In a board game, a piece may advance 1-6 tiles forward depending on the number rolled on a six-sided die. If you advance your piece onto the same tile as another player's piece, both of you earn a bonus.
Can you reach your friend's tile number in the next roll? Create a function that takes your position a and your friend's position b and returns a boolean representation of whether it's possible to earn a bonus on any die roll.
possibleBonus(3, 7) ➞ true
possibleBonus(1, 9) ➞ false
possibleBonus(5, 3) ➞ false
function possibleBonus(a, b) {
if (a >= b) {
return false;
let result = b - a;
return result <= 6;
console.log(possibleBonus(3, 6)); // true
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