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Michael Hungbo
Michael Hungbo

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How to use MongoDB locally with VS Code

Recently, a friend asked me if it's possible to work with their MongoDB databases and Atlas clusters locally without the internet and my answer to that was yes. So, I decided to create a guide to show them how and any other persons who might want to test their collections and perform all kinds of database operations with their MongoDB database using VS Code as the editor.

Installing the MongoDB Community Server Edition allows us to host MongoDB databases locally unlike Atlas which is a cloud hosted database option.

Download and Install MongoDB Community Server Edition 5.0

Visit the download website to download and install MongoDB Community Edition for your OS. You can follow this guide to install MongoDB for Windows OS but the process is pretty much the same for other OS.
For Windows, you can download the .msi installation file here.

  • The download page should look something like below:

MongoDB Installation Page

  • Run the downloaded installer

  • Choose Custom when prompted for the installation type

  • At the Service Configuration pane, select *Install MongoDB as a Service *

Install the MongoDB extension for VS Code

The MongoDB extension for VS Code allows us to create playgrounds to interact and perform query operations on our data and collections and giving us the results on the fly at the click of a button (which is supercool!).
To install, open the extension tab on VS Code and search for MongoDB for VS Code.

The extension looks something like below:

MongoDB VS Code extension
As you can see, it's already installed for me so you can just go ahead and install it.

Connect to a MongoDB deployment

In VS Code, open the MongoDB interactive panel by clicking on the leaf icon on the left sidebar menu, then click on create a connection to connect to a database instance.

MongoDB VS Code Panel
Note: To connect to a deployment using a connection string, you must have a MongoDB cluster running on your machine or have one in the cloud using Atlas. We'll create one for this guide in a moment.

An example connection string for a local deployment looks like so:

MongoDB VS Code successful connection

  • localhost: specifies our host
  • 27017: the default port used by mongodb
  • myDatabase: is the name of our local database

To create a sample database named myDatabase locally, we can either use MongoDB Compass, a graphical interface for working with databases or mongosh (Mongo Shell). For this guide, we'll use mongosh.

Note: You can also connect to a cloud database instance, for example, a MongoDB Atlas cluster.

Download and install Mongosh

Mongosh (MongoDB Shell) is a JavaScript REPL command line tool for interacting with MongoDB offline and online deployments. What this means is that it allows us to run valid JS code right in the command line to query your database. You can download and install Mongosh here

On successful installation, you should see this panel:

Mongo Shell

Then, open command prompt on windows and type:

  > mongosh
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You should get the following:

Current Mongosh Log ID: 61bfbc4837f8722b10f9e21e
Connecting to:          mongodb://
Using MongoDB:          5.0.5
Using Mongosh:          1.1.7

For mongosh info see:

   The server generated these startup warnings when booting:
   2021-12-18T10:24:36.928-08:00: Access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted

test >
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • The test shown at the bottom of the result is the default database created for us by mongosh.

To Create a new database, run the following command on the cmd:

use myDatabase
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This automatically creates a new database called myDatabase for us. Which returns:

test> use myDatabase
switched to db myDatabase

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Great. Now, let's connect

Remember the connection string we talked about earlier? Good. We're going to use that on VS Code to connect to our newly created database.
The connection string for our database will be: mongodb://localhost:27017/myDatabase, paste this in the text bar at the top of the window, that is, step 3 in the diagram below:

Connection String

Upon a successful connection, you should see the following changes:

MongoDB connected in VS Code

Congratulations! You have just created a local MongoDB database and connected to it from VS Code, successfully!

Play with your database

To perform queries and other database operations on our new database, we can create a Playground in VS Code to do these.

Click on the green create playground button in VS Code to create a playground.

MongoDB Playground

Your newly opened editor tab should look like below:

MongoDB Playground

Delete the content in the default template and paste the following to test our myDatabase database:

// Select the database to use

// Insert a few documents in the continents collection
    { africa: "Nigeria" },
    { asia: "India" },
    { southAmerica: "Colombia" }

// Return all the fields in the continents collection

// Write other queries and operations ...

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Click on the play button at the top-right side to run the code. A new panel should be opened with our results like so:

Results pane

Congratulations, you made it!

There you have it. Now you can work with your MongoDB databases locally using VS Code, perform database operations and see the results on the fly! Isn't that awesome? Yeah, it is.


MongoDB for VS Code

Connecting to your MongoDB deployment

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Top comments (5)

igorissen profile image
Ismael Gorissen

It's a working solution but for a developer the easy way to avoid messing with the env, Docker is a good alternative. It help keeping your environment cleaner. No need to install MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, and you name it.
I'm using this command and I'm good to go

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 -h $(hostname) --name mymongodb mongo:4.4.9 --replSet=myReplSet
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

When you are done you can stop it or delete it

opeolluwa profile image

Thanks Mich 😊

heymich profile image
Michael Hungbo

Glad I could help!

aaravrrrrrr profile image
Aarav Reddy

Thanks for writing this.

thenickest profile image
