I've had the most amazing experience as a developer advocate working for the KendoReact team at Progress Software and more recently the Software Engineering department at Couchbase! I focus on JavaScript and Node technologies for fullstack web developers who work anywhere between the front end and the backend API, Couchbase is an amazing NoSQL database and a lot of my current content features it in some way as just one part of a larger ecosystem and ideas around using the right tools, frameworks, and libraries that you have at your disposal. My current team focuses on JavaScript, Java, ASP.Net, Python, and Go SDKs and tries to reach the developers that use these tools and provide them with learning materials, tutorials and quick-starts, demo applications and we will speak anywhere our fans of Couchbase and these technologies will have us!
Below are all of my blog articles, white-papers, conference talks, videos, podcasts, and workshops from 2018 through 2021.
Feel free to download my resume!
Streaming on Twitch
My Blog
Open Source Contributions
- DevReach 2018, Sofia, BG
- What's New in Angular, Orlando, FL 2019
- Basic State Management using React Hooks, Orlando, FL 2019
- React Live 2019, Amsterdam, NL
- React Loop 2019, Chicago, IL
- Silicon Valley Code Camp 2019, PayPal HQ, CA
- DevReach 2019, Sofia, BG - Recorded but never shared by DevReach 😔
- React Europe 2020 (Virtual Conf)
- JavaScript & Friends 2020 (Virtual Conf)
- React Live NL 2020 (Virtual Conf)
- Couchbase Connect 2020 (Virtual Conf)
- City JS London 2021
- JavaScript & Friends 2021 (Virtual Conf)
- A Better Developer Experience With Ottoman JS
- Built the Food Truck DApp for ETH Denver food.ethdenver.com which deployed tokens on Arbitrum testnet that conference attendees could use to redeem for meals from the ETH Denver food trucks (15K txns/Meals served)
- ETH Dubai 2022
- ChainLink's SmartCon 2022
- Web3 Dubai 2022
- ETH Dubai 2023
- ETH Dubai 2023
- NAVH (Not Another Virtual Hackathon)
- ETH Global Waterloo 2023
- ETH Global Paris 2023 -Rare Evo Denver 2023
- ETH Global New York 2023
- ETH Global Istanbul 2023
- ETH India 2023
- ETH Denver 2024
Conference Hosting
Meetup Talks
- A Modern ODM with Ottoman JS + Capella
- React ATL October Meetup 2020
- The Product House (0xTPH) Web3 Fundamentals Learning Session: MetaMask Snaps
- Eat Sleep Code: Developer Digest 7
- Eat Sleep Code: Future Tech Fanboys
- HackerNoon: Document Databases vs Relational Databases
- DevReach (Sofia, BG)
- JavaScript & Friends (Virtual Conf) - Build a React From Scratch
- React Live NL (Virtual Conf) - Build a React From Scratch
- Web3 for React Devs Workshop With the MetaMask Team
- Onchain SVG NFT Tickets with React and Solidity
- NextJS, MetaMask SDK & Onchain SVG NFT Tickets
- ETH Dubai 2023: Build your first DAPP with React, Solidity and MetaMask
- Rare Evo (Denver August 2023) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm_vqVXUYhI)
- ETH Global SDK Workshop 2023: Tokyo, Lisbon, Waterloo, Paris, NYC, Istanbul, and India
MetaMask Video Production
- ETH Denver 2023 ConsenSys Bounties
- Interop Summit Sandboxed JS Oh Snap Its MetaMask
- Beyond 4337 Panel (ETHCC Paris 2023)
- MM API wallet_watchAsset
- ETH India 2023 Walkthrough
Basic preview of some of the apps we've built in our workshops:
- KendoReact R1 2019 Release Webinar
- KendoReact R2 2019 Release Webinar
- Kendo UI R3 2019 Release Webinar
Below you will find tutorials I've written for the MetaMask docs. Tutorials sometimes find themselves in documentation or blogs. This category is developer content that found it's way into our official documentation at MetaMask
MetaMask Docs
- Create a React dapp with local state
- Create a React dapp with global state
- Wallet Interoperability
- Connect to MetaMask
DJ Sets
- ConsenSys Retreat Palermo RaveU
- ETH Denver 2023 SOZU House Party
- ConsenSys Block Party (ETH Denver 2023
- ETH Denver 2023 DJ Chill Room
- Consensys Hyperlink (ETH CC Paris Rooftop Set)
- Rare Evo (Denver 2023)
- Crypto Rodeo (Permissionless II Austin, TX 2023)
- Consensys Hyperlink Istanbul, Turkey 2023)
- ETH CC Brussels - Minimal is More
- ETH CC Brussels - Bass From Brussels
Below you will find (by category) blog posts written by myself during my time being a React and JavaScript Developer Advocate.
Couchbase Blog
- Fullstack React and GraphQL: Couchbase
- Fullstack React and GraphQL: Express Server
- Fullstack React and GraphQL: Apollo Client
- FTS Flex Index vs GSI Indexes in Couchbase Server 6.6
- Learn NoSQL with Couchbase Playground
- A JSON Data Modeling Guide
- Introduction to Ottoman With Couchbase
- Develop a User Profile Store with Node.js
- JS & Friends 2020 Recap
I had written about React Hooks on the Telerik.com blog and once I had a gang of articles on the subject, I combined them all knowledge into a single resource with help from my amazing team on design, marketing, SEO, and getting it deployed onto the KendoReact.com website where it could better serve the React community and our customers who use React daily. It was an amazing idea and I owe that to my team for encouraging me and helping me to create this amazing resource on Hooks. It replaced the following articles:
- How to Use Basic React Hooks for State and Effects
- How to Use Basic React Hooks for Context
- How to Use Basic React Hooks for Reducers
- Everything You Need to Create a Custom React Hook
- Discovering React Hooks with KendoReact
Again, We rolled them all into one article and redirected each similar topic blog post to the applicable section of the new guide:
React Hooks Guide by Eric Bishard
On the KendoReact team I networked with many React influencers to collaborate on an article my @KendoReact team where we ask 25 React developers about their tips on being productive in React.
My favorite place to write, Dev.to has a massive built-in developer community and instant engagement on your blog topic if you are lucky!
I’m working on a feature in my blog to allow viewers on my site to jump to dev.to to leave their comments and engage.
You know, lol a link!
- Software Engineer to Developer Advocate
- Angular to React in 30 Days
- Render React App with Express
- Can I Use React Hooks Yet?
- A Developers Guide to Getting Fit
- Writing From a Beginner Developer's Perspective
- The Developers Guide To React Amsterdam
- Redirect with React Router and Hooks
- React Accessibility Resources
- Jumping into React or Hooks
- A Guide to Learning React Hooks
- Preferred Color Scheme in React
- My Development Directory Structure
- Be a Developer Advocate on Your Terms
- MetaMask and Web3 Resources
- Web3 Unleashed: The MetaMask API
- MetaMask SDK Dev Guide
Telerik.com Articles
- The Guide to Learning React Hooks (Examples & Tutorials)
- Introducing Eric Bishard (Developer Advocate, KendoReact)
- Hello, Create React App 2.0!
- A React State of Mind (State of JavaScript Survey 2018)
- KendoReact: Getting Started Blog Series (Parts 1 through 5
- How to Use Basic React Hooks for State and Effects
- How to Use Basic React Hooks for Context
- How to Use Basic React Hooks for Reducers
- Everything You Need to Create a Custom React Hook
- Creating a Responsive Layout in React
- Creating a Responsive Grid in React
- Up and Running with React Form Validation
- Get Lazy With React
- Let's Build a Sales Dashboard with React
- A Look Back at React Amsterdam 2019
- Tried & True Tips from 25 React Experts to Make You More Productive
Angular Blog
Get in Touch
As a Developer Advocate, my job is to be available to developers, teach and learn in public alongside them. This means always having an open line of communication. I am best reached on Twitter @httpJunkie or LinkedIn!
Please do not hesitate to reach out, developers, podcast hosts, conference or meetup organizers, or the average Joe/Jane, I'm here to help!
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