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Jatin Sharma for Documatic

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Pair Programming: Best Practices and Tools

In the fast-paced world we live in, working together is crucial for developing high-quality code. In this article, we'll explore the concept of Pair Programming, uncover its advantages and recommend helpful tools. We'll also bust a few common misconceptions about pair programming along the way.

Table of Contents

What is Pair Programming?

Pair Programming is a technique where two developers work together on the same task. In this one person writes the code (driver) and the other person reviews each line and provides feedback (navigator). This approach differs from traditional solo programming and offers various advantages.

The Driver's responsibility is to focus on the mechanics of operating the computer and entering code. The Navigator's responsibility is to think about what needs to be done and where we are going. The two will communicate continually and shift roles frequently, probably every few minutes.

On Pair Programming

Benefits of Pair Programming

Improved Code Quality

When two programmers work together, they can catch each other's mistakes quickly, resulting in high-quality code causing the chances of missing errors to be significantly reduced. The programming partners can offer valuable insights, propose improvements, and get feedback on their ideas before committing to them.

For Example, When working on a coding problem, one programmer can focus on implementing the solution while the other watches for any bugs or syntax errors. This way, the team can create cleaner, more functional, and more optimized code.

Increased Collaboration and Communication

Pair programming also enhances collaboration between the two developers. It helps them to work on the same codebase and share their knowledge and skills which leads to better problem-solving. It also solves the communication gap between colleagues as it promotes communication allowing for quick and easy information sharing.

For example, While working on a new feature, one programmer can explain their thought process, and ideas, while the other can provide feedback and ask questions to clarify what needs to be done. This way, the team can work together to find the best solution and avoid misunderstandings.

Increased Productivity

Pair programming can boost the productivity of development teams. As two programmers work together, they can complete tasks faster by sharing the responsibility. One can work on a problem, while the other can search for potential bugs. This way, the team can solve problems more efficiently and work more effectively than working alone. It also depends on the individual some programmers are more productive while working alone.

For example, in a pair working on a project, one can take one hour or two hours to finish a task that would take a solo developer three or four hours to complete. The second pair can focus on looking for errors or other issues in the code. This means that the team completes the task in less time and with less effort, increasing overall productivity.

Myths About Pair Programming

Before discussing the best practices for pair programming, let's bust some myths about it.

Myth #1: Pair Programming is Expensive

This is a common myth about pair programming. But, in reality, it is an investment in your team's productivity, code quality, and innovation. In the long run, it saves time and reduces costs by catching errors early on. So, it's not true.

Myth #2: Pair Programming is Slow

Pair programming can be faster than other coding approaches because it allows for quick corrections. When two developers collaborate, they can avoid many errors and bugs and expedite problem-solving. So, it's not true until developers are just doing fun instead of working productively.

Myth #3: Pair Programming Causes Tension

Some believe that pair programming can put too much pressure on developers, leading to conflicts in the workplace. However, this only occurs in poor implementations of the technique. It depends on how is your bonding with your programming partner. If it's good, then this won't apply to you.

Best Practices for Pair Programming

To make the most out of your pair programming sessions, consider following these best practices:

Clearly Define Roles

Clearly define the roles of the driver and navigator. The driver writes the code, while the navigator reviews it and provides feedback. Switch roles frequently to keep both developers engaged and avoid one person dominating the session.

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Effective Communication

Communication is vital during pair programming. Both developers should actively participate, express their thoughts, and listen attentively. Share ideas, ask questions, and discuss the code openly. Use collaboration tools, such as screen sharing and code review platforms, to facilitate communication.

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Respect and Empathy

Mutual respect and empathy are crucial for successful pair programming. Value each other's opinions, ideas, and expertise. Be open to constructive criticism and avoid personal attacks. Build a supportive and non-judgmental environment that encourages collaboration and learning.
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Take Breaks

Pair programming can be mentally demanding. It's important to take regular breaks to prevent fatigue and maintain productivity. Use these breaks to reflect on progress, discuss challenges, and plan the next steps. Remember to consider each other's energy levels and schedule breaks accordingly.

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Embrace Learning Opportunities

Pair programming is an excellent opportunity for learning and skill development. Share knowledge, techniques, and best practices with your partner. Be open to new ideas and approaches. Encourage continuous learning and growth for both developers involved.

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Practice Active Code Review

Use the power of pair programming to continuously review and validate the code. Discuss potential improvements, identify defects early, and address design flaws. Leverage the expertise of both developers to ensure the code is of the highest quality.

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Plan and Set Goals

Before starting a pair programming session, discuss and align the goals and objectives of the task at hand. Break down the work into smaller, manageable chunks. Set clear milestones and prioritize tasks to maintain focus and progress.

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Document and Share Knowledge

Take notes during pair programming sessions to capture important discussions, decisions, and insights. Create documentation that can be shared with the team, helping to disseminate knowledge and ensure consistency across the project.

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Reflect and Improve

After completing a pair programming session, take time to reflect on the experience. Discuss what went well and what could be improved. Continuously refine your pair programming practices based on feedback and lessons learned.

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By following these best practices, you can maximize the benefits of pair programming. Collaboration and code quality will improve, and both developers will have the opportunity to grow their skills and knowledge.

Tools for Pair Programming

To make the most of pair programming, developers can rely on a wide range of tools that simplify the process. Here are some of the best tools available:

Live Share (VS Code)

Live Share is an extension for VS Code. It comes included in the latest versions of VS Code. This tool enables developers who use VS Code to collaborate in real-time.


Replit is an online tool that lets you collaborate with other developers without the need to download or install any extra software. All you have to do is open a web browser, and you're good to go. It's perfect if you simply need to edit code together with others in real time. One of the great things about Replit is that it supports more than 50 programming languages, making it versatile and suitable for a wide range of projects.

CodeSandbox Live

CodeSandbox Live is a real-time collaboration feature that enables developers to work on the same project in real time. With CodeSandbox Live, multiple developers can work on the same codebase simultaneously, making it easier to collaborate on complex projects.


Codeanywhere is a cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that allows developers to code, collaborate, and manage their projects from anywhere, using any device with an internet connection. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to facilitate coding and streamline the development workflow.


CodeTogether allows you to host and join collaborative coding sessions from Eclipse, IntelliJ or VS Code. Guests can join a session from their own IDE with CodeTogether installed, even if it's different from the host's IDE. Guests can also join a session from any modern browser with no setup required.

Wrapping up

In the end, Pair Programming is a highly effective technique for software developers. It enhances collaboration, code quality, team productivity and many other things. Following the best practices and using appropriate tools are the key to successful pair programming.

If you want more articles on similar topics just let me know in the comments section. And don't forget to ❤️ the article. I'll see you in the next one. In the meantime you can follow me here:

Top comments (9)

ant_f_dev profile image
Anthony Fung

Great overview of pair programming. I've used Live Share with VS Code a few times and agree it's great. There's also a version of it that's built into the full Visual Studio too - very useful.

When pair programming locally, I've found it helpful in the past to have two keyboards plugged into the development machine - one for each person. I found it helped make things smoother when both parties could type without having to interrupt the other for keyboard control.

j471n profile image
Jatin Sharma

Yes mate, It's really an awesome technique to improve your productivity and it also saves time.

sabkharaab554 profile image

I've found it helpful in the past to have two keyboards plugged into the development machine - one for each person. I found it helped make things smoother when both parties could type without having to interrupt the other for keyboard control.

tracygjg profile image
Tracy Gilmore

Namaste Jatin,
In these days of remote working, which I can never see the software industry giving up easily, I think pair-programming is more important than ever. It is particularly important for mentoring junior team members but there is another myth we should expel.

Many people are of the opinion the only combination of pair-programming worth entertaining is senior navigator with junior driver, but I know different. As a senior myself I find peer-programming to be an invaluable mentoring tool and would advocate other pairings also work very well.

Junior/junior also works well as they can both bring different perspectives and knowledge to the task, especially if there is a senior to call on for occasional help/guidance. In the company of other juniors a junior team member is more likely to ask what they might fear is a silly question, but rarely are.

I have also found senior/senior combinations work very well for similar reasons that both have a wealth of knowledge and experience the other does not possess. In such cases I have even brought in a junior who possesses specialist knowledge into the forum to consult.

Finally, there is the junior navigator and senior driver. I call on this model all the time because after 30 years I still do not know it all and can always learn more, and junior team members are just as valuable a resource. In my past I have also found that explaining a process or technique to another (even a senior) really reenforces your knowledge of the subject.

Best regards, Tracy

carlosds profile image
Karel De Smet

I love this guide on pair programming by Martin Fowler:

I always suggest to the other person to read it first before we start our first pair programming session. It emphasizes respect and shows that you always want this to be a bidirectional activity, not unidirectional.

addeye profile image
Mokhamad Ariadi

Very insight bro, in my company still using gmeet or zoom and the Junior programmers share their screen, takes time.

Thanks your post helpful

vjnvisakh profile image
Visakh Vijayan

Loved the live share extension. Will definitely use it for code reviews with juniors

stefanonepa profile image

A nice tool is

sudilav profile image

So on point! Ive been doing this with my team

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