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Overview of Pentesting Phases


Penetration testing, also known as pentesting, is a process of testing computer systems, networks, or web applications to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers. Pentesting is a critical component of an organization's security program as it helps them identify and address potential vulnerabilities in their systems or applications before they can be exploited by attackers.

Pentesting Processes/Phases

The pentesting process typically involves several phases, and each phase is essential to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities. The following are the six main phases of the
pentesting process:

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  1. Planning and preparation: In this phase, the scope of the assessment is defined, testing objectives are established, and the appropriate tools and techniques are identified. The tools used in this phase include project management tools, risk assessment tools, and communication tools.

  2. Information gathering: This phase involves gathering as much information as possible about the target system or application to identify potential vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of false positives during subsequent stages of the assessment. The information gathering phase can be divided into passive and active information gathering, and it includes tools such as Nmap, Sublist3r.

  3. Vulnerability scanning: This phase involves using various tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in the target system or application. This can include network and web application scanning, as well as manual testing techniques. The tools used in this phase include vulnerability scanners like Nessus.

  4. Exploitation: In this phase, the vulnerabilities identified in the previous phase are exploited to gain access to the target system or application. This can include using known exploits, developing custom exploits, or leveraging social engineering techniques. The tools used in this phase include Metasploit.

  5. Post-exploitation: This phase involves maintaining access to the target system or application and gathering additional information about the target. This can include installing backdoors or other persistence mechanisms, escalating privileges, or exfiltrating sensitive data. The tools used in this phase include PowerShell Empire, Cobalt Strike, and Mimikatz.

  6. Reporting: In this phase, the results of the assessment are documented and presented to the client. The report typically includes details about the vulnerabilities identified, their severity, and recommendations for remediation.

In The End

In this series, we will continue to detail each of these phases and the tools used in them. The pentesting process is designed to help organizations identify and address potential vulnerabilities in their systems or applications before they can be exploited by attackers. By following a standardized process and using appropriate tools and techniques, pentesters can help improve the security posture of their clients and reduce the risk of successful cyber attacks.

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