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Micron - The journey - Chapter 1, Why?

Hello everyone!

My name is Girolamo Dario, i'm a full-stack web developer, i'm involved in some pretty cool projects in the company where i works.

I want to write a series of post about my decision of developing a little Rest API framework... hoping this can inspire some of you!!
This first chapter is called "Why?", this is a good question, why i make this? There are several framework like Lumen (inspired from this name i called my framework Micron), Laravel, etc. but none of this was able of (easily) make me buld API Rest. So i thought, can i develope myself a similar solution that allow me build API Rest in the way i think is the easiest ?

The trend, in software developing, is to use "already done" standard solutions for various reasons like : the single developer isn't too much "important" because is easily replaceble, no time spent in R&D, no needs of high level skills beacause "knowing" the framework is enough... all good things but i think that exasperate this behavior can clip the wings of innovation, some developers had good ideas but no time (or skills) for develope them!!
I'm a little out of the box, instead of learn something like Lumen or Laravel I invested my time creating something mine, unique, like i want!

I'm not encouraging you to self-develop all, frameworks are a very good thing, i'm encouraging you to be more enterprising!! Micron is a framework, just like Lumen, the difference is that Micron incarnate my own concept of "easy to use", and i think that Micron is really the easiest to use framework for Rest API on php!

I published it on github with MIT License, so anyone can use it or develope some functions, i make this choice because i think that use Micron is very very very simple and can allow beginner developer to approach the world of Rest API.

And this is why Micron is born, now it is widely used in my company for several projects. I still develope "my baby" adding cool unique functions.

Thank you for reading.... see you soon to my next post!

Top comments (2)

krlz profile image

Hey this sounds interesting, its a while I didnt check some PHP I will definetely take a look on it and if I use it in some project I will totally refer it to you Girolamo , thanks for sharing!

gpisano97 profile image

Thank you @krlz ! If you have some problems text me (the documention on github refers to v1.4.0, and with v1.5.0 changed a lot of things! Sorry not enough time for draft and update the documentation togheter!!). My goal with this series of post is to explain how the project changed from the beginning, why is changed and how much is different from his early version!