. For example, let's create a repository for the entity "User". Run the following command to generate the file:

php artisan make:repository UserRepository

This will create a file called "UserRepository.php" in the "app/Repositories" directory.

2 - Open the file "UserRepository.php" and modify it as follows:

In this example, we have created basic methods to find, create, update and delete a user using Laravel's User model. The class constructor accepts an instance of the User model, which is automatically injected through dependency inversion.

3 - Now, you can use the repository in your controller or other place where you need to interact with the "User" entity. For example, in your controller "UserController.php", you can do the following:

In this example, we have injected the UserRepository repository into the UserController controller through dependency inversion in the constructor. Then, we can use the methods of the repository to perform CRUD operations on the "User" entity.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using this design pattern.


Separation of responsibilities: The Repository pattern allows you to separate the data access logic from the business logic of your application. This helps maintain a more organized and coherent code, allowing them to be tested independently, improving modularity and scalability of the code.

Data source abstraction: The repository acts as an abstraction (intermediate) layer between your code and the underlying data source, be it a database, web service or other. This allows you to easily change the data source without directly affecting your business logic. It provides a consistent, abstracted interface for interacting with the data, making it easier to manage and maintain the code.

Flexibility in changing data storage: By using a Repository, you can easily change the data storage without affecting the business logic. For example, if you decide to switch from a relational database to a NoSQL database, you will only need to modify the corresponding repository without affecting other parts of the code.

Code reuse: By using the Repository pattern, you can encapsulate data access logic in one place. This facilitates code reuse in different parts of your application, reducing code duplication and promoting consistency in the way you interact with data.

Ease of testing: By separating the data access logic into a repository, you can write more effective unit tests, since you can easily simulate repository behaviors and provide test data.


Additional complexity: Using the Repository pattern can add an additional layer of complexity to your application. If you have a small or simple application, it may be unnecessary and complicate development.

Increased amount of code: When implementing the Repository pattern, you will probably need to write more code to define and maintain repositories. This may increase the amount of code in your project and, consequently, increase development time.

Learning curve: If you are not familiar with the Repository pattern or have no previous experience with it, it can take time to understand how to implement it correctly in Laravel. This may require additional effort in the learning curve and training of the development team.

Possible abstraction overhead: If the use of the Repository pattern is applied excessively or incorrectly, it can lead to abstraction overhead. This could result in more complex code to maintain and make it difficult to understand the data access logic.

In general, the Repository pattern can be beneficial for larger, more complex projects, where a clear separation of responsibilities and greater flexibility in data source management is required. However, in smaller or simpler projects, the use of the Repository pattern may not be necessary and may introduce unnecessary complexity.

Top comments (1)

dimitrim profile image
Dimitri Mostrey • Edited

Repositories can indeed be a helpful addition to complex relationships in the database. I understand your example. Any Laravel installation comes with the users table. Yet, making a repository for a single table doesn't make any sense. You do mention this fact

the Repository pattern can be beneficial for larger, more complex projects.

Take an example from my website (, where businesses (sites in the DB) belongs to a city, which belongs to a province and has many counties. A Site has many users (different responsibilities), Albums (for a thumbnail scrollers or other representations), events and articles.

In this case, a repository makes sense. The beauty is, you can seamlessly implement it in blade. For example, a route() method. The route is site/{province}/{city}/{slug} (yes, no id in the url, makes little sense for SEO) and the route() method:

    public function route(): array
        return [$this->city->province->slug, $this->city->slug, $this->slug];
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resulting in blade as

    <a href="{{ route('', $site->route()) }}">{{ $site->name }}</a>
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a much cleaner code.

My code of conduct about repositories is:

If it makes the implementation of complex constructs easier in the further implementation of your project do it. If not, forget about it.

A lot can be done in the (Site) Model itself. Maybe you don't even need a repository. In the end, Laravel's ORM is in itself a repository.

Thanks for the article. The use of repositories is often overlooked.