DEV Community

Gavin Murambadoro
Gavin Murambadoro

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Symfony7 Docker Template

Symfony7 Docker Template

As a full-stack developer, I love working with PHP and the Symfony framework (more recently Laravel as well).

One of my pain points in the PHP ecosystem is having to work with different versions of PHP (and its extension combinations). To make this worse, my OCD also makes me disdain having to install PHP natively on my Linux development machine.

I have come through a long journey of solving this problem over the years, from bare-metal installation to using VirtualBox and Vagrant.

Containerisation with Docker and Docker-compose has made it easier to spin up development setups for different applications.

Symfony7 Docker Template is my latest iteration of having a ready to go template that I can easily customize and start building full-stack containerized Symfony applications.

Getting Started

Go to to create a new project. Make sure you choose Symfony7-Docker-Template under the Repository template section.

Fill out the rest of the required fields as requested and then click on Create repository.

Image description

Your new project will be created and you can check it out on your computer and off you go, developing your full-stack Symfony7 application with ease.

Image description

DevContainers you might say?

Maybe it's a skill issue or maybe it's too complex for me. All I need is a starter Symfony7 application with decent packages pre-installed and backed up by a MariaDB database that I can access via a localhost URL.

Kindly checkout my project and let me know what you think.

Happy coding 🎉.

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