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Iain Freestone
Iain Freestone

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Sergey the tiny static site generator - How and why I added it to my simple landing page.

The landing page for my newsletter is a super simple website consisting of a signup form, a navigation bar, and a list of past issues. So I initially created it in plain HTML and CSS and deployed it. Great!

As I created a few more pages and started to update the list of past issues I found myself having to update the same code in a few places and updating was already becoming a pain.

I made the decision when I started that I wanted a very simple site and had ruled out using products such as Gatsby, Jekyll, Hugo etc. as I felt they were overkill for a simple landing page. But I could do with a little assistance, so after a bit of Googling, I came across a project called Sergey.

Alt Text

Sergey allows me to break up my HTML files into smaller plain HTML components which I can then insert where needed. Sounds Perfect!

So after a little playing this πŸ‘‡

Alt Text

Became this πŸ‘‡

Alt Text

I did not have to change any code just cut and paste the code for each component into a new file and replace with a

<sergey-import src="component_name"/>

It really was as simple as it sounds.

I would say it took about an hour from discovering Sergey to redeploying the site.

I can now update my sidebar from one file, update issues in a single location etc, without losing much of the simplicity of the site, it is still just a bunch of HTML files which can easily be deployed to my hosting platform.

So if you are looking for a super simple solution to avoid some repetition I would recommend taking a look at Sergey they have a great walk through on the website.

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