Welcome to The DOCOM Monthly, your monthly digest featuring some of the best content published in and around the DigitalOcean Community last month.
I'm Hanif Jetha, a DevOps Technical Writer on the Dev Education team. Today's roundup includes some helpful Redis and kubectl cheat sheets, a guide on using Git to manage writing projects, Hacktoberfest & more!
Without further ado, here are this month's featured posts:
How To Manage a Redis Database
This cheat sheet tutorial series by Mark Drake serves as a handy reference for common Redis operations like connecting to a Redis database, managing different data types, and troubleshooting and debugging problems.
How to Use Git to Manage Your Writing Project
Version control isn’t just for code. You can also use it to manage any sort of writing project. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to use Git to manage a small Markdown document. You’ll store an initial version, commit it, make changes, view the difference between those changes, and review the previous version. When you’re done, you’ll have a workflow you can apply to your own writing projects.
Getting Started with kubectl: A kubectl Cheat Sheet
Another cheat-sheet-style tutorial, this time for kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line interface. It covers common operations like configuring Contexts and Namespaces, rolling out Deployments, and fetching logs from running and terminated Pods. It also shows you how to install kubectl and set up shell autocompletion!
Featured Q&A
- How can I kill all MySQL sleeping queries?
- How do I work with "count" and connection.host using Terraform?
- Running Jenkins in Docker
Get involved on the Community Q&A - ask questions and help other members by providing answers!
DigitalOcean on the Web
Michael Li teaches you how to Dockerize and deploy a machine learning web app in How to Deploy Your Machine Learning Web App to DigitalOcean.
DigitalOcean’s very own Erika Heidi demonstrates how to build a command-line PHP application in this multi-part series:

Bootstrapping a CLI PHP application in Vanilla PHP
Erika Heidi ・ Sep 20 '19 ・ 7 min read
Learn how to integrate DigitalOcean Kubernetes with GitLab and deploy your apps to a DOKS cluster: Kubernetes, GitLab and DigitalOcean.
Finally, DigitalOcean Developer Advocate Kamal Nasser shows you how to offload Docker image builds to a remote server:

How to Use a Remote Docker Server to Speed Up Your Workflow
Kamal Nasser ・ Sep 13 '19 ・ 5 min read
Community IRL
DigitalOcean’s Lisa Tagliaferri will be at the Grace Hopper Celebration in Orlando next week, delivering a talk on building inclusive and diverse open source communities. If you’re attending Grace Hopper, be sure to check out her talk!
Thrilled to be speaking at #GHC19 next week 🎉
I'll be sharing tips for maintainers and contributors on expanding participation and promoting inclusivity & diversity in open source 👩🏿💻👩🏻💻👩🏽💻👩🏼💻18:50 PM - 26 Sep 2019
Eddie Zaneski, a DigitalOcean Developer Relations manager, gave a talk at GitLab Commit on transforming a fresh Kubernetes cluster into a CI/CD bastion for GitLab. Check out his talk here:
Eddie will also be in attendance for the Hacktoberfest NYC Kickoff with DEV.
Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software (OSS) put together by DigitalOcean and DEV. Contribute four pull requests to open source projects on GitHub between October 1st and 31st, and receive a limited-edition Hacktoberfest T-shirt! You can register and learn more at the Official Hacktoberfest site, which also includes a list of IRL Hacktoberfest events you can attend.
Happy hacking, and see you all next month!
Top comments (1)
A very productive month for us! Thanks for this recollection, Hanif <3