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Amanda Fawcett for Educative

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Chaos Engineering 101: principles, process, and examples

As the web has grown increasingly complex alongside technologies like cloud computation, distributed systems, and microservices, system failures are harder to predict. To prevent outages, companies large and small have turned to chaos engineering as a solution.

Chaos engineering lets you predict and identify potential failures by breaking things on purpose. This way, you can find and fix failures before they become outages. Chaos engineering is a growing trend for DevOps and IT teams. Even companies like Netflix and Amazon use these principles in product development.

If you are new to chaos engineering, you’re in the right place. Today, we will introduce its principles in depth and show you how to get started with Kubernetes.

We will learn:

Learn how to destroy your systems productively.

Learn the principles of chaos engineering with Kubernetes with this deep dive into chaos experiments, such as destroying a network, draining nodes, testing availability, and more.

The DevOps Toolkit: Kubernetes Chaos Engineering

What is Chaos Engineering?

Chaos engineering is a discipline of experimenting on a system to build confidence in the system’s capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production. With chaos engineering, we intentionally try to break our system under certain stresses to determine potential outages, locate weakness, and improve resiliency.

Chaos engineering is different from software testing or fault injection. Chaos engineering is used for all sorts of requirements and unpredictable situations, including traffic spikes, race conditions, and more.

With chaos engineering, we are trying to learn how an entire system reacts when an individual component is failing.

For example, chaos engineering can help answer functionality questions like these:

  • What happens when a service is not accessible, one way or another?
  • What is the result of outages when an application receives too much traffic or when it is not available?
  • Will we experience cascading errors when a single point of failure crashes an app?
  • What happens when our application goes down?
  • What happens when there is something wrong with networking?

History: Chaos Engineering was first developed at Netflix in 2008 when their subscription streaming service was transitioned to the public cloud. Netflix’s engineers noted that they needed new ways of testing this system for resiliency.

Chaos Monkey was created in 2010 for that purpose. Since then, chaos engineering has grown, and companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft have implemented similar testing models.

Benefits of Chaos Engineering

Chaos engineering offers many benefits that other forms of software testing or failure testing cannot. Failure tests can only examine a single condition in a binary breakdown. This doesn’t allow us to test a system under unprecedented or unexpected stresses.

Chaos engineering, on the other hand, can account for complex, diverse, and real-world issues or outages. With chaos engineering, we can fix issues and gain new insights about an application for future improvements.

Chaos experiments help to reduce failures and outages while improving our understanding of our system design. Chaos engineering improves a service’s availability and durability, so customers are less disrupted by outages. Chaos engineering can also help prevent revenue losses and lower maintenance costs at the business level.

Chaos Engineering Tools

Before we start defining and running chaos experiments, we need to pick a tool. Chaos engineering is not yet a segment of the market that is well established and developed. Nevertheless, there are several tools we can pick from.

One of the most notable tools for chaos engineering is Simian Army, developed by Netflix. Simian Army is best for services in the cloud and AWS. It can generate failures and detect abnormalities. Chaos Monkey from Netflix is a resiliency tool for instances of random failures.

PowerfulSeal is a powerful tool for testing Kubernetes clusters, and Litmus can be used for stateful workloads on Kubernetes. Pumba is used with Docker for chaos testing and network emulation. Gremlin offers a Chaos Engineering platform that now supports testing on Kubernetes clusters.

Chaos Dingo is commonly used for Microsoft Azure, and Chaos HTTP Proxy can be used to introduce failures into HTTP requests.

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Principles and Process of Chaos Engineering

As more teams have conducted experiments over the years, they’ve learned how to most effectively apply chaos engineering approaches to their systems. These best practices have become the core principles of chaos engineering. Let’s discuss the core principles of chaos engineering that every team should implement in their experiments.

Build a hypothesis around steady-state

You want to build a hypothesis around a steady-state behavior. Then, you want to perform potentially damaging actions on the network latency, applications, nodes, or any other component of the system.

You want to create violent situations to confirm that our steady-state hypothesis holds. you aim to validate that when our system is in a specific state, it performs certain actions, and finishes with the same validation to confirm that the state did not change.

Simulate real-world events

You want to do chaos engineering based on real-world events. In other words, only replicate events that are likely to happen in our system. This includes an application crash, network disruption will go down, or node failure.

Run experiments in production

You want to run chaos experiments in production. you want to experiment in production since that is the “real” system. If you perform chaos experiments only during staging or integration, you cannot get a real picture of how the system in production behaves.

Automate experiments and run them continuously

You want to automate our experiments to run continuously or be executed as part of continuous delivery pipelines. This could mean every hour, every few hours, every day, every week, or every time some event is happening in our system. You also want to run experiments every time you are deploying a new release.

Minimize blast radius

You should reduce the blast radius of our experiments. When you start with chaos experiments, you want to start small and build up as you gain confidence in a system. Eventually, you should do experiments across the whole system.

Summary of Principles

  • Build a hypothesis around a steady-state
  • Simulate real-world events
  • Run experiments in production
  • Automate experiments and run them continuously
  • Minimize blast radius

Chaos Engineering Process

The general process for chaos engineering looks as follows:

  • Define a steady-state hypothesis: You need to start with an idea of what can go awry. Start with a failure to inject and predict an outcome for when it is running live.
  • Confirm the steady-state and simulate some real-world events: Perform tests using real-world scenarios to see how your system behaves under particular stress conditions or circumstances.
  • Confirm the steady-state again: We need to confirm what changes occurred, so checking it again gives us insights into system behavior.
  • Collect metrics and observe dashboards: You need to measure your system’s durability and availability. It is best practice to use key performance metrics that correlate with customer success or usage. We want to measure the failure against our hypothesis by looking at factors like impact on latency or requests per second.
  • Make changes and fix issues: After running an experiment, you should have a good idea of what is working and what needs to be altered. Now we can identify what will lead to an outage, and we know exactly what breaks the system. So, go fix it, and try again with a new experiment.

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Chaos Engineering Example

Now let’s apply all that theory to a simply real-world example to better understand chaos engineering. We will be using Kubernetes. To begin, we create a Kubernetes cluster. Then, we will deploy our simple application and destroy it. Then, we will show you how to define steady-states, which is crucial for chaos engineering.

Note: If you are new to Kubernetes, we recommend the course A Practical Guide to Kubernetes before continuing with chaos engineering. Or, you can follow along just to get an idea of how basic chaos engineering looks.

Create a Kubernetes Cluster

First, we need a Kubernetes cluster to destroy. You can choose Minikube, Docker Desktop, AKS, EKS, and GKE. Below, we use Docker Desktop to create a cluster. If you would like to learn how to create a cluster using the other tools, please refer to the course The DevOps Toolkit: Kubernetes Chaos Engineering.

# Source:

# Create A Cluster #

# Open Docker Preferences, select the Kubernetes tab, and select the "Enable Kubernetes" checkbox

# Open Docker Preferences, select the Resources > Advanced tab, set CPUs to 4, and Memory to 6.0 GiB, and press the "Apply & Restart" button

# Destroy the cluster #

# Open Docker Troubleshoot, and select the "Reset Kubernetes cluster" button

# Select *Quit Docker Desktop*
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From Viktor Farcic's demo in Educative's Chaos Engineering course

Clone and explore the repository

We need to deploy a demo application, which we’ve prepared below. We’re going to clone the repository vfarcic/go-demo-8 created by Viktor Farcic.

git clone

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Next, we enter into the directory where we cloned the repository.

cd go-demo-8
git pull
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Now, create a namespace called go-demo-8.

kubectl create namespace go-demo-8
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Now, let’s take a quick look at the application we’re going to deploy, located in the terminate-pods directory, in a file called pod.yaml.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: go-demo-8
    app: go-demo-8
  - name: go-demo-8
    image: vfarcic/go-demo-8:0.0.1
    - name: DB
      value: go-demo-8-db
    - containerPort: 8080
        path: /
        port: 8080
        path: /
        port: 8080
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 50Mi
          cpu: 50m
          memory: 20Mi
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This app is defined as a single Pod with one container called go-demo-8. It includes other resources like livenessProbe and readinessProbe.

Applying the definition to the cluster

Now, we apply that definition to our cluster inside the go-demo-8 Namespace. This will get our application up and running as a Pod.

kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 apply --filename k8s/terminate-pods/pod.yaml
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Now it’s time to apply some damage and destroy our application!

Install the Chaos Toolkit Kubernetes Plugin

To perform chaos experiments to our application, we can use the Chaos Toolkit plugin for Kubernetes. This toolkit does not support Kubernetes out-of-the-box. We need a plugin for features beyond basic out-of-the-box features. Let’s install a Kubernetes plugin using pip.

pip install -U chaostoolkit-kubernetes
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Note: Explore the Chaos Toolkit plugin using the discover command to see all its features, options, and arguments.

Terminating Application Instances

Let’s start destroying stuff. Look at the first definition that we will use, located in the chaos directory, in the fileterminate-pod.yaml.

cat chaos/terminate-pod.yaml
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This gives us the following output:

version: 1.0.0
title: What happens if we terminate a Pod?
description: If a Pod is terminated, a new one should be created in its places.
- k8s
- pod
- type: action
  name: terminate-pod
    type: python
    module: chaosk8s.pod.actions
    func: terminate_pods
      label_selector: app=go-demo-8
      rand: true
      ns: go-demo-8

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Now that we have seen the definition, let’s run terminate-pod.yaml.

chaos run chaos/terminate-pod.yaml
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The output is as follows:

[... INFO] Validating the experiment's syntax
[... INFO] Experiment looks valid
[... INFO] Running experiment: What happens if we terminate a Pod?
[... INFO] No steady state hypothesis defined. That's ok, just exploring.
[... INFO] Action: terminate-pod
[... INFO] No steady state hypothesis defined. That's ok, just exploring.
[... INFO] Let's rollback...
[... INFO] No declared rollbacks, let's move on.
[... INFO] Experiment ended with status: completed
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After the initial validation, it ran the experiment called What happens if we terminate a Pod? and found that there is no steady state hypothesis defined. Judging by the output, there is one action terminate-pod.

Next, it went back to the steady state hypothesis and determined that there is none. Then, it tried rollback, and it found out that it could not. All we have done so far is execute an action to terminate a Pod. We can see the result in the last line: experiment ended with status: complete.

Now, let’s output the exit code of the previous command. If we get 0, this means success in Linux. Those exit codes tell the system whether it’s a failure or a success!

Now, let’s take a look at the Pods in our Namespace.

kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 get pods
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The output states that no resources were found in go-demo-8 namespace.
We deployed the single Pod and ran an experiment that destroyed it. We did not do any validations. We executed a single action to terminate a Pod, which was successful.

Defining steady states

Above, all we did was destroy a Pod. The goal of chaos engineering, however, is to find weak points in our clusters. So, we normally start defining a steady-state that we test before and after an experiment.

If the state is the same before and after, we can conclude that our cluster is fault-tolerant for that case. In the case of Chaos Toolkit, we accomplish this by defining steady state hypothesis.

We’re going to look at a definition that specifies the state that will be validated before and after an action.

cat chaos/terminate-pod-ssh.yaml
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The output will give us:

> steady-state-hypothesis:
>   title: Pod exists
>   probes:
>   - name: pod-exists
>     type: probe
>     tolerance: 1
>     provider:
>       type: python
>       func: count_pods
>       module: chaosk8s.pod.probes
>       arguments:
>         label_selector: app=go-demo-8
>         ns: go-demo-8

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The new section is steady-state-hypothesis. Now we can run a proper chaos experiment to test our steady state.

Running chaos experiment and inspecting the output

Let’s run a chaos experiment to see a proper result.

chaos run chaos/terminate-pod-ssh.yaml
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We get the following:

[... INFO] Validating the experiment's syntax
[... INFO] Experiment looks valid
[... INFO] Running experiment: What happens if we terminate a Pod?
[... INFO] Steady state hypothesis: Pod exists
[... INFO] Probe: pod-exists
[... CRITICAL] Steady state probe 'pod-exists' is not in the given tolerance so failing this experiment
[... INFO] Let's rollback...
[... INFO] No declared rollbacks, let's move on.
[... INFO] Experiment ended with status: failed
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There is a critical issue here: Steady state probe 'pod-exists' is not in the given tolerance. The probe failed before we executed actions because we destroyed the Pod. So, our experiment failed and confirmed that the initial state doesn’t match what we want.

So, let’s apply the terminate-pods/pod.yaml definition to recreate the Pod. Then, we can see what happens when we re-run the experiment with the steady-state-hypothesis.

kubectl --namespace go-demo-8 apply --filename k8s/terminate-pods/pod.yaml
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Re-run the experiment

With our pod back, and can re-run the experiment.

chaos run chaos/terminate-pod-ssh.yaml
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The output is as follows:

[... INFO] Validating the experiment's syntax
[... INFO] Experiment looks valid
[... INFO] Running experiment: What happens if we terminate a Pod?
[... INFO] Steady state hypothesis: Pod exists
[... INFO] Probe: pod-exists
[... INFO] Steady state hypothesis is met!
[... INFO] Action: terminate-pod
[... INFO] Steady state hypothesis: Pod exists
[... INFO] Probe: pod-exists
[... INFO] Steady state hypothesis is met!
[... INFO] Let's rollback...
[... INFO] No declared rollbacks, let's move on.
[... INFO] Experiment ended with status: completed

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Nowe, we see that the probe pod-exists confirmed a correct state and the action terminate-pod was executed. We can also see that the steady-state was re-evaluated. The Pod existed before the action, and Pod existed after the action. But, wow can the Pod exist if we destroyed it?

Adding a pause

The experiment didn’t fail because our probes and actions were executed immediately after one another. Kubernetes did not have enough time to remove the pod entirely. So, we need to add a pause to make the experiment more useful. Let’s look at a YAML.

cat chaos/terminate-pod-pause.yaml
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It gives us the following output:

>   pauses: 
>     after: 10
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We see here that we added a pauses section after the action that terminates the Pod. Now, when we execute the action to terminate the Pod, the system will wait 10 seconds before validating our state.

Run the experiment with a pause

Let’s see what we get if we execute this experiment with our pause.

chaos run chaos/terminate-pod-pause.yaml
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It gives us the following output:

[... INFO] Validating the experiment's syntax
[... INFO] Experiment looks valid
[... INFO] Running experiment: What happens if we terminate a Pod?
[... INFO] Steady state hypothesis: Pod exists
[... INFO] Probe: pod-exists
[... INFO] Steady state hypothesis is met!
[... INFO] Action: terminate-pod
[... INFO] Pausing after activity for 10s...
[... INFO] Steady state hypothesis: Pod exists
[... INFO] Probe: pod-exists
[... CRITICAL] Steady state probe 'pod-exists' is not in the given tolerance so failing this experiment
[... INFO] Let's rollback...
[... INFO] No declared rollbacks, let's move on.
[... INFO] Experiment ended with status: deviated
[... INFO] The steady-state has deviated, a weakness may have been discovered
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This time, the probe failed and said that steady state probe 'pod-exists' is not in the given tolerance so failing this experiment. Now, we gave Kubernetes enough time to remove the Pod, and then we validated if the Pod is still there.

The system came back to us saying that the Pod is not present. We can output the exit code of the last command to see that it did indeed fail.

What to learn next

Awesome! We’ve effectively destroyed our application using a steady-state and learned the basics of chaos engineering. Next, we would want to fix the errors that we created to make it fault-tolerant.

From there, we can do all kinds of more destruction and testing to our application such as:

  • Probing phases and conditions
  • Experimenting with availability
  • Draining nodes
  • Executing random chaos
  • and more

To learn how to implement more chaos experiments, Educative’s course The DevOps Toolkit: Kubernetes Chaos Engineering is the best next step. You’ll be introduced to the different types of experiments you can run in chaos engineering. Towards the end of the course, you will learn how to run experiments in a Kubernetes cluster. By the end, you’ll be a confident chaos engineer.

Happy learning!

Continue reading about Kubernetes and DevOps

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