DEV Community

Gourav Sharma
Gourav Sharma

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Your team member struggles with assertiveness. How can you provide feedback that empowers their leadership?

1.Recognize Strengths

Self confidence is a super power that normal humans can get a hold of, but self confidence is not bought but earned.

  • One needs to earn his/her confidence through continuous effects and struggles and you can help you team members earn this super power by providing them with honest feedbacks and high lighting their strengths.

  • When someone else tells you you are good at something it boost self moral and confidence and helps them recognize their own talents and strength and acknowledge it leading to self awareness which leads to assertive behavior.

2.Active Listening

There is no good feeling then having someone to talk to and share all your mouth can say and heart can hold.

  • But not everyone has someone this special in their life which leads to them not opening up and being unassertive. Your small step to just listen what they have to say and provide a good feedback can boost their moral and lift their confidence which will eventually lead to assertive behavior and enhancement in their communication skills and leadership presence

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