Did you know that you could just type react.new in the address bar to create a React project? The same applies for Vue, TypeScript and JS too!
Try it!
All thanks to CodeSandbox, I bet there are more but I couldn't find a list.
Did you know about this? Do you know if there are more special URLs?
Top comments (8)
@ben we definitely need a domain like this, for writing new dev.to posts!
Although the price is pretty steep 💸😬
But I don't really know what the domain would be. The obvious choice would be devto.new, but that doesn't follow the other domains' patterns, eg. story.new (medium), playlist.new (spotify), task.new (Asana).
dev-post.new maybe?
was it a sarcasm when u say u dunno dev-post.new "maybe.." and now it's true?
The link in my reply is fake ;)
dev-post.new doesn't exist (yet)
It is exist! Try it
lol okay it's the internal link XD
For more => whats.new/
Awesome, thanks!!
Omagad! That's great!