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Hamza Khan
Hamza Khan

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๐Ÿš€ Built-in WebSockets in Node.js 2024: A Comprehensive Guide ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

WebSockets are essential for building real-time applications, enabling two-way communication between a client and a server. Whether you're working on a chat app, stock market ticker, or a collaborative tool, WebSockets allow your server and client to stay connected and send data in real-time.

As of 2024, Node.js continues to make it easier to work with WebSockets, especially with the advent of native WebSocket support and improvements to existing libraries like ws. In this post, weโ€™ll explore the current state of WebSockets in Node.js, including how to set up WebSocket connections, key use cases, and practical examples. Letโ€™s dive in! โšก๏ธ

๐ŸŒ What Are WebSockets?

WebSockets provide full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. Unlike HTTP, where requests and responses are independent, WebSockets allow continuous communication between the client and server. This is ideal for real-time applications that require frequent data updates without constantly reloading the page.

Key Features of WebSockets:

  • Full-duplex: Two-way communication between client and server.
  • Low latency: Efficient data transmission without the need for repeated HTTP requests.
  • Persistent connection: Once established, the connection stays open until explicitly closed.

โš™๏ธ 1. Setting Up WebSockets in Node.js

In 2024, Node.js has streamlined working with WebSockets, and the most common approach remains using the ws library, which is lightweight and optimized for Node.js.


First, letโ€™s install the ws WebSocket library:

npm install ws
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Basic WebSocket Server Example

Hereโ€™s a simple WebSocket server using the ws library:

const WebSocket = require('ws');

const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });

wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
  console.log('New client connected');

  // Sending a message to the client
  ws.send('Welcome to the WebSocket server!');

  // Listening for messages from the client
  ws.on('message', (message) => {
    console.log(`Received message: ${message}`);
    // Echoing the message back to the client
    ws.send(`Server received: ${message}`);

  // Handling client disconnection
  ws.on('close', () => {
    console.log('Client disconnected');

console.log('WebSocket server is running on ws://localhost:8080');
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How It Works:

  • The WebSocket server listens on port 8080.
  • On each connection, the server sends a welcome message to the client.
  • When the server receives a message from the client, it echoes it back.
  • It handles the client disconnection gracefully.

Client-Side Connection Example

Hereโ€™s how you can connect to the WebSocket server from the client:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>WebSocket Client</title>
  <h1>WebSocket Client</h1>
    const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');

    ws.onopen = () => {
      console.log('Connected to server');
      ws.send('Hello, Server!');

    ws.onmessage = (event) => {
      console.log(`Message from server: ${}`);

    ws.onclose = () => {
      console.log('Connection closed');
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This basic setup is enough to start a real-time WebSocket connection between the client and server.

๐Ÿง  2. Advanced WebSocket Features in 2024

a. Broadcasting Messages

In a real-world app, you might want to broadcast messages to all connected clients. Hereโ€™s how you can do it:

wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
  ws.on('message', (message) => {
    // Broadcast to all clients
    wss.clients.forEach((client) => {
      if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
        client.send(`Broadcast message: ${message}`);
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This allows the server to send a message to all connected clients whenever it receives a message from one of them. This is useful for real-time chat or multiplayer games.

b. Handling Pings and Pongs

WebSocket servers typically send ping/pong frames to maintain the connection alive and detect broken clients. Hereโ€™s an example of handling pings and pongs in Node.js:

const interval = setInterval(() => {
  wss.clients.forEach((client) => {
    if (client.isAlive === false) return client.terminate();

    client.isAlive = false;;
}, 30000);

wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
  ws.isAlive = true;

  ws.on('pong', () => {
    ws.isAlive = true;
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This keeps the connection alive by sending periodic pings to clients. If a client doesnโ€™t respond, the server terminates the connection.

๐ŸŒŸ 3. WebSockets vs. HTTP in 2024


  • Real-time, continuous communication: Once the connection is established, WebSockets can push data back and forth instantly.
  • Low-latency: Perfect for applications like chat apps, stock tickers, and live sports updates.


  • Request-response model: HTTP connections are stateless and not ideal for real-time interaction.
  • Polling: To simulate real-time communication, developers often use polling or long-polling, which is less efficient than WebSockets.

WebSockets are ideal when you need real-time updates from the server to the client without repeatedly making new HTTP requests.

๐Ÿš€ 4. Use Cases for WebSockets in Node.js

a. Real-Time Chat Applications

Building chat apps is one of the most popular use cases for WebSockets. It allows users to send and receive messages instantly without refreshing the page.

b. Live Data Streaming

For applications like live stock updates, sports scores, or cryptocurrency tracking, WebSockets are ideal for pushing data from the server to the client in real time.

c. Collaborative Tools

WebSockets make it easy to build tools like Google Docs or Trello, where users can collaborate in real time, with instant updates on the client side whenever data is modified.

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ 5. New WebSocket Features in Node.js 2024

As of 2024, Node.js is continuously evolving, and there are some exciting WebSocket features:

  • HTTP/2 and WebSocket Support: With broader support for HTTP/2, developers can now benefit from better multiplexing and performance when working with WebSockets.
  • Native WebSocket Modules: Node.js has improved native WebSocket support with modules being more efficient and easier to use than before, reducing the need for external libraries in some cases.

๐Ÿ”ง 6. Debugging and Best Practices

a. Use Proper Error Handling

Always include proper error handling in your WebSocket code to ensure the server doesnโ€™t crash due to a broken connection:

ws.on('error', (error) => {
  console.error(`WebSocket error: ${error.message}`);
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b. Optimize Message Size

When working with WebSockets, try to minimize the size of the messages being sent to avoid overwhelming the connection, especially on slower networks.

c. Consider WebSocket Compression

You can enable WebSocket compression to optimize network traffic, especially for large payloads.

๐Ÿ“Š Conclusion: WebSockets in Node.js 2024

WebSockets continue to be a powerful tool for building real-time applications in Node.js. With libraries like ws, native support improvements, and built-in features for handling connections, you can create robust real-time applications with ease.

Whether youโ€™re building a chat app, real-time dashboard, or collaborative tool, WebSockets allow you to push data instantly between your server and clients, creating a seamless and engaging user experience.

Are you using WebSockets in your projects? Let me know your thoughts or questions in the comments below! ๐Ÿ‘‡

Further Reading:

Happy coding! ๐Ÿ’ป๐ŸŽ‰

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