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Git Pull Guides

Git pull downloads files from a remote repo and updates your current HEAD. Learn more in these guides.

This is a collection of top and trending guides written by the community on subjects related to Git Pull concepts. For all things git, check out the git tag! Please contribute more posts like this to help your fellow developer in need.

Automated Jenkins builds on GitHub pull request

In this short guide we will configure Jenkins to start builds on GitHub pull requests. Subsequent builds will be triggered on any new commits and GitHub pull request status will show whether build succeeded or failed. This setup will work without configuring router, firewall or having a public IP. It will also work behind a corporate firewall.

Git pull multiple repositories at once

Instead of navigating each one of them with cd and then manually run git pull branch, I came out with the following command that I run from greatemployerinc -the repos containing directory.

How to test a Pull Request locally before Merging.

In this article, I would show you how to check, test and make changes to a pull request before merging.

What it means to rebase a Pull Request submitted on GitHub

This blog post is intended to help people willing to understand what it means to rebase a Pull Request submitted on GitHub. It does not explain "how" (this part has been addressed already by multiple posts, you'll find links about this at the end) to perform the rebase but rather what happens behind the curtain and why it is needed.

The Case Against Pull Requests (And How to Fix Them)

And that brings me to a great example of this: pull requests. The rise of Github made them almost an industry standard of how development should be done. Developers create branches for their changes and file requests to get them merged.

Manage your GitHub Pull Requests from IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA has released a new feature that allows us to handle Pull Requests within the IDE without having to go to the page and review it from there. The most attractive thing about this feature is that you can create and modify the PR information as well as its approval or close it.

A cleaner Github workflow: one commit per Pull Pequest

In this guide you'll learn how to keep a cleaner Git history having one commit per Pull Request (hereinafter referred to as "PR").

How to create effective Pull Requests

Pull requests' quality is often overlooked. A badly written pull request can not only cause friction when it comes to code review ( arguments, fights, time wasted and ultimately burn down), but it also decreases productivity and increases the chances to introduce issues in production. Clean and tidy Pull Requests contribute to a faster pipeline, quicker code review cycles and increase the overall quality of our product.

Create an Auto-Completing Pull Request in Azure DevOps CI/CD Pipeline Using PowerShell

Ever thought of creating a pull request automatically using a CI/CD pipeline and setting the pull request auto-complete once all the required policies are met? Sometimes this is useful to keep one branch in sync with another, or you want to pull whatever changes are made to one branch automatically.

How to "Resolve conflicts" on GitHub pull requests (Solved)

So, I have a repo on GitHub and there is an open pull request. The problem is that I have made commits since the contributor made the pull request. And now the files are conflicting

Don't git pull, use git pull --rebase instead

What git pull will actually do behind the scenes, is git fetch & git merge. It will fetch changes from the remote and create a new merge commit.

Merging Pull Requests Like a Pro With Mergify

If you have been using Git for sometime now, I am sure working with Pull Requests is now a second nature to you. And it is also possible you have started getting irritated with merge conflicts a lot. But what if I tell you, even after merging the conflicts we can't be sure if the pull request will break our production or not? Have you ever thought, how enterprise projects are maintained? How do so many contributors work together in sync without breaking the production?

How to create a GitHub pull requests from the CLI

If like me, you create a lot of pull requests in a day and annoyed of the idea of repeatedly visiting GitHub to create a PR - do not get me wrong the website is great and all, but it can be annoying sometimes having to leave your CLI and open your browser (which has serious implications to your productivity IMHO).

Cherry-Pick Your Teammate's Changes Without Push 'n Pull-ing To Your Repo In IntelliJ

You asked your teammate for help with a piece of code and they showed you the solution in their editor. Now you need to fetch those changes. Usually, this would mean a series of tedious Git commands for both of you (not to mention that the changes will forever grace your git history), but no longer - GitLive allows you to cherry-pick your teammate's changes straight from their local files without having to push and pull to Git.

Open a Pull Request In Azure Devops From Powershell

I'm naturally lazy and I like to be able to do things from the terminal as much as possible, so I came up with a small Powershell function to open a new pull requests in Azure Devops.

Feel free to adopt and adapt this to your own needs.

How to revert a pull request and apply the changes manually ?

The next thing you do is create a pull request to your development branch, that is it, you are done with your task. Then your usual development process continues and 5 other team members creates PR to development branch as well, at this point we have 6 PRs created including your PR.

Do you merge branches locally or create pull requests for personal projects?

For larger changes, or changes that take me more than a session to implement, I push to origin/<branch-name> and then open a pull request. I then use GitHub to squash, merge, and delete the work branch.

The Contentious Art of Pull Requests

This is one of those "we shouldn't need a blog post about this" topics. But sadly... I really feel that we need a blog post about this. I'm talking about the modern practices surrounding code reviews and pull requests.

Small Tips to merge GitHub pull-request into your local repository

PRO tip to merge GitHub pull-request into local repository easily.

How to Start Contributing to Open Source at #Hacktoberfest With a Github Pull Request #OneDevMinute

✅ Good folks from DigitalOcean, GitHub, and this time the team will track your open source contributions, help you stay motivated, and upon four successful GitHub pull-requests — you'll receive swag items like a limited edition T-Shirt, stickers, and maybe a few discount codes.

Improve code reviews using pull request templates

To make the code review process as easy and quick as possible, the more context we give our colleagues about what we have done and why, the better. After reviewing the Github repository and seeing some pull requests, I thought there was a way to improve our code review process in The Neon Project: using templates for pull requests.

Using 🎉Emojis💎 when naming Pull-Requests

One of the biggest revelations I had out of the many great practices they had within their git workflow, was to use emojis at the beginning of the title of the pull request. This might sound odd at first, but here's some examples :

How I Review Pull Requests

Someone in my Virtual Coffee community asked about getting better at reviewing pull requests (PR) today, which prompted this post. Hopefully, you find something helpful here. I'd love to hear from you if you do! And if you don't, that's OK too. Suggestions to improve my process are welcome!

How do you incentivise developers to open small pull requests?

I often see developers perceiving the curation of a pull request as mere overhead. In the worst case this leads them to open incredibly big (thousands of lines of code) pull requests. Do you care about the size of pull requests? Do you incentivise your teammates to open frequent and small pull requests?

Automating pull request creation from one branch to another using javascript, bitbucket pipelines and bitbucket api

These commands include installing packages, making api requests using curl, storing variables, running javascript tasks and many more. Now that we have the advantages of storing variables and installing packages, making api requests and running javascript tasks we can create pull requests from one branch to another in your bitbucket repository.

Improve Pull Requests with 5 Habits

Remember that you're making a "pull request" — not a "pull demand".

A pull request is the start of a conversation.

Don't assume you got everything right.

Be open to feedback.

You'll probably learn something you didn't know.

How we extended GitLens’ Pull Request functionality in Visual Studio Code

Specifically, it added additional touchpoints around the ability to create and view pull requests. As a developer of an open source VS Code extension (CodeStream), this seemed like a great way to give out users additional choices with regard to how they create and view their pull requests.

How to checkout github pull requests locally like Pro

If you work with the repositories hosted on Github , you have to deal with lot of Pull requests daily generally, and the process to checkout the PR's locally in your machine is quite not easy, you have to see the PR's id and also the branch name.

Push to a forked pull request branch on GitHub—Am I doing this right?

Let's say I want to collaborate on a pull request with @andy, this would be my flow...

Introduction to Branches and Pull Requests for Beginners.

Branches and pull requests are essential to the GitHub workflow, they help developers collaborate on projects simultaneously.

If you’ve never heard of them that’s okay. My goal in this tutorial is to help you understand what they are and how they are used when working on repositories.

#Hacktoberfest — Contribute to Open Source by Learning to Create A Github Pull-Request #OneDevMinute

✅ Good folks from DigitalOcean, GitHub, and Twilio will track your open source contributions and upon five successful GitHub pull-requests — you'll receive swag items like a limited edition T-Shirt, stickers, and maybe a few discount codes.

Git Gremlin: Pull Request Fake Out (to Clean Up A Messy Pull Request)

As a developer who has created a flawed pull request, I want to seamlessly change the content of a pull request and augment its history, so that my initial mistake is not visible in the commit history

Guidelines for better Pull Requests

A pull request is a good way to propose and collaborate on changes to a repository. Writing good pull requests and having an effective workflow will increase a team’s productivity and minimize frustration.

How I am managing ton of Issue and Pull request message with Discord-Webhooks?

HacktoberFest is next week and you are getting a lot of issues and Pull request and finding a way to receive every update for that to manage your code.

git tips - run git pull over all subdirectories

¿Cómo hacer un pull request a Github? 🤔

Vamos directo al grano. Para hacer un pull request a Github sigue los siguientes pasos:

How to create a Pull Request by Submitting your first Pull Request to Github

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a simple pull request by submitting your first pull request to Github. After we walk through submitting your first pull request to Github I am going to show you how to find issues that you can work on in some of your favorite open-source projects. If you want to contribute on open-source projects these days it is important to understand how to find issues that you can work on and understand the process for getting your changes into a project.

Checking out pull requests locally

For example, it sent you a send pull request from a fork or branch of your repository, you may want to merge it locally to test and verify changes on your local computer.

Cherry-Pick Your Teammate's Changes Without Push 'n Pull-ing To Your Repo In Android Studio

You asked your teammate for help with a piece of code and they showed you the solution in their editor. Now you need to fetch those changes. Usually, this would mean a series of tedious Git commands for both of you (not to mention that the changes will forever grace your git history), but no longer - GitLive allows you to cherry-pick your teammate's changes straight from their local files without having to push and pull to Git.

What is a difference between git pull and git fetch?

As we all know that git commands become mandatory if you are software developer. So here today I wanted to share basic understanding of the git two commands. Git pull vs fetch.

Importance of Pull Requests for Skilled Programmer

I came to read this article on "Why your team doesn't need to use pull requests", I felt I needed to write a response. There are a few points I hope summarize the article well even with my bias.

Working with the Feature Branch Workflow and Pull Requests

Create a Pull request so that one or more people on your team can review your changes.

How to get your pull request (PR) approved and merged quickly

Have you ever faced a call to completely redesign your code in one of your pull requests? I have and then thought what are the ways to avoid this. Call it a pull request or merge request, basically, it is a set of changes you want to go ahead and merge to the main branch to deploy to production and complete your task. This post is going to highlight a semi silver bullet to get your pull requests merged faster :), carry on reading.

Learn Git Workflow from the Basics and Branches to Forks and Pull Requests

Learn Git Fork & Pull Request Workflow

How to submit a pull request

You can do that with a pull request

🔥 How to merge a pull request

There are some rules that are best to follow when merging a pull request.

How To Create a Pull Request With GitHub Desktop

In this tutorial, we will learn how to review code changes in GitHub Desktop, commit these changes and then create a pull request on GitHub. Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to keep track of all changes to files within their projects. GitHub is a remote hosting platform that enables developers to store their projects externally. GitHub Desktop is a native application for both Windows and macOS to allow developers to manage their repositories.

Happy Git Pull coding!