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Hacky Things
Hacky Things

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I made ChatGPT talk like JARVIS from Iron Man!

Welcome to the frontlines of the AI revolution! Today, we're pulling back the curtain on 'GRACE,' a clever and slightly quirky virtual AI assistant that pushes the boundaries of what's currently possible. Named in honor of the trailblazing computer scientist Grace Hopper, our creation uses a potent blend of OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo, TypeScript, Svelte, Node.js, ThreeJS, and APIs for ChatGPT and FakeYou. GRACE represents not only a technical achievement but also our sheer geekiness and tenacity in the realm of artificial intelligence. So, let's dive into the code trenches and explore the behind-the-scenes of building GRACE.

Crafting this JARVIS-like AI was a feat that called for the seamless integration of different technologies. At the core of the interaction - the lifelike responses - was OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo. Its uncanny ability to understand context and generate coherent replies gave it the ideal qualities for emulating the intelligent conversational style of JARVIS. Now, what's JARVIS without those cool, immersive visuals? Enter ThreeJS, our trusty JavaScript library that rendered a dynamic, 3D environment, adding an extra dimension of realism to the user experience. Finally, to make the assistant not just textually eloquent but also audibly engaging, we employed the services of a text-to-speech API – FakeYou. It breathed life into the text responses generated by GPT-3.5-Turbo, and voila! Our assistant had a voice. These elements, working together in harmony, resulted in an AI assistant that was as close to JARVIS as our current tech tools allow.

How GRACE Works - A Techie's Digest:

  1. User inputs a command through the interface, a TypeScript powered front-end built using Svelte.
  2. The command is then sent to the backend, a Node.js server, which then routes the command to OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo via an API call.
  3. GPT-3.5-Turbo receives the command, processes it, and generates a human-like response.
  4. The response is then sent back to our Node.js server, which then uses the FakeYou API to convert this text response into spoken words.
  5. Simultaneously, ThreeJS kicks into action, generating appropriate 3D visuals to accompany the response.
  6. The voice and visual feedback are then sent back to the user via the front-end interface, completing the cycle of interaction.

So, what started as a fanciful 'what-if' turned into a tangible, interactive piece of technology – an embodiment of the magic that happens when you dare to dream and code simultaneously.

In wrapping up, creating GRACE has been an incredible journey, more of a fun adventure than a scientific leap. This project, merging text-to-speech, ThreeJS, and AI, is our whimsical nod to the world of superhero tech. It's been a delightful exploration into what happens when various cutting-edge technologies are combined in imaginative ways. So, this isn't about inventing the future of AI but more about having fun with the tools of the present. Don't forget to check out the video attached to this post, showcasing GRACE in action - we think it's a hoot! Keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, keep finding the fun in everything you do. Thanks for coming along on this silly ride with me!

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