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Felipe Silva
Felipe Silva

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5 skills of every Legen.. Wait for it.. Dev. LegenDev.

If you didn't catch the great reference, it's okay, forgiveness is granted. But I'll leave the recommendation here.

Greetings, fellow clan! How are your aDEVntures going out there? I hope they're challenging and inspiring because those are the steps that lead you to evolve and help build extremely valuable skills on your professional journey.

Speaking of journeys, one thing I've always sought to delve into is how I could become an above-average developer, both to become more skilled at solving the problems that arise during my development process and to stand out and position myself as a respected, reliable, and exceptional professional.

If you've also wondered or continue to wonder the same thing, like me, you were in search of the unique and extremely rare Legendevs.

"Legen.." what?

Legendevs are professionals who have become masters not only in mastering the technical expertise required to solve complex problems but also in developing the great ability to connect with team members in a singular way, inspiring, guiding, and evolving together with them.

And that's why, besides being extremely coveted, these professionals not only build brilliant careers but also act as true bridges, ensuring that the needs of various stakeholders are translated into efficient technical solutions for the project success.

This becomes possible thanks to the build of the CARME pillars!

CARME - The 5 pillars

If you've never had the opportunity to meet such an adventurer, believe me, not only do they exist, but becoming one of them is not rocket science. Without further ado, let's dive straight in.


Transmitting what you know, helping those in need, and collaborating with what interests you are intrinsic characteristics of a Legendev. Always promoting good practices, recommendations, or knowledge, they are proactive in offering help or recognizing those who need it. It is not uncommon for these professionals to contribute to projects other than their own, to be part of something greater, building prestige along the way, solidifying their own knowledge, and making new contacts. This type of attitude leads the Legendev to adapt to new standards, technologies, routines, processes, and more. That's why every Legendev is highly adaptable, and speaking of which...


Adaptability is linked to the willingness to continuously learn. It's no surprise to any aDeventurer that in the field of technology, it is essential to constantly seek more knowledge, as new frameworks, tools, and trends are announced every day. The Legendev is always willing to step out of their comfort zone to accept new challenges and adapt as necessary to find more efficient and creative solutions. They have fun and rediscover themselves in the process, adjusting their worldview. And speaking of that, they discover the importance of...


As humans we have only a range of 120 degrees of sight. We are by nature limited by our senses and experiences. And that's why the Legendev understands how important it is to expand their own perspective beyond what their own eyes can see. Poetic, isn't it? (laughs) But it's true... Relating to other people not only offers knowledge through the exchange of experiences but also promotes the development of critical thinking and creative reasoning. Remember the limit range of sight? Now picture this; Imagine placing three people who can truly rely on each other in a triangular position, we can “see” in a perfect range of 360 degrees. Simple but Super right? A well-established network of contacts can generate not only excellent professional opportunities but also valuable opinions, career inspirations, emotional support, and a rich exchange of learnings and knowledge, which over time will be mastered and become signatures of their way of working, positioning them as true...


Mastering their technical expertise makes the Legendev a true reference for their team. But this is only possible thanks to the long hours dedicated to delving into the fundamentals of their area of expertise and the tools, such as programming languages, IDEs, etc., that are necessary in their work routine. Over time, this mastery converts not only into work efficiency but also into confidence and comfort in decision-making. Mastering knowledge is not a simple task, and far from short. That's why the greatest Legendevs knows that the best path to build a powerful grimoire is not to know everything but to dive in into fundamentals necessary to solve a problem. That's what sets the Legendev apart from the majority and allows them to evolve naturally...


If you've watched any anime or series, you know that every protagonist, at some point, evolves because they had to overcome their own limits to overcome the next challenge. For the Legendev, it couldn't be any different since being part of their DNA is to seek new challenges that stimulate them and bringing them closer to surpassing their own limitations. And thanks to the contacts and bonds created, they seek and obtain feedback that helps them see more clearly the path to follow to achieve their goals. With increasing mastery over their expertise, they develop new skills that help them become increasingly productive, efficient, and respected in their field.


It's never too late to start a new project, learn a new skill, or develop yourself in something. As developers, we quickly learn that solutions can always be achieved, sometimes not exactly when we want or how we imagine, but still attainable. And becoming a Legendev is no different. Collaborating by transmitting what you know, adapting to challenges, relating and relying to others, mastering knowledge, and always evolving in the process, you will undoubtedly reach your goal. After all, as the philosopher Diogenes of Sinope once said, "better late than never," we reach our dreams!

Top comments (2)

thayto profile image
Rafael Thayto

Awesome post!

felipesima profile image
Felipe Silva • Edited

Thank you budy!
Happy you enjoy it!