Hey folks 👋 I am Denyse, this series is first chapter I want to write about flutter in the future i'll write more and more cool things about Dart and Flutter we'll spend a little time to take a look into Dart programming languages.
I wanted to jump straight to flutter ... but wait 🤔 I couldn't talk about flutter without talking about dart first
So what is Dart?
Dart is a programming language designed for client development, such as for web and mobile apps. It is designed by a huge and powerful company ✨ company called Google and also can be used to build server and desktop applications. It is a class-based, garbage-collected language with C-style syntax.
Dart is a client-optimized language for developing fast apps on any platform. Dart was created by Google and first time it appeared was October 10, 2011.
Fun fact about it 😂, first stable version of Dart wasn't 1.0.0, it was 0.8.10-rev.3.29803.
In Dart SDK Tools contain these tools that necessary for development applications:
- DartVM - Dart Virtual Machine.
- dart2js- Dart to javascript (web use only) for deployable Javascript.
- dartdevc - Dart to javascript(web use only) for testing purpose.
- dartfmt - Tools formatter dart code
- dartanalyzer - Tools help analyze warning and error code that are specified in dart language. DartPad and IDEs such as Android Studio or VS Code are use the same analysis engine that dartanalyzer provide
- DartDoc - The API documentation generator (using for write package mostly)
- pub - Dart package manager (it's like npm or yarn or pnpm). We can use pub tools for manage Dart packages.
What do we mean by Dart fast apps , here we mean Dart's speed to mean Dart can compile at both Run time(JIT) and Ahead of Time (AOT)
What is AOT or JIT ?
- The JIT means or development mode Flutter provide cools features which are hot-reload and hot-restart 😊 that help you see UI changes when you change on code. With that is lots of tools that help you debug.
- The AOT or release mode your code is compiled to native code for better performance, minimum app size and remove other stuff that useful in dev mode.
Wanna know more about dart? head to Dart documentation and stay tuned to get more updates about flutter and dart ...
Top comments (18)
Great article Dart is a really nice language wish more people used it.
yeah, it's very astonishing
I'm very lucky to have came across this article,🤗 It's absolutely worth my time
Thank you Denyse:) We need more of this🥳
thank you Peacee
Anytime:) keep it up🚀🚀🥳
This is worth reading. Thanks for this article, looking forward to next part...
This is wanna make me start new thing, waiting for the next article!
sure 😊😊
Excellent language ❤️
sure 😉
Great article, made me wanna learn flutter.👏👏
sure, it's worth learning for sure
This is so great Denyse! Keep it up!
thank you John
just can't wait for the next article
ver soon just sty tuned 😂
Thanks for posting