What exactly am I building?
A full-stack MERN application.
It's a subscription app for a hair product where a user can subscribe on a monthly basis to get access to specific hair products and resources based on the plan choosen.
It will consist of:
- a landing page (hero page)
- sign-up, login & logout features
- payment session (using Stripe)
So,I'm using Laith Harb video as my base tutorial(Laith is a superb tutor...check his videos out) which helps me understand the core logics/functionalities. Also I'll be going through some backend codes on GitHub to see how I can improve the app later on.
🔴Alert! It's a Typescript project so brace up for errors😅.
Let's get started.
1.Setting up the project
Create a directory for the project named subscription_app.
Open up the CMD prompt and move into the directory.
Execute a command to create a react app using Vite. Clara gave a thorough explanation here.
Once react app is created, right-click on the project directory and open with vscode.
I'll be working on the API first(the main focus of this documentation). The frontend won't be hard to implement since I already know how to work with React.
2. Building the API
- In the root of the project directory, create a server directory
- Open the terminal window and move into the server folder, "cd server."
- initialize a node application with " npm init -y"
3.Install some dependencies.
- express,
"npm install @types/express @types/node typescript ts-node-dev --save-dev"
- types for express & node
- typescript, and
- ts-node-dev (this package allows us to run typescript application inside of development),
" npm install nodemon -g"
- install nodemon globally (it hot reloads our application)
- run this command "tsc -init" to initialize that it's a typescript project
3. Getting the app running
- Create a src directory ( where our code will live)
Then, create an index.ts file ( this will be the root of our express app)
import express
create an express app
create a route
listen at a particular port
Don't forget to save.
- in the package.json
- create a new script "start:dev": "nodemon --watch './*/.ts' --exec ts-node src/index.ts"
- this call nodemon to watch for changes in "any typescript file that's in any directory that has the extension .ts". If there's any changes nodemon should execute ts-node and rerun the root application.
So let's run the script (server)...
"npm run start:dev"
Also run the url in the browser
It should display your response.
We have the server up and running!
In the next post, I'll be working on the auth(sign-up route)
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