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Is Haskell bad for FP?

I've deleted this post. It was not very well written, and has, in part because of that, attracted many negative reactions from people defending Haskell without really understanding my points. I am no longer willing to defend this post against them. In part because, as mentioned, it did indeed have a fair few problems.

Top comments (60)

rhymes profile image
rhymes • Edited

I don't know Haskell but I would be interested to know which language you regard as "good for FP", not your ideal language but among the existing ones, which one would you rather suggest to people?


didibus profile image
Didier A.

I would recommend a Lisp, such as Clojure, Racket, Scheme or Common Lisp.

Lisps were the first languages to support FP.

The advantage of them over others is that it does not complicate things even further with the later extension from simple Lambda Calculus to Typed Lambda Calculus. The latter isn't really about FP, but type theory.

Just as people explore how to type and prove imperative programs, so do FP programs. But this can confuse new comers to FP. Category theory and typed lambda calculus aren't really part of FP, more like orthogonal additions.

Most people trying to learn type theory, category theory and FP at the same time find it too difficult and just abandon.

That's why I don't recommend it. Start with a Lisp, for a simple and direct introduction to FP and lambda calculus.

I'd personally suggest Racket or Clojure over the other Lisps, as they have more active communities and have a bigger focus on FP.

drbearhands profile image

I cannot fully agree with what you are saying.

I must admit that I haven't explored LISP dialects yet, but I was under the impression many of them have side-effects, which would keep them from being considered functional.

Untyped lambda calculus has also been shown to be unsound. Admittedly, so has recursive typed lambda calculus without proof of termination.

All things considered I'd say that type systems can have a smooth learning curve but can provide really useful properties later on (which we have yet to fully explore).


Most people trying to learn type theory, category theory and FP at the same time find it too difficult and just abandon.

I will fully agree with. E.g. you can use functors and monads perfectly fine in practice without having a clue about CT.

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didibus profile image
Didier A.

I was under the impression many of them have side-effects, which would keep them from being considered functional

This is one of the confusion I feel Haskell brings about. Lisp invented functional programming.

The first functional programming language and the second oldest programming language still in use (after FORTRAN), LISP began life in 1958 as a project led by John McCarthy at MIT.


Purity is an orthogonal concept to FP. Haskell brings about a lot of additional orthogonal concepts which people then confuse and mix in their head.

FP is a paradigm. Fundamentally, it requires first class functions. Any language with first class functions can be used to program functionally.

Now side-effects break the purity of the lambda calculus. But FP is not the lambda calculus. The latter is a computation model, the former a paradigm of programming. And so FP requires design patterns to manage side effects. In turn, in a programming paradigm side effect is unavoidable, because computations are not the only thing you want to program the computer to do. Haskell chooses to use monads for that. And it chooses to add additional compiler constraints that enforce their use for side effect. This is not the only pattern one can use to manage side effects in FP. In most Lisps, no single pattern is enforced on you, you can freely explore different ways to deal with it, and choose which one you prefer.

Untyped lambda calculus has also been shown to be unsound. Admittedly, so has recursive typed lambda calculus without proof of termination.

This also seem to stem from a confusion brought about by Haskell. The untyped lambda calculus has no type system. Soundness is irrelevant to it. Soundness is a quality of type systems.

So, I'm not dismissing the potential utility of monads for managing side effects, or compiler awareness of effects, or of type systems, or the applications of category theory within programming, etc. But all these things are better learned (in my opinion), one at a time, or you risk conflating them and lose the ability to distinguish one from the other.

So if you want to learn functional programming. I still think a Lisp is best. As it is as close as you get to the first incarnations of the lambda calculus and of functional programming.

Plus, Lisp can later allow you to add one by one each additional concepts. You can play with monads and see how they can help you manage side effects. Then you can explore the full range of categorical abstractions and see how they can help you structure your code. With Clojure and Racket, you can also slowly introduce a type system on top, and play with its own set of benefits and trade offs. Finally, you can even attempt to build a type system of your own.

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gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes • Edited

I must admit that I haven't explored LISP dialects yet, but I was under the impression many of them have side-effects, which would keep them from being considered functional.


If you don't have side effects, all you've got is a gently warming black box. ;)

Seriously - I'd take a look at Clojure - or at least some of Hickey's videos where he talks about the philosophy behind it. And possibly the ones where he trashes type systems and reclaims FP for dynamic languages. You may not agree with him but it's riveting.

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drbearhands profile image
DrBearhands • Edited

FP is a paradigm. Fundamentally, it requires first class functions. Any language with first class functions can be used to program functionally.

Wikipedia, which is a decent proxy for popular opinion and therefore linguistic semantics, would call that functional style, and places functional programming under the mantle of declarative programming, excluding thereby the existance of side-effects in FP. This is my reasoning for saying impure languages are not functional.

But let's avoid further confusion and call them pure and impure for now.

Impure functional programming is not backed by many of the mathematical properties that make pure functional programming easy to reason about.

When I post about FP and what you can do with it, it is referrring exclusively to pure FP.

I would therefore not recommend my readers to learn languages based around impure FP, as that paradigm can be achieved with more popular languages that one might already know, like JS.

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gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

I feel that when you refer to 'pure' FP you are referring to languages with a static type system which is checked on compilation. Probably languages with higher-kinded types. This is useful for writing programs in a functional style as it places hard restrictions on what you can write.

A programmer in a dynamic language can write the same program, in the same style, with the same (mathematical) properties - only they will not be checked by the type system. You will have to limit yourself to using the parts of the language which don't mutate - you will need a bit of discipline. This is easier in a language like Scheme which makes it very clear when you're performing a function which mutates a variable.

It's harder these days to find a language that won't support a functional style of programming - even Java now has first class functions - which is why I prefer to refer to it as a paradigm and not a language feature.

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drbearhands profile image

Purity is tied to compilation and static typing, almost by necessity. While I have no idea how a pure language that is dynamically typed would look like, it would still have e.g. explicit dependencies to make refactoring easy, whereas a language with side-effects does not.

Scheme which makes it very clear when you're performing a function which mutates a variable

Depending on how this is implemented, you might call it a linear type or monad in disguise. If side effects are explicit they're not really side effects.

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gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Purity is tied to compilation and static typing, almost by necessity.

function addOne (x) {
  return 1 + x

How is this impure?

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drbearhands profile image

You might be able to make a pure functions, if you don't consider type errors to be side effects (which I do if they don't require explicit catching, which is unlikely in a dynamic language), but that doesn't make the entirety of the language pure.
How are you going to represent effects? As you pointed out you will need at some point. Untyped monads? A framework like TEA but error resistant?

So, you might be able to do it, but it's going to be a bit awkward at least, which is why I said "almost by necessity".

didibus profile image
Didier A.

Please, let's put aside the denotational debate, because I'm frankly not interested in it, and it is pointless.

Let's discuss the concepts and intended meanings instead. And so let me ask you a question:

When you said "Haskell is bad for FP", what are the concepts you were referring too? And in what way was Haskell bad for them?

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drbearhands profile image

Please, let's put aside the denotational debate, because I'm frankly not interested in it, and it is pointless.

That may be, but you have convinced me! I should be stating pure FP specifically, to avoid confusion :-)

When you said "Haskell is bad for FP", what are the concepts you were referring too? And in what way was Haskell bad for them?

I was referring specifically to (primarily statically typed and compiled) purely functional programming. I don't think Haskell has too much influence over impure languages.

If I had to summarize my issues, I would say that Haskell, for a flagship language, strays too far from the core concepts of purely functional programming / typed lambda calculus. It adds complexity (String/Text, typeclasses, lazyness...), reduces certain arguably desirable properties (errors break programs-as-proofs) and it is inflexible in how it represents the imperative world in a functional context, pushing IMO too much coding in IO monads, which is essentially imperative programming.

Because Haskell is, again, the flagship of pure fp, it really shapes the notion of what pure (typed) fp is. I think this may be bad for adoption and innovation.

At this point, though, I should probably write a new post about what I think purely functional programming could / should be.

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didibus profile image
Didier A. • Edited

Haha, ya, I think if you added pure in front of FP for your post title, all confusion would have been avoided, at least for me.

Especially because I think purity is a hurdle for newcomers, and a hard stepping stone. So I find if people start with impure, and gradually of their own learn the benefits of purity and the mechanism to write more and more pure code, it can be a better stepping stone for them moving to a purely FP language like Haskell. It's a more gradual learning curve, I feel.

So I actually thought that this was what you meant also.

I'd actually be really interested in that follow up post you mention. Because my only experience with purely functional languages is Haskell. And I was under the impression that most of the concepts you say bring too much complexity were actually necessary to upheld purity.

For example, without typeclasses, I thought the type system would be a lot weaker, and you'd lose quit a bit of its expressiveness. That without laziness and non-strict evaluation, you were not able to isolate side effects and extract them out of your functions so they evaluate purely. I also thought you couldn't match the performance of impure algorithms without it. And similarly, without Monads and its syntax sugar over them, IO effects couldn't be tracked and controlled by the type system.

Basically, I've always been under the impression that all of Haskell's complexity was due to it trying to maintain purity at all cost.

So I'm intrigued to learn of alternative ways, that could be arguably simpler, yet would still allow for practical, performant and strictly pure code.


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drbearhands profile image

Haha, I guess that is a point in favor of the idea that Haskell is too dominant. :-)

rhymes profile image

Thank you Didier! Didn't know Racket existed!

theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis

I think Racket/ Scheme does a better job at teaching people about FP because of their simplicity.

drbearhands profile image

I generally suggest getting started with Elm. It's often considered a gateway language.

After that, it really depends on your interests. Perhaps a crash course in category theory and/or logic before diving into more complex languages like Idris. Unfortunately, I have not found a good excuse to devote the necessary time to the later myself yet, though its concepts seem really exciting.

drbearhands profile image

I should probably point out that Haskell is still a good language to learn. Especially if you're at all practically minded and want something mature with at least some libraries for most common problems (though not s rich as Node.js or python). It's just maybe not the best one to start with.

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rhymes profile image

Thank you! Elm as a gateway is a concept that I've already came across, interesting! It's also quite practical :D

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jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

The problem with Elm is the incredible religious community towards the maintainer (you are pretty much at the mercy of them) and that they had to rename everything from the already established names in the FP community, which will just confuse you when you switch away from Elm.

If you want to do Frontend Dev with FP and what to get a gateway drug, I'd try PureScript.

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rhymes profile image

The problem with Elm is the incredible religious community towards the maintainer

I've heard about this in the past but a lot of languages with BDFLs have detractors :D

If you want to do Frontend Dev with FP and what to get a gateway drug, I'd try PureScript.

Ahah I'll consider it, thanks!

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drbearhands profile image

While I agree with the notion that renaming existing concepts is a bit problematic (I've already criticized the name "custom type" to indicate sum / enum types), and that mods and vocal community members can be rather zealous, I do believe Evan himself is generally rather thoughtful and the BDFL model does have its own set of advantages, such as allowing for unpopular decisions that will eventually benefit the language.

Elm is OSS, however, so you can pretty much fork it and roll your own if you were so inclined. People have done so in the past.

overminddl1 profile image

I recommend OCaml. It is a pragmatic functional language, near as succinct as python, clear, fast, safe, simple.

kayis profile image

And for people who don't like the syntax, there is also Reason.

jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

Just to leave my two cents here 😅

  • Backwards compatibility: This is not really Haskell-the-language but the Prelude and while yes it's incredibly bad and should be changed, you can at least use a different prelude that e.g. uses Text everywhere. What I mean is that it's not a flaw deeply rooted in the language but the library eco system. Haskell-the-language actually has some breaking changes from time to time, for example in I think four releases * won't be the name of the kind of types, it's Type (so 5 :: Int :: Type, not 5 :: Int :: *)

  • I don't get the second point. You always write executables at the end, just because you use a bunch of AWS APIs this does not change

  • Laziness: Maybe. It makes a lot of algorithms easier to express and allows you to treat your algorithm as data structure you traverse (which is pretty cool imo). Also without laziness, some normally trivial identities do not hold.

  • the bottom that every type inhabits is sadly a direct result of the halting problem, getting rid of it would require haskell to become a theorem proover like Agda or Coq

  • too many features: yes, there are a lot of extensions and they might be overwelming for a newcomer, but for beginners they don't matter, the features are tucked behind extensions and you should know what you are doing before enabling them. A beginner won't need them, but seasoned programmers can use the type level features to make their software even more resiliant and safe.

As a big note: I am not trying to change your mind or want to proclaim my opinion as better or above yours, it's just that: my opinion. I came to Haskell after I got fixed by FRP doing frontend work and quickly fell in love. Nowadays I write all my backend code in Haskell.

drbearhands profile image

Nowadays I write all my backend code in Haskell.

As do I! :-)
On the whole though, I'm not saying Haskell is bad compared to other existing languages. Instead, I believe FP can be a whole lot more than Haskell, and that this is currently not properly being explored, partially because of Haskell's dominance.

you can at least use a different prelude

I will have to look into that.

You always write executables at the end

This is not true. You will very likely need some kind of executable at some point to run your program. What you write is a solution to a problem. With FP, you don't need to know what the underlying architecture is, only how the functions are composed from smaller functions.

E.g. in big data applications, you might map a pure function f over a data source and split the computations over many nodes. This can be expressed simply as fmap f stream. Done. Let the compiler figure out how to turn that into executables, config files and deployment actions.

allows you to treat your algorithm as data structure you traverse (which is pretty cool imo)

True, and agreed. There are certainly upsides to non-strictness, which is why it became popular in the 80's in the first place. For the flagship of FP, I think it's a bad quality.
OTOH, maybe it's possible to turn non-strict code into strict code at compile time.

without laziness, some normally trivial identities do not hold

Interesting, do you have more info about this?

the bottom

I'm not really concerned with the bottom. While I'm in favor of fully functional programming, I don't think it's necessary. I'm not really sure what you're commenting on though.

for beginners they don't matter

Sort-of. If you're programming as a learning exercise it's fine. If you want to make something "real", you will likely need libraries, which are often made by more experienced devs. So for real-world development it has a bit of a wall in its learning curve.

When you come across a function with a polymorphic type with 7 instance requirements... I can understand optimization aspect of it but damn...

jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

I will have to look into that.

Just put NoImplicitPrelude into your .cabal file or put {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} at the top of ever file. I use Protolude for example:

Interesting, do you have more info about this?

For example this: head . fmap f = f . head. If f bottoms on the second element in the list, the left will bottom and the right not. In a lazy language both won't.

I don't think it's necessary

Bottom is just the name for crashes (which is different than errors), ie non-recoverable, like panic!() in Rust. Strict languages don't need to bother, because a crash will just instantly crash the program. In a lazy language this is not the case, so you need a name to talk about this behavior.

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drbearhands profile image

Ah, sorry, I meant "fully functional programming" isn't necessary, not bottom :-)

johnkazer profile image
John Kazer

I'm learning FP with JavaScript, trying to escape from the uncertainty of jQuery DOM control and somewhat imperative NodeJS and maybe moving to React Hooks.

Am I nuts? Should I just learn Clojure? I did start out with Common LISP but haven't touched any LISP for 20 years so my memory of it has faded!

On the Haskell side of things, there is so much in JavaScript of course that is 'bad' - but I'm learning to value an effective style which cleans things up. Is Haskell too opinionated to all a similar type of flexibility?

okdewit profile image
Orian de Wit

For me, Haskell is an exercise language. I used it professionally for a while, but felt that the trade-off between safety and reduced development velocity was not always worth it.

Now I practice Haskell as a hobby, and use its strengths in other languages. Typescript is an excellent language for this, as it is getting mainstream and JavaScript has always had some functional DNA to it — but regularly playing with Haskell can even improve your reasoning about PHP code.

I feel like Haskell is a good teacher exactly because it can be such a pain to work with.

drbearhands profile image

You are going to miss some of the benefits of FP by doing functional style programming in JS, rather than relying on purity.

I myself have not noticed any reduced development speed in Haskell or other ML dialects. On the contrary, any non-trivial work is a lot easier because of the reduced complexity of reasoning about pure code with well-defined types.

Haskell specifically can be a little slower due to setup and library complexity as well as compile times.

filipposestini profile image
Filippo Sestini

Despite that, String is still the datatype for native functions.

I agree that, with hindsight, String was a mistake. But I've never understood why some people think this is such a serious problem. Just import Data.Text and carry on.

you cannot simply forgo lazy evaluation and evaluate an expression ahead of time

Not sure I understand this point, since you actually can force evaluation of haskell expressions.

leading to potential unnecessary computation, even infinitely!

I'm a bit confused. How does the supposed inability to forgo lazy evaluation lead to unnecessary computation?

That rather sounds like purity is necessary rather than desired.

Why can't it be both?

the way anything can throw errors is a violation of purity

How so?

I cannot help but feel this mantra, which seems very sensible, is just an excuse to ignore the language's problems.

...which are? So far you have mentioned several non-problems (laziness, "executables", ...). No wonder there are no plans to "fix" those.

this seems indicative of resistance to change

Haskell/GHC is constantly being researched on by academics and industry users, and improved/updated as a result of that. The standard got updated less than 10 years ago. Where is the resistance to change? You haven't mentioned anything relevant apart from String.

compile time isn't just about success, it's inherently a language feature.

Compile time is a property of a specific implementation, not a language feature.

runs sort-of slowly (GC, allocations) and isn't easy to work with

I agree that compile times could be improved, but these other two seem a bit unsubstantiated. Especially when there are tons of benchmarks out there that show GHC being mostly competitive with C/Rust, and outperforming several other GCed languages. Not that benchmarks are in any way reliable evidence, but then where's yours?

drbearhands profile image

I agree that, with hindsight, String was a mistake. But I've never understood why some people think this is such a serious problem. Just import Data.Text and carry on.

It's not serious, more like a pimple on an otherwise stunning face. Unfortunately there are a few more. Alternative preludes, like protolude, have pretty nice alternatives, but I expect they wouldn't work well with other packages (though I have not tested this).

Not sure I understand this point, since you actually can force evaluation of haskell expressions.
I'm a bit confused. How does the supposed inability to forgo lazy evaluation lead to unnecessary computation?

This bit was about more about automated optimization and reasoning. Because Haskell is Turing-complete, there are cases where we don't know if evaluation of a redex will terminate, because it is non-strict, the programmer is allowed to make a redex that doesn't, in fact, terminate, while still expecting the program as a whole to terminate.

A simple, synthetic example:

take x $ repeat 1

Here, repeat 1 can be evaluated indefinitely. Suppose we don't know x yet, we cannot eagerly evaluate repeat 1 on a different thread without risking doing unnecessary work (e.g. if x turns out to be small). Worst case scenario, all your threads are repeating 1s and your program livelocks. OTOH, lazy evaluation will always terminate.

There are some tricks you can pull but from what I understand there's no catch-all solution.

Personally I've come to think we're better off staying in the Set category (where everything terminates) and leaving lazy vs eager evaluation as a later optimization problem.

Why can't it be both?

It can, but various 'pragmatic' decisions, e.g. undefined, Any, unsafeCoerce, unsafePerformIO make me believe it isn't.

How so?

It isn't, I had definitions mixed up. See my answer to Emily Pillmore.

...which are? So far you have mentioned several non-problems (laziness, "executables", ...). No wonder there are no plans to "fix" those.
Haskell/GHC is constantly being researched on by academics and industry users, and improved/updated as a result of that. The standard got updated less than 10 years ago.

Since writing this article I've realized I was wrong about this bit. Haskell is not resistant to change. Rather it is a language by academics and for academics.
If Haskell were written for business it would be very different, but that topic is too large to discuss here, and I'm still playing around with my own compiler to test a few theories.

I am still calling bullshit on "avoid (success at all costs)", it just defines success in terms of academic adoption rather than global adoption.

You haven't mentioned anything relevant apart from String.

: as cons rather than type declaration, fail in Monads... alternative preludes have more examples.

Compile time is a property of a specific implementation, not a language feature.

Yes, but Haskell is pretty much GHC, unless I've missed something major.

I agree that compile times could be improved, but these other two seem a bit unsubstantiated.

In retrospect, this wasn't a good point. Performance is good enough in most cases. If we're using python and JS for application development, Haskell will be plenty fast. Not sure if spikes and MT problems due to GC are still a thing. Haskell can still do better though, using e.g. heap recycling. From what I understand memory usage is also not great.
Finally, pure FP should be able to surpass even C in practice, since the later has less 'wiggle room' for optimization on e.g. different hardware.

filipposestini profile image
Filippo Sestini

we cannot eagerly evaluate repeat 1 on a different thread without risking doing unnecessary work

The idea of evaluating things in parallel to save time makes more sense in an eager language.
In a lazy language, laziness is your optimization. You don't need to optimize thunks that you never evaluate. Moreover, laziness gives you memoization for free in many cases. Generally, laziness gives you better asymptotics than eager evaluation, which instead systematically confines you to worst-case complexity.

It can, but various 'pragmatic' decisions, e.g. undefined, Any, unsafeCoerce, unsafePerformIO make me believe it isn't.

Even dependently typed languages designed to be sound logics have escape hatches.
The PL community has come a long way, but sometimes you just need to throw in the towel and admit that you know more than the machine about your program.
Haskell programmers know that unsafe functions are unsafe, and should only be used in specific instances where it is known that they do not lead to unsoundness. Trying to suggest that Haskell is no more pure than C because of unsafePerformIO is a ridicolous proposition.

Also, what do you mean by Any?

Rather it is a language by academics and for academics.

This has stopped being true years ago, and is now factually wrong. For example, the majority of members of the GHC steering committee is from the industry.

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drbearhands profile image
DrBearhands • Edited

The idea of evaluating things in parallel to save time makes more sense in an eager language.
In a lazy language, laziness is your optimization [...]

No argument there!

sometimes you just need to throw in the towel and admit that you know more than the machine about your program

Again, we are in agreement. The point is that there is a design choice here. Should the programmer sometimes jump through hoops to appease the compiler in order to gain very strong guarantees? Different situations prefer different answers.

Trying to suggest that Haskell is no more pure than C because of unsafePerformIO is a ridicolous proposition.

Not saying that! Closest thing I would argue is echoing The C language is purely functional, where purity is considered a binary property, not a quantitative one. Beyond that, it's mostly a matter of trust.

Also, what do you mean by Any?

It's a type in Haskell that can be cast to/from any other type. Useful e.g. when implementing an open sum.

Rather it is a language by academics and for academics.

This was more a comment about the "soul" of the language than usage statistics.

I'd like to emphasize that the point of the post, which I utterly failed to bring across, is not that Haskell is bad, certainly not compared to existing languages (it is my favorite language ATM). Instead, I'd wanted to say that its dominant position is causing people to equate purely functional programming to Haskell, but Haskell has made many choices beyond functional purity that are not necessarily pareto-dominant. So while I believe functional purity (not quite that, but close enough) is always the right answer, Haskell is not.

EDIT: fixed mistake, wrote pareto-optimal when I meant pareto-dominant.

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filipposestini profile image
Filippo Sestini • Edited

It's a type in Haskell that can be cast to/from any other type. Useful e.g. when implementing an open sum.

I still have no idea what you are talking about. Afaik there are no Any types in the Haskell standard or in base, so you will have to link to it.

If you mean the Any type that you can define as an existential, like Dynamic, there's nothing unsafe about it.

nserverless profile image
NodeServerless • Edited

I think FP and Haskell devs are getting trapped by the same mistakes as OO, and could eventually find themselves similarly discredited. IMO there is an unhealthy (historically west coast) focus on Programming Language while ignoring the automation potential of Monads. NYC fortunately is not following this path. The smarter the Monad, the less worry about code.

AI-driven software automation e.g. Monadic or RPA-like software automation is the future and Haskell will be struggling to stay relevant in a few years. No one wants to keep coding all that plumbing just to orchestrate some lambda code.

rotexhawk profile image

What do u think about scala? I am currently enrolled in Martin's course and I am loving it.

zarinfam profile image
Saeed Zarinfam

Scala is not a purely functional programming language but if you use its functional feature with a functional library like Cats, it will be a great choice.

drbearhands profile image

I've only looked at it briefly. I saw side effects and decided to look further. If you have side-effects, you're not doing FP.

rotexhawk profile image
rotexhawk • Edited

Yes Scala gives you that option but it doesn't mean you can't do FP in Scala. It has all the features of an FP language. It also give you an amazing type system, consistent Apis for all the data structures, concise syntax and many other great features. Compile time is fast and like Haskell it does have a lot of features but you don't have to know everything to get started.

Also learning FP is more of a paradigm shift and that's probably why most of us think that Haskell or Scala are not beginner friendly because we confuse (simplicity with familiarity).

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jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

You can do functional programming in most languages. The good thing about Haskell is that it does not compromise. Scala forces you to have a lot of self-discipline to not do bad stuff.

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drbearhands profile image

That's correct. We might as well call C functional if that's the criterium.

Functional programming entails two things:

  1. no side effects
  2. computation as evaluation of mathematical functions

2 does imply 1, but let's ignore that for now.

If you don't have the guarantee of 1, there are a lot of properties that just do not hold for you program. You might call it functional style programming, but calling it functional is incorrect.

drbearhands profile image

You're right, I had the wrong definition of purity and side-effects.

Nevertheless, the intuition remains. By allowing errors to be based on ⊥, types in Hask become less informative than they would be in just the Set category extended with infinite recursion (let's call it Set∞). Essentially it is much like using a Kleisli category of Set∞ with monad Either Error. This is very similar to what you get when allowing side-effects, which use the IO monad instead.

My confusion came from incorrectly thinking that a side-effect was anything not properly represented in the type system, and purity merely means "no side-effects".

gillchristian profile image
Christian Gill • Edited

I'm just getting started with Haskell, so my opinion might not be the most accurate one.

There are two big barriers when getting into Haskell:

  • the complexity of the ecosystem: Stack vs. Cabal, bad text editor support, complex docs. All of that make it hard to get started. Other languages do much better in that sense (i.e. Rust).
  • the big part of the community that focuses on the CT heavy, research and academic oriented face of Haskell. Quite often a library points out to a paper as part of the documentation. This scares a lot of people of. But in reality, the industry face of Haskell is much approachable.

Both of them are solvable, but require effort.

I still think it's worth to invest, both personally and as a industry, in the language. Although I would not mind a "cleaner" version.

EDIT: to answer your question. I think it's both bad and good. Bad because of the arguments you mentioned and the ones I did. Basically the entry barrier is high. And good because it's a natural progression for those learning FP. At least in my experience it was.

Another language will not necessarily solve these problems. E.g. the academic tendency will still be there.

okdewit profile image
Orian de Wit

To me, the biggest entry barrier was indeed cabal, but also the cryptic errors.

After a while you get better at reading the errors, but I feel like the threshold could be so much lower for beginners if type system errors were reported in something that resembled English.

jvanbruegge profile image
Jan van Brügge

yeah, stack and cabal is a unfortunate historic development, but luckily both camps are slowly converging.

eljayadobe profile image

Languages are tools. Some tools are more (or less) suitable for a particular problem domain.

Pure functional programming languages, like Haskell or the rapidly evolving Elm, have an appeal as a viable alternative to OO languages. Because they are pure, they disallow the option of backsliding to OO ways.

The FP benefits I expect in an FP language:

  • first-class functions
  • referential transparency
  • immutability
  • strong typing
  • recursion
  • pattern matching
  • higher-order functions
  • code-as-data
  • separation of behavior from data
  • side-effect free functions
  • curried functions
  • partial function application
  • concise FP-centric syntax

Pragmatic functional programming languages, like OCaml or F#, compromise on the FP-ness in order to "get work done". FP purists might find them distasteful.

Hybrid languages, like Clojure (Lisp, with some FP constructs), or Scala (primarily OO, with some FP constructs), can be a good way to get some FP on their respective platforms.

And then there are folks that try to promote Lisp, C++, or Swift as functional programming languages, merely because they have some FP-isms or FP-ishness. Which just makes me want to tell them, "Please use F# for a couple months. Then you'll understand what a FP language is, and why (non-FP language X) is not an FP language."

I've programmed in Lisp for about 3 years. I've programmed in F# for a year. I can't imagine that anyone that has programmed in any of the ML family of languages would describe Lisp as an FP language. Lisp is more powerful than that; I'd describe Lisp as a programmer's programming language, and any other language falls into The Blub Paradox.

But that doesn't make Lisp the most suitable language for all problem domains.

I think... the future of programming languages will be FP and DSL. It will take years before FP and DSL overshadow OO languages, but that is how I read the tea leaves.

I’ll wind down with a lie that OO people who are learning FP tell one another: “Learning FP will make you a better OO programmer.” It rings true, and in the short run it may even be true, but as you internalize immutability, recursion, pattern matching, higher-order functions, code as data, separation of behavior from data, and referential transparency, you will begin to despise OO. Personally, I went from being a Microsoft C# MVP to feeling guilt every time I created a new class file. Once you understand the defects that can be avoided, it stops being a technical choice and becomes an ethical one.
— Bryan Hunter, CTO, Firefly Logic
The Book of F# (in the Preface)

theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis • Edited

I think the problem with Haskell right now is the lack of good quality tutorials. Readers trying to learn the language have only a few good options like:

learnyouhaskell and schoollofhaskell and to be honest those look dated.

Compared that to Javascript or Typescript where you can find all sorts of up-to date tutorials and expert opinions.

Also if you search in stack overflow the top questions are about fundamental things like

Q: Getting started with Haskell
Q: What is a monad?
Q: Large-scale design in Haskell? [closed]
Q: What is Haskell actually useful for? [closed]
Q: Good Haskell source to read and learn from [closed]
Q: “What part of Hindley-Milner do you not understand?”

If you just look at those titles you may wonder whether this language is actually used in practice or is just a toy language.

It's also really difficult to keep things simple and explain things in a concise way before the reader bails out. Personally the moment a tutorial touches terms like Monads or Category theory jargon I get lost.

drbearhands profile image

Haskell is certainly one of the less popular languages out there. I think a lack of tutorials is just a symptom of that. The community does have a strong basis in math, because having that will make you appreciate the language more. I do believe Haskell has not done a very good job of translating the theoretical know-how into practical benefits. Not yet, anyway.

👋 Kindness is contagious

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