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Posted on • Originally published at

You can build anything with these 6 characters: []{}!+

To start us off, let's try to guess what language this line of code is written in.

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Yes you're right, that big chunk of code is a simple alert(1) in Javascript. That whole bunch of mumble jumble is written in javascript.

To prove that to you, copy that chunk of code, right click(or the equivalent on your OS), select inspect, then click console.

Chrome Dev tools

After that, paste the whole bunch of code in there, then click enter!

You should see an alert(1) if everything is done correctly. Just remember, that's Javascript!

I used JSFuc* to generate those lines of code, you can do it yourself below:
JS Fuc*

Quick Note: Technically, you can build anything with 2 characters. 0 and 1 ๐Ÿ™‚

Top comments (9)

perssondennis profile image
Dennis Persson

Maybe we can use this for spoiler alerts? ๐Ÿ˜„

Seriously though, do not run code like this in the web console. If you don't know what some code does, you should not run it in the web console, for your own and others security.

acode123 profile image

You are right, I am sorry for posting codes without clearly explaining what they do.

tr11 profile image
Tiago Rangel • Edited

Paste this code on the console now! I know it's big, but it's awesome.

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Tip: duble-click or triple-click for instant select-all

acode123 profile image


acode123 profile image

What are you looking at! HAHA! Great job. The reason I could not make my one weird is because it would contain more than 6 characters, and that's my limitation.

Try this:

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fjones profile image

What I always miss about the articles leveraging this is a proper, understandable, explanation of why and how it works. It's a fun code golf exercise, naturally, and the tools for it are getting more elaborate, but it also reveals some really interesting fundamentals of how JS is executed.

acode123 profile image

Good tip, I'll edit the article with the help of your feedback when I can.

saikumarpb profile image

what 's the usecase for this ?

acode123 profile image

Question mark is not one of the six characters.